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Created November 18, 2011 16:08
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Info1 Tüb. Blatt3-2
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#reader(lib "" "deinprogramm")((modname creature-mutation) (read-case-sensitive #f) (teachpacks ()) (deinprogramm-settings #(#f write repeating-decimal #f #t none explicit #f ())))
; a feature scale
(: scale? (real -> boolean))
(check-expect (scale? 0) #t)
(check-expect (scale? 100) #t)
(check-expect (scale? 101) #f)
(define scale?
(lambda (num)
(<= num 100)
(>= num 0))))
(define scale (signature
(predicate scale?)))
; a creature type
(define type (signature (one-of "Garnolaf"
; a creature consists of:
; - a type (type)
; - knowledge (knowledge)
; - willingness (willingness)
; - strength (strength)
(: make-creature (type scale scale scale -> creature))
(: creature? (any -> boolean))
(check-expect (creature? (make-creature "Garnolaf" 0 0 0)) #t)
(define-record-procedures creature
; Test creatures for their type and create appropriate predicates
(: garnolaf? (creature -> boolean))
(check-expect (garnolaf? (make-creature "Garnolaf" 0 0 0)) #t)
(check-expect (garnolaf? (make-creature "Ronulaf" 0 0 0)) #f)
(define garnolaf?
(lambda (creat)
(string=? "Garnolaf" (creature-type creat))))
(define garnolaf (signature (predicate garnolaf?)))
(: ronugor? (creature -> boolean))
(check-expect (ronugor? (make-creature "Garnolaf" 0 0 0)) #f)
(check-expect (ronugor? (make-creature "Ronugor" 0 0 0)) #t)
(define ronugor?
(lambda (creat)
(string=? "Ronugor" (creature-type creat))))
(define ronugor (signature (predicate ronugor?)))
(: tschipotol? (creature -> boolean))
(check-expect (tschipotol? (make-creature "Tschipotol" 0 0 0)) #t)
(check-expect (tschipotol? (make-creature "Ronulaf" 0 0 0)) #f)
(define tschipotol?
(lambda (creat)
(string=? "Tschipotol" (creature-type creat))))
(define tschipotol (signature (predicate tschipotol?)))
; mix Garnolaf and Ronugor to Ronulaf
(: mix-garnolaf-ronugor (garnolaf ronugor -> creature))
(check-within (mix-garnolaf-ronugor
(make-creature "Garnolaf" 0 0 20)
(make-creature "Ronugor" 50 0 0))
(make-creature "Ronulaf" 50 0 21)
(define mix-garnolaf-ronugor
(lambda (gar ron)
(make-creature "Ronulaf"
(creature-knowledge ron)
(min 100 (* 1.05 (creature-strength gar))))))
; mix Garnolaf and Tschipotol to Gapotol
(: mix-garnolaf-tschipotol (garnolaf tschipotol -> creature))
(check-within (mix-garnolaf-tschipotol
(make-creature "Garnolaf" 0 0 100)
(make-creature "Tschipotol" 0 20 0))
(make-creature "Gapotol" 0 19 100)
(define mix-garnolaf-tschipotol
(lambda (gar tsch)
(make-creature "Gapotol"
(* 0.95 (creature-willingness tsch))
(min 100 (* 1.08 (creature-strength gar))))))
; mix Ronugor and Tschipotol to Tschigor
(: mix-ronugor-tschipotol (ronugor tschipotol -> creature))
(check-within (mix-ronugor-tschipotol
(make-creature "Ronugor" 50 0 0)
(make-creature "Tschipotol" 0 20 0))
(make-creature "Tschigor" 45 20 0)
(define mix-ronugor-tschipotol
(lambda (ron tsch)
(make-creature "Tschigor"
(* 0.9 (creature-knowledge ron))
(creature-willingness tsch)
; mix two creatures of same type
(: mix-same-type (creature creature -> creature))
(check-within (mix-same-type
(make-creature "Ronugor" 50 0 0)
(make-creature "Ronugor" 50 0 0))
(make-creature "Ronugor" 200/3 0 0)
(define mix-same-type
(lambda (c1 c2)
(make-creature (creature-type c1)
(* 2/3 (+ (creature-knowledge c1)
(creature-knowledge c2)))
(* 2/3 (+ (creature-willingness c1)
(creature-willingness c2)))
(* 2/3 (+ (creature-strength c1)
(creature-strength c2))))))
; Mix all three creatures
(: mix-all (garnolaf ronugor tschipotol -> creature))
(check-within (mix-all
(make-creature "Garnolaf" 0 0 100)
(make-creature "Ronugor" 50 0 0)
(make-creature "Tschipotol" 0 10 0))
(make-creature "Tschirgaronu" 48.5 9.7 97)
(define mix-all
(lambda (gar ron tsch)
(make-creature "Tschirgaronu"
(* 0.97 (creature-knowledge ron))
(* 0.97 (creature-willingness tsch))
(* 0.97 (creature-strength gar)))))
; mix two arbitrary creatures
(: mix2 (creature creature -> creature))
(check-within (mix2
(make-creature "Ronugor" 50 0 0)
(make-creature "Ronugor" 50 0 0))
(make-creature "Ronugor" 200/3 0 0)
(check-within (mix2
(make-creature "Ronugor" 50 0 0)
(make-creature "Garnolaf" 0 0 20))
(make-creature "Ronulaf" 50 0 21)
(check-within (mix2
(make-creature "Garnolaf" 0 0 20)
(make-creature "Ronugor" 50 0 0))
(make-creature "Ronulaf" 50 0 21)
(check-within (mix2
(make-creature "Garnolaf" 0 0 100)
(make-creature "Tschipotol" 0 20 0))
(make-creature "Gapotol" 0 19 100)
(check-within (mix2
(make-creature "Tschipotol" 0 20 0)
(make-creature "Garnolaf" 0 0 100))
(make-creature "Gapotol" 0 19 100)
(check-within (mix2
(make-creature "Ronugor" 50 0 0)
(make-creature "Tschipotol" 0 20 0))
(make-creature "Tschigor" 45 20 0)
(check-within (mix2
(make-creature "Tschipotol" 0 20 0)
(make-creature "Ronugor" 50 0 0))
(make-creature "Tschigor" 45 20 0)
(define mix2
(lambda (c1 c2)
(cond ((string=? (creature-type c1) (creature-type c2))
(mix-same-type c1 c2))
((string=? "Garnolaf" (creature-type c1))
(if (string=? "Ronugor" (creature-type c2))
(mix-garnolaf-ronugor c1 c2)
(mix-garnolaf-tschipotol c1 c2)))
((string=? "Garnolaf" (creature-type c2))
(mix2 c2 c1))
((string=? "Ronugor" (creature-type c1))
(mix-ronugor-tschipotol c1 c2))
((string=? "Ronugor" (creature-type c2))
(mix2 c2 c1)))))
; mix three creatures
(: mix3 (creature creature creature -> creature))
(check-within (mix3
(make-creature "Garnolaf" 0 0 100)
(make-creature "Ronugor" 50 0 0)
(make-creature "Tschipotol" 0 10 0))
(make-creature "Tschirgaronu" 48.5 9.7 97)
(check-within (mix3
(make-creature "Tschipotol" 0 20 0)
(make-creature "Ronugor" 50 0 0)
(make-creature "Tschipotol" 0 10 0))
(make-creature "Tschigor" 45 20 0)
(check-within (mix3
(make-creature "Ronugor" 50 0 0)
(make-creature "Ronugor" 50 0 0)
(make-creature "Ronugor" 50 0 0))
(make-creature "Ronugor" 77.7777 0 0)
(check-within (mix3
(make-creature "Ronugor" 50 0 0)
(make-creature "Tschipotol" 0 20 0)
(make-creature "Tschipotol" 0 10 0))
(make-creature "Tschigor" 45 20 0)
(define mix3
(lambda (c1 c2 c3)
(cond ((string=? (creature-type c1) (creature-type c2))
(mix2 (mix2 c1 c2) c3))
((string=? (creature-type c1) (creature-type c3))
(mix2 (mix2 c1 c3) c2))
((string=? (creature-type c2) (creature-type c3))
(mix2 (mix2 c2 c3) c1))
(mix-all c1 c2 c3)))))
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