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dvanhorn / advent-04.rkt
Created December 5, 2020 22:08
Advent of Code, Day 4, Part II
#lang racket
(define in "...")
(define rules
(cons "byr" (λ (x) (let ((y (string->number x))) (and y (<= 1920 y 2002)))))
(cons "iyr" (λ (x) (let ((y (string->number x))) (and y (<= 2010 y 2020)))))
(cons "eyr" (λ (x) (let ((y (string->number x))) (and y (<= 2020 y 2030)))))
(cons "hgt" (λ (x) (let ((y (string-length x)))
(and (<= 3 y)
dvanhorn / checkedc-monolith.rkt
Created December 4, 2020 02:01
Redex model of Checked C (monolithic style)
#lang racket
(provide (all-defined-out))
(require redex/reduction-semantics)
;; Redex model of Achieving Safety Incrementally with Checked C,
;; by Ruef, Lampropoulos, Sweet, Tarditi, & Hicks, POST'19.
;; This is written in a monolithic-style where there is a single judgment
;; "⊢" that takes a relation name and input and ouput (in order to be
dvanhorn / advent-03.rkt
Created December 3, 2020 18:55
Advent of Code, Day 3, Part II
#lang racket
(define in "...")
(define (string-ref-mod xs i)
(string-ref xs (modulo i (string-length xs))))
(define lines (call-with-input-string in port->lines))
(define (c δx δy)
(for/sum ([x (in-range 0 +inf.0 δx)]
dvanhorn / advent-02.rkt
Created December 3, 2020 01:37
Advent of Code, Day 2, Part II
#lang racket
(define in "...")
(count (λ (x)
(match (regexp-match #rx"([0-9]*)-([0-9]*) ([a-z]): (.*)" x)
[(list _
(app string->number low)
(app string->number high)
(app string->list (list a))
(app string->list cs))
dvanhorn / checkedc.rkt
Last active December 2, 2020 18:34
Redex model of Checked C
#lang racket
;; Redex model of Achieving Safety Incrementally with Checked C,
;; by Ruef, Lampropoulos, Sweet, Tarditi, & Hicks, POST'19.
(provide (all-defined-out))
(require redex/reduction-semantics)
(define *D* (make-parameter (term ()))) ; struct table
(define *H* (make-parameter (term ()))) ; global heap (for type system)
dvanhorn / advent-01.rkt
Created December 1, 2020 16:44
Advent of Code, Day 1, Part II
#lang racket
(define in '(...))
(for*/first ([i (in-list in)]
[j (in-list in)]
[k (in-list in)]
#:when (= (+ i j k) 2020))
(* i j k))
dvanhorn / syntax-rules-eval.rkt
Last active October 25, 2020 07:11
A CPS interpreter for a CBV language w/ some fancy features written in syntax-rules
#lang racket
;; A CPS interpreter for a CBV language written in syntax-rules
;; e ::= 'd literal
;; | x variable
;; | (e e ...) application
;; | (λ (x ...) e) abstraction
;; | (let ((x e) ...) e) let
;; | (if e e e) conditional
dvanhorn / syntax-rules-eval.rkt
Last active October 21, 2020 16:46
A CPS interpreter for a CBV language written in syntax-rules
#lang racket
;; A CPS interpreter for a CBV language written in syntax-rules
;; e ::= 'd literal
;; | x variable
;; | (e e) application
;; | (λ (x) e) abstraction
;; (eval e) interprets e in an environment
dvanhorn / syntax-rules-eval.rkt
Created October 21, 2020 03:46
A CPS interpreter for a CBV language written in syntax-rules
#lang racket
;; A CPS interpreter for a CBV language written in syntax-rules
;; e ::= 'd literal
;; | x variable
;; | (e e) application
;; | (λ (x) e) abstraction
;; (eval e) interprets e in an environment
dvanhorn / grad-typings-reduction.rkt
Created September 18, 2020 21:11
A reduction semantics for explore more static annotations
#lang racket
(require redex)
;; Run to explore all of the gradual typings of the example
(define (main)
(traces -> (term example)))
(define-term example
(λ (x : ?)
(λ (y : ?)