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Created October 20, 2011 02:41
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The smart way and the dumb way
#lang racket
(require redex/reduction-semantics)
(define-language pre-C
(or/c CON CON)
(rec/c X CON)
(cons/c CON CON)
(CON -> CON))
(X variable-not-otherwise-mentioned))
(define-metafunction pre-C
flat? : CON -> #t or #f
[(flat? nat?) #t]
[(flat? (or/c CON_1 CON_2))
,(and (term (flat? CON_1))
(term (flat? CON_2)))]
[(flat? (rec/c X CON))
(flat? (subst (subst nat? X CON) X CON))]
[(flat? (cons/c CON_1 CON_2))
,(and (term (flat? CON_1))
(term (flat? CON_2)))]
[(flat? (CON_1 -> CON_2)) #f])
(define-metafunction pre-C
subst : CON X CON -> CON
[(subst CON X nat?) nat?]
[(subst CON X X) CON]
[(subst CON X X_1) X_1]
[(subst CON X (or/c CON_1 CON_2))
(or/c (subst CON X CON_1)
(subst CON X CON_2))]
[(subst CON X (rec/c X CON_1)) (rec/c X CON_1)]
[(subst CON X (rec/c X_1 CON_1)) (rec/c X_1 (subst CON X CON_1))]
[(subst CON X (cons/c CON_1 CON_2))
(cons/c (subst CON X CON_1)
(subst CON X CON_2))]
[(subst CON X (CON_1 -> CON_2))
((subst CON X CON_1) -> (subst CON X CON_2))])
(define-language C
(or/c CON CON)
(rec/c X CON)
(cons/c CON CON)
(CON -> CON))
(X variable)
(FLAT (side-condition (name x CON)
(redex-match pre-C #t (term (flat? x)))))
(FLAT-DUMB (side-condition (name x CON)
(no-arrow? (term x)))))
(define (no-arrow? x)
(match x
[(list-no-order '-> _ ...) #f]
[(list y ...) (andmap no-arrow? y)]
[_ #t]))
(define f? (redex-match C FLAT))
(define h? (negate f?))
(test-predicate h? '(rec/c X (nat? -> nat?)))
(test-predicate h? '(rec/c X (nat? -> X)))
(test-predicate h? '(rec/c X (X -> X)))
(test-predicate h? '(rec/c X (cons/c X (X -> X))))
(test-predicate f? '(rec/c X (or/c (cons/c X X) (cons/c X X))))
(test-predicate f? '(rec/c X (rec/c Y (or/c (cons/c X Y) (cons/c Y X)))))
(define fd? (redex-match C FLAT-DUMB))
(define hd? (negate fd?))
(test-predicate hd? '(rec/c X (nat? -> nat?)))
(test-predicate hd? '(rec/c X (nat? -> X)))
(test-predicate hd? '(rec/c X (X -> X)))
(test-predicate hd? '(rec/c X (cons/c X (X -> X))))
(test-predicate fd? '(rec/c X (or/c (cons/c X X) (cons/c X X))))
(test-predicate fd? '(rec/c X (rec/c Y (or/c (cons/c X Y) (cons/c Y X)))))
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