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Created December 29, 2013 23:39
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  • Save dvdrtrgn/8176044 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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/*jslint es5:true, white:false */
/*globals d3 */
/* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */
(function () {
var start =,
/* number of rings */
n = 5,
/* radius interval */
radius = 124,
/* angle (in degrees) we will split */
deg = -222,
/* width of each box */
width = 160,
/* time */
t = 111,
a = 3,
ntheta = 22,
speed_factor = 1 / 66,
opacity = 0.3,
stroke_opacity = 0.6,
stroke_width = 11,
fill_color = '#000000',
stroke_colors = ['#ffffff', '#000000'],
corners = 66;
var colors = [
var k, color_scale;
// interpolate over multiple colors
var sw = parseInt('svg').style('width'), 10);
// make the sin waves extend past the width a little
sw += (0.1 * sw);
var sh = parseInt('svg').style('height'), 10);
var rings = [], i;
for (i in d3.range(n)) {
var speed = i * speed_factor;
radius: radius * i,
width: width,
speed: speed,
phase: i,
var svg ='svg');
svg.append('rect') //
.attr('width', sw) //
.attr('height', sh) //
.attr('fill', '#888888');
svg = svg.append('svg:g') //
.attr('transform', 'translate(' + sw / 2 + ',' + sh / 2 + ') scale(.6)');
var updateRing = function (elapsed) {
var rotate = function (d, i) {
return 'rotate(' + (a * d.speed * elapsed) + ')';
var rings = svg.selectAll('g.ring') //
.attr('transform', rotate) //
.selectAll('rect') //
.attr('transform', rotate) //
//.attr('fill', fill_color)
.attr('fill-opacity', opacity) //
.attr('stroke', function (d, i) {
return stroke_colors[i % 2]; //
.attr('stroke-opacity', stroke_opacity) //
.attr('stroke-width', stroke_width) //
.attr('rx', corners) //
.attr('ry', corners);
function ringEnter(d, i) {
// split up the circle into squares
var theta = Math.floor(ntheta * Math.PI * d.radius / d.width * Math.SQRT1_2),
k = deg / theta;
var color_scale = function (i) {
var num_interps = colors.length - 1;
var ord = d3.scale.linear() //
.domain([0, theta]) //
.range([0, num_interps]);
var section = parseInt(ord(i), 10);
//console.log('section', section)
var section_size = theta / num_interps;
// get the two colors we want to interpolate between
var col_range = [colors[section], colors[section + 1]];
var col_scale = d3.scale.linear() //
.domain([section * section_size, (section + 1) * section_size]) //
.interpolate(d3.interpolateHsl) //
return col_scale(i);
};'g') //
.data(d3.range(theta).map(function () {
return d;
})) //
.enter().append('svg:g') //
.attr('class', 'square') //
.attr('transform', function (_, i) {
return 'rotate(' + i * k + ') translate(' + d.radius + ')';
.append('svg:rect') //
.attr('x', - d.width / 2) //
.attr('y', - d.width / 2) //
.attr('width', d.width) //
.attr('height', d.width) //
.attr('fill', function (d, i) { //
return color_scale(i);
var ring = svg.selectAll('g') //
.data(rings) //
.enter().append('svg:g') //
.attr('class', 'ring') //
/* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */
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