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Last active April 11, 2022 03:45
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[TS] Enums of CSS colors.
declare const enum Color {
AliceBlue = '#f0f8ff',
AntiqueWhite = '#faebd7',
Aqua = '#00ffff',
AquaMarine = '#7fffd4',
Azure = '#f0ffff',
Beige = '#f5f5dc',
Bisque = '#ffe4c4',
Black = '#000000',
BlanchedAlmond = '#ffebcd',
Blue = '#0000ff',
BlueViolet = '#8a2be2',
Brown = '#a52a2a',
BurlyWood = '#deb887',
CadetBlue = '#5f9ea0',
Chartreuse = '#7fff00',
Chocolate = '#d2691e',
Coral = '#ff7f50',
CornflowerBlue = '#6495ed',
Cornsilk = '#fff8dc',
Crimson = '#dc143c',
Cyan = '#00ffff',
DarkBlue = '#00008b',
DarkCyan = '#008b8b',
DarkGoldenRod = '#b8860b',
DarkGray = '#a9a9a9',
DarkGreen = '#006400',
DarkGrey = '#a9a9a9',
DarkKhaki = '#bdb76b',
DarkMagenta = '#8b008b',
DarkOlivegreen = '#556b2f',
DarkOrange = '#ff8c00',
DarkOrchid = '#9932cc',
DarkRed = '#8b0000',
DarkSalmon = '#e9967a',
DarkSeagreen = '#8fbc8f',
DarkSlateBlue = '#483d8b',
DarkSlateGray = '#2f4f4f',
DarkSlateGrey = '#2f4f4f',
DarkTurquoise = '#00ced1',
DarkViolet = '#9400d3',
DeepPink = '#ff1493',
DeepSkyBlue = '#00bfff',
DimGray = '#696969',
DimGrey = '#696969',
DodgerBlue = '#1e90ff',
FireBrick = '#b22222',
FloralWhite = '#fffaf0',
ForestGreen = '#228b22',
Fuchsia = '#ff00ff',
Gainsboro = '#dcdcdc',
GhostWhite = '#f8f8ff',
GoldenRod = '#daa520',
Gold = '#ffd700',
Gray = '#808080',
Green = '#008000',
GreenYellow = '#adff2f',
Grey = '#808080',
HoneyDew = '#f0fff0',
Hotpink = '#ff69b4',
IndianRed = '#cd5c5c',
Indigo = '#4b0082',
Ivory = '#fffff0',
Khaki = '#f0e68c',
LavenderBlush = '#fff0f5',
Lavender = '#e6e6fa',
LawnGreen = '#7cfc00',
LemonChiffon = '#fffacd',
LightBlue = '#add8e6',
LightCoral = '#f08080',
LightCyan = '#e0ffff',
LightGoldenRodYellow = '#fafad2',
LightGray = '#d3d3d3',
LightGreen = '#90ee90',
LightGrey = '#d3d3d3',
LightPink = '#ffb6c1',
LightSalmon = '#ffa07a',
LightSeaGreen = '#20b2aa',
LightSkyBlue = '#87cefa',
LightSlateGray = '#778899',
LightSlateGrey = '#778899',
LightSteelBlue = '#b0c4de',
LightYellow = '#ffffe0',
Lime = '#00ff00',
Limegreen = '#32cd32',
Linen = '#faf0e6',
Magenta = '#ff00ff',
Maroon = '#800000',
MediumAquamarine = '#66cdaa',
MediumBlue = '#0000cd',
MediumOrchid = '#ba55d3',
MediumPurple = '#9370db',
MediumSeaGreen = '#3cb371',
MediumSlateBlue = '#7b68ee',
MediumSpringGreen = '#00fa9a',
MediumTurquoise = '#48d1cc',
MediumVioletRed = '#c71585',
MidnightBlue = '#191970',
MintCream = '#f5fffa',
MistyRose = '#ffe4e1',
Moccasin = '#ffe4b5',
NavajoWhite = '#ffdead',
Navy = '#000080',
OldLace = '#fdf5e6',
Olive = '#808000',
OliveDrab = '#6b8e23',
Orange = '#ffa500',
OrangeRed = '#ff4500',
Orchid = '#da70d6',
PaleGoldenRod = '#eee8aa',
PaleGreen = '#98fb98',
PaleTurquoise = '#afeeee',
PaleVioletRed = '#db7093',
PapayaWhip = '#ffefd5',
PeachPuff = '#ffdab9',
Peru = '#cd853f',
Pink = '#ffc0cb',
Plum = '#dda0dd',
PowderBlue = '#b0e0e6',
Purple = '#800080',
RebeccaPurple = '#663399',
Red = '#ff0000',
RosyBrown = '#bc8f8f',
RoyalBlue = '#4169e1',
SaddleBrown = '#8b4513',
Salmon = '#fa8072',
SandyBrown = '#f4a460',
SeaGreen = '#2e8b57',
SeaShell = '#fff5ee',
Sienna = '#a0522d',
Silver = '#c0c0c0',
SkyBlue = '#87ceeb',
SlateBlue = '#6a5acd',
SlateGray = '#708090',
SlateGrey = '#708090',
Snow = '#fffafa',
SpringGreen = '#00ff7f',
SteelBlue = '#4682b4',
Tan = '#d2b48c',
Teal = '#008080',
Thistle = '#d8bfd8',
Tomato = '#ff6347',
Turquoise = '#40e0d0',
Violet = '#ee82ee',
Wheat = '#f5deb3',
White = '#ffffff',
WhiteSmoke = '#f5f5f5',
Yellow = '#ffff00',
YellowGreen = '#9acd32',
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