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Created September 18, 2020 21:11
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A reduction semantics for explore more static annotations
#lang racket
(require redex)
;; Run to explore all of the gradual typings of the example
(define (main)
(traces -> (term example)))
(define-term example
(λ (x : ?)
(λ (y : ?)
(begin ((x y) y)
((x 5) #t)))))
(define-language STLC
(E ::= N B X (E E) (λ (X : T) E) (begin E E))
(X ::= variable-not-otherwise-mentioned)
(N ::= natural)
(B ::= boolean)
(T ::= nat bool (T -> T))
(Γ ::= ((X T) ...)))
(define-extended-language GTLC STLC
(T ::= .... ?)
(E? ::=
(E? E)
(E E?)
(λ (X : T?) E)
(λ (X : T) E?)
(begin E? E)
(begin E E?))
(T? ::=
(T? -> T)
(T -> T?)))
(test-equal (redex-match? GTLC E (term example)) #t)
(define-metafunction GTLC
type-env : Γ X -> T
[(type-env ((X T) _ ...) X) T]
[(type-env (_ (X_0 T) ...) X)
(type-env ((X_0 T) ...) X)])
(define-metafunction GTLC
type-~ : T T -> boolean
[(type-~ ? T) #t]
[(type-~ T ?) #t]
[(type-~ T T) #t]
[(type-~ (T_1 -> T_2) (T_3 -> T_4)) #t
(where #t (type-~ T_1 T_3))
(where #t (type-~ T_2 T_4))]
[(type-~ _ _) #f])
(test-equal (term (type-~ ? nat)) #t)
(test-equal (term (type-~ nat ?)) #t)
(test-equal (term (type-~ ? ?)) #t)
(test-equal (term (type-~ nat bool)) #f)
(test-equal (term (type-~ (nat -> bool) (? -> bool))) #t)
(test-equal (term (type-~ (? -> bool) (nat -> bool))) #t)
(test-equal (term (type-~ (? -> bool) (nat -> ?))) #t)
(define-judgment-form GTLC
#:contract (type-check Γ E T)
#:mode (type-check I I O)
(type-check Γ N nat)]
(type-check Γ B bool)]
[(where T (type-env Γ X))
(type-check Γ X T)]
[(type-check Γ E_1 ?)
(type-check Γ E_2 T_2)
(type-check Γ (E_1 E_2) ?)]
[(type-check Γ E_1 T_1)
(type-check Γ E_2 T_2)
(where (T_0 -> T_3) T_1)
(where #t (type-~ T_0 T_2))
(type-check Γ (E_1 E_2) T_3)]
[(where ((X T) ...) Γ)
(type-check ((X_1 T_1) (X T) ...) E T_2)
(type-check Γ (λ (X_1 : T_1) E) (T_1 -> T_2))]
[(type-check Γ E_1 T_1)
(type-check Γ E_2 T_2)
(type-check Γ (begin E_1 E_2) T_2)])
(judgment-holds (type-check () example T) T)
(judgment-holds (type-check () example (? -> (? -> ?))))
(define ->
GTLC #:domain E
(--> (in-hole E? ?) E_′
(where E_′ (in-hole E? (? -> ?)))
(judgment-holds (type-check () E_′ T)))
(--> (in-hole E? ?) E_′
(where E_′ (in-hole E? nat))
(judgment-holds (type-check () E_′ T)))
(--> (in-hole E? ?) E_′
(where E_′ (in-hole E? bool))
(judgment-holds (type-check () E_′ T)))))
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