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Last active March 23, 2020 12:05
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docker commands
1. Create new container
a) docker run -i -t ubuntu /bin/bash
b) docker run --name rails_dev_container -i -t ubuntu ubuntu /bin/bash
The command line flags - i -t provide an interactive shell in the new container
2. Show running docker containers ==> docker ps
3. Show list of current containers ==>
a) docker ps -a (Show all containers, both stopped and running)
b) docker ps -n x (shows the last x containers, running or stopped, ex: docker ps -n 5)
4. Show last container that was run (whether is is running or stopped) ==> docker ps -l
5. List docker images ==> docker images
6. Delete a container
a) docker rm <container_id> (ex: docker rm aa3f365f0f4e)
b) docker rm <container_name> (ex: docker rm rails_dev_container)
7. Delete all containers ==> docker rm $(docker ps -a -q)
8. Delete an image ==> docker rmi <image_id>
9. Delete all images ==> docker rmi $(docker images -q)
Start a stopped container
a) docker start <container_id> (ex: docker start aa3f365f0f4e)
b) docker start <container_name> (ex: docker start rails_dev_container)
Attach to a container
a) docker attach <container_id> (ex: docker attach aa3f365f0f4e)
b) docker attach <container_name> (ex: docker attach rails_dev_container)
Creating daemonized containers
docker run --name daemon_container -d ubuntu /bin/sh -c "while true; do echo hello world; sleep 1; done"
(-d flag detachs the container to the background)
To see what's happening inside the container
docker logs rails_dev_container
docker logs -f rails_dev_container (like the tail -f)
docker logs -ft rails_dev_container (prefix log entries with timestamps)
docker logs --tail 10 daemon_container (get the last 10 lines of the log)
docker logs --tail 0 -f daemon_container (follow the logs without having to read the whole log file)
Inspecting the container's processes
docker top daemon_container
Running a process inside a container
a) Background
docker exec -d daemon_container touch /etc/new_config_file
b) Interactive
docker exec -t -i daemon_container /bin/bash
Stopping a daemonized container
docker stop daemon_container
docker stop aa3f365f0f4e
Automatic container restarts
docker run --restart=always --name daemon_container -d ubuntu /bin/sh -c "while true; do echo hello world; sleep 1; done"
(docker will try to restart the container no matter what exit code is returned)
--restart=on-failure:5 (this will attempt to restart the container a maximum of 5 times if a non-zero exit code is received)
Finding more about our container
docker inspect daemon_container
docker inspect --format='{{ .State.Running }}' daemon_container
docker inspect --format '{{ .HostnamePath }}' daemon_container
docker inspect --format '{{ .Name }} {{ .HostnamePath }}' daemon_container
list multiple containers
docker inspect --format '{{ .Name }} {{ .HostnamePath }}' daemon_container dameon_cont_2
Pulling images
docker pull ubuntu
docker pull fedora
docker pull fedora:21
docker pull jamtur01/puppetmaster
Searching for images
docker search puppet
Sign into the Docker Hub
docker login
Using Docker commit to create images
Create a container from the ubuntu image
docker run -i -t ubuntu /bin/bash
Install Apache into the container
apt-get -yqq update
apt-get -y install apache2
exit from the container
docker commit 6b84282435f8 dvdoc/apache2
docker commit -m="A new custom image" --author="DV Suresh" \
6b84282435f8 dvdoc/apache2:webserver
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