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Created December 16, 2012 18:45
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// I see this a lot in F# code:
control.OnClick.Add (fun _ ->
printfn "%A was clicked" control
// The entire lamda is parenthesized so it can be
// passed to Add, resulting in an ugly, dangling ')'.
// F# has a reverse pipeline operator called <| that's
// really useful in this case. It simply passes the value
// on the right to the function on the left:
let (<|) f x = f x
// Using this, you don't have to parenthesize the lambda:
control.OnClick.Add <| fun _ ->
printfn "%A was clicked" control
printfn "Yay for indentation-awareness!"
// While you're at it, you could even do something silly like this:
// HELP: Is this generic version typed correctly? I've only tried a simplisticly-typed variant.
// HELP: Ignore this! I think it's totally wrong.
let (+=) (handler: #EventHandler<'args>) (f: (obj * 'args) -> unit) =
handler.Add f
control.OnClick += fun _ ->
printfn "Whoa, very C#-y"
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