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Last active August 26, 2019 18:07
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Overview of the package chain project

  • Package chain is the first truly decentralized software distribution mechanism. Software distributed with package chain is guaranteed to work on any computer running a package chain client.
  • Package chain blures the line between package management and incremental build caching, leading to reduced compile times and higher developer productivity.
  • Getting package managers right is hard. Package chain comes with a reference package manager, which is ideal for new and niche programming languages to easily create a customized package manager, taking advantage of the registry and distributed, reproducible and incremental build cache.
  • Package chain is initially intends to support nix, cargo and npm packages, giving it a large potential user base.

Technical concept

File layer

A flexible and performant ipfs implementation optimized for the package management use case.

Block store

The block store is located at /ipfs/blocks/{cid}. A file or directory is encoded using unixfsv2 to a list of blocks. Blocks can be added to the store concurrently. A db is maintained listing references to other blocks. Each block is represented by a file. After writing a block it is marked read only to prevent accidental modification.

File system

The block store is mounted as a read only fuse file system at /ipfs/store. The filesystem provides /ipfs/store/{cid}/{path} for efficiently reading unixfsv2 encoded directories. During reads the block store is checked for consistency, optionally hash rewriting is performed to allow self referential store paths.

Pinning and garbage collection

Users can pin blocks by creating a symlink in /ipfs/pins/per-user/{user}/{prog}/{cid} to /ipfs/store/{cid}. Pinning a store path prevents it from being garbage collected. By adding a level of indirection to a users home directory with auto links /ipfs/pins/per-user/{user}/{prog}/auto/{hash(path)} the user can conviniently manage pins manually. The garbage collector removes dangling symlinks and dead store paths. A lock file /ipfs/pins/lock and temporary pins /ipfs/pins/temp/{pid} are used to add items to the store while the garbage collector is running.

Build layer

A nix daemon is implemented using the ipfs backend, the nix package manager is ported and the hello package builds.

Isolated builds

Kernel namespaces are used to isolate the build from the system.

User environments

A user environment is a hierarchy of symlinks that mirrors the union of the directory hierarchies of the installed components. These are stored in generations /nix/profiles/per-user/{user}/generations/{id} to enable atomic upgrades and rollbacks. The current user environment is symlinked from /home/{user}/.nix_profile to /nix/profiles/per-user/{user}/current which in symlinks to the active generation.

Network layer

The file layer is extended with efficient p2p block sharing.

Peer and block discovery

A distributed hash table is used to locate peers that have a block. Local peers discovered through mdns are optimistically assumed to have any block.

Block exchange

The graphsync protocol is used to request all child blocks of a given cid. Over the bitswap protocol blocks are requested and exchanged.

Blockchain layer

Publishers publish a derivation by sending a transaction to the blockchain. Registered substituters are randomly selected to build the derivation. If all substituters get the same output the build is marked as reproducible. Both substituters and publishers only require a light client.

Publishing a derivation

  1. Publisher sends a transaction to an authority. The transaction contains the cid of the derivation, a sealed commitment to reveal the hash, retained references and size of the output, and the build time for building the derivation. A small transaction fee is payed and an amount of funds are locked.
  2. The authority minting the block fetches the derivation and verifies it is a valid derivation. To prevent collusion it then randomly selects n substituters out of the registered substituters using a VRF and includes the transaction in the block including the selected substituters and the proof of the VRF.
  3. All selected substituters build the derivation and send a transaction containing a sealed commitment to reveal the hash, etc. After the first substituter commits all other substituters must commit within maximum f(t).
  4. After all substituters have commited, all substituters and the publisher reveal their values. The values must be revealed within time t.
  5. The references and size are used as proof that the derivation was built. Those having deviant values are slashed. Substituters conforming to the majority are rewarded according to f(build time).

Substituting a derivation

The chain is querried for the revealed hashes and fetches the package. The size and retained references are checked.

Package layer

The blockchain layer is extended with the concept of packages and repositories. Cargo and npm are extended to work with the build and package layer.

Data model

A repository is a named collection of packages. Repositories just like packages can be versioned. If a repository does not publish versions it is a rolling release.

struct Chain {
    repositories: HashMap<Name, Repository>,
    packages: HashMap<PackageId, Package>,

struct Repository {
    meta: HashMap<Version, Cid>,
    yanked: HashMap<Version, bool>,
    packages: HashMap<Name, PackageId>,

struct Package {
    meta: HashMap<Version, Cid>,
    yanked: HashMap<Version, bool>,
    src: HashMap<Version, Cid>,

Package file

repository = "crates"
name = "hello"
version = "1.0.0"
license = "ISC"

meta = ["Cargo.toml", "deps/Cargo.toml"]

src = [

nixpkgs:cargo-instantiate = "*"

nixpkgs:rustc = ">=1.36"
nixpkgs:cargo = "*"

crates:dep = "0.2"

The cli interface

Package identifiers have the following format: {repo}:{version}/{pkg}:{version}. Versions are optional. All cli commands take an optional package identifier. If the identifier is not specified a pkg.toml in the current working directory is used.

pkg fetch
pkg lock
pkg instantiate
pkg build
pkg install
pkg publish
pkg update
pkg uninstall
pkg yank
repo fetch
repo lock
repo instantiate
repo build
repo publish
repo yank

Mirroring nixpkgs, and npm

While the case studies show how it should work, in practice we will have to mirror the existing repositories, so that developers can start using it.

Automated tools must be developed to import packages on chain and sources into ipfs.


There are numerous possible extensions and applications.

Support more platforms

While we initially intend to focus on linux users as nix has shown there are no technical reasons why it cannot work on mac os. Windows support can take advantage of the windows subsystem for linux (wsl). An android port is also a possibility, but would require a larger effort due to nixpkgs collection not been ported yet.

Service management

As nixos and nixops have showed, package managers naturally extend to service management and service deployment. Integrating package chain into nixos would be a great application for package chain.

Integration with other chains

Package chain can benefit from integration with golem to offload builds. The file coin chain can be used for replication of packages.

Build management

Support for low level build management to improve distributed build caching. The rust compiler handles incremental builds internally. Distributing the incremental build cache may improve build times further.

Version control

All inputs are encoded in unixfsv2. There are some technical issues to distributing git repositories on ipfs, due to git objects possibly being larger than the size of an ipfs block. To improve tracing the heritage of a binary, linking the tarball release to a version control commit is desirable. Ideally this is achieved by designing a version control system that is distributable on through ipfs.

Economical concept

Package Chain Token (PCT)

The token account is a core component of package chain. It serves multiple purposes. It is used to reward good behaviour and punish bad behaviour. This is essential for package chain to function correctly. It serves as a payment system for consumption of package chain resources. This is essential for package chain's security and availability, by preventing spam and DoS attacks. Finally the package chain token is used to sustain the developement of package chain.

Initial coin distribution

Economics of the token


We are not a random collection of people, but a strong team with a proven track record of delivering.


David Craven, Lead Software Engineer, co-founder Experience packaging software for functional package managers. Contributed to substrate - a blockchain framework, guix - a functional package manager and implemented an ipfs node.

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