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Created January 17, 2010 00:55
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module YataWindow ( YataWindow
, new, showAll
, onMessagePost
, displayTweets
import Control.Applicative
import Text.Printf (printf)
import Graphics.UI.Gtk hiding (disconnect)
import Graphics.UI.Gtk.Gdk.Events
import Graphics.UI.Gtk.Glade (xmlNew, xmlGetWidget)
import Web.Twitter.Types
maxUpdateChars = 140
data YataWindow
= YataWindow { mainWindow :: Window
, messageTextView :: TextView
, streamTextView :: TextView
, statusbar :: Statusbar
data YataMenu
= YataMenu { quitMenuItem :: MenuItem
new :: IO YataWindow
new = do
(yw, ym) <- build ""
let YataWindow mainWindow
statusbar = yw
mainWindow `onDestroy` mainQuit
messageTextView `onTextViewTextChanged` updateStatus yw
statusbarUpdateDisplayForMessage statusbar ""
quitMenuItem ym `onActivateLeaf` mainQuit
return yw
showAll :: YataWindow -> IO ()
showAll = widgetShowAll . mainWindow
onMessagePost :: YataWindow -> (String -> IO ()) -> IO ()
onMessagePost yw post = do
let tv = messageTextView yw
onKeyPress tv $ \e -> do
if eventKeyName e == "Return"
then do
textViewGetText tv >>= post
textViewSetText tv ""
return True
else return False
return ()
onTextViewTextChanged :: TextView -> IO () -> IO ()
onTextViewTextChanged tv io = do
buffer <- textViewGetBuffer tv
onBufferChanged buffer io
return ()
build :: String -> IO (YataWindow, YataMenu)
build gladeFile = do
Just xml <- xmlNew gladeFile
yw <-
<$> xmlGetWidget xml castToWindow "mainWindow"
<*> xmlGetWidget xml castToTextView "messageTextView"
<*> xmlGetWidget xml castToTextView "streamTextView"
<*> xmlGetWidget xml castToStatusbar "statusbar"
ym <-
<$> xmlGetWidget xml castToMenuItem "quitMenuItem"
return (yw, ym)
textViewGetText :: TextView -> IO String
textViewGetText tv = do
buf <- textViewGetBuffer tv
start <- textBufferGetStartIter buf
end <- textBufferGetEndIter buf
textBufferGetText buf start end False
textViewSetText :: TextView -> String -> IO ()
textViewSetText tv text = do
buf <- textViewGetBuffer tv
textBufferSetText buf text
updateStatus :: YataWindow -> IO ()
updateStatus yw = do
let status = statusbar yw
textView = messageTextView yw
text <- textViewGetText textView
statusbarUpdateDisplayForMessage status text
statusbarUpdateDisplayForMessage :: Statusbar -> String -> IO ()
statusbarUpdateDisplayForMessage sb text = do
let remaining = maxUpdateChars - length text
statusbarSetText sb . show $ remaining
statusbarSetText :: Statusbar -> String -> IO ()
statusbarSetText sb text = do
cid <- statusbarGetContextId sb ""
statusbarPush sb cid text
return ()
displayTweets :: YataWindow -> [Status] -> IO ()
displayTweets yw ss = do
let stream = streamTextView yw
describe s = printf "%s: %s\n" (userScreenName (statusUser s)) (statusText s)
textViewSetText stream . unlines . map describe $ ss
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