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Last active May 12, 2022 13:51
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Monday App dev notes

Findings from initial app development work

I've been using monday's react starter/example and here are some findings that may be useful to others.

If you want to see me explaining some aspects of how I'm doing development on apps to another developer, please take a look here (20 mins) -- -- it's a bit sweary, but that's just me, sorry.

Use a pro ngrok account

When running a dev version of the app in the "test harness" (see later), you have to update the "Custom URL" every time you run npm run start as it uses a randomised ********** subdomain. It's free, what can you expect.

Use you own dedicated ngrok subdomain (paid) to prevent having to constantly update the ngrok URL whenever you restart working on the app

Modify package.json and replace

    "expose": "ngrok http 8301",


    "expose": "ngrok http 8301 -subdomain yourdomain-example-monday-dev",
    "expose:default": "ngrok http 8301",
  • npm run expose:default is just there so I can remember the default settings
  • npm run expose now runs the app on a consistent URL

Then use as the base URL that you add in the custom URL field e.g.

The test harness is buggy

By "test harness", I mean the development area e.g. at

When developing an item view, you select a board and then if you're lucky (I've only had this happen correctly once), you can select an item from which to test the feature.

If this even works, then you can't just check for === "item_view", because the context is different for an item_view and a faked up item view

    monday.listen("context", (res) => {
      const context =;

      if (
        context?.instanceType === "item_view" // a real item view
        || (context?.boardIds?.length === 1 && context?.itemIds?.length === 1) // in the "Custom URL" faked up item view
      ) {
        let itemId, boardId;

        if (context.boardIds.length === 1 && context.itemIds.length === 1) {
           // in the "Custom URL" faked up item view
           boardId = context.boardIds[0];
           itemId = context.itemIds[0];
         } else {
           // in a real item view
           itemId = context.itemId;
           boardId = context.boardId;

Dashboard/workdocs widgets require a board selecting

When you create a new dashboard widget, in Edit Mode, you can specify:

  • Board Picker: Without (Choose either your widget is based on boards and therefore the user needs to pick them, or not)
  • Title: Without (Choose either your widget will get a title, or not)

I assume that this should mean that when you add the widget, it should not ask you to select a board before you go into Settings.

Also I'd imagine that "Title: Without" would mean that when the widget is added to the workdoc or dashboard, it would just show the widget, without a title at the top.

🔴 In both cases, this does not seem to be the case.

Board Item column sanitisation

"Long Text" column sanitisation bug

I created a new column of type "Long Text" to save a Mermaid Class Diagram and added the following text

      Animal <|-- Duck
      Animal <|-- Fish
      Animal <|-- Zebra
      Animal : +int age
      Animal : +String gender
      Animal: +isMammal()
      Animal: +mate()
      class Duck{
          +String beakColor
      class Fish{
          -int sizeInFeet
      class Zebra{
          +bool is_wild

Long Text sanitises this to:

      Animal <|-- Zebra
      Animal : +int age
      Animal : +String gender
      Animal: +isMammal()
      Animal: +mate()
      class Duck{
          +String beakColor
      class Fish{
          -int sizeInFeet
      class Zebra{
          +bool is_wild

and so breaks the diagram.

Here's the thing. You don't know that the sanitisation has occured until you reload the page and the column then updates from

So when the text is pasted into a "Long Text" column, it performs a POST to with the contents of the column.

This sanitised the text saved to, but does not update the text you pasted into the field in the browser. Only after a subsequent browser full page reload does the text displayed in the field change to the sanitised version.

"Text" column sanitisation

Trying to move this diagram to a "Text" column, this column type removes all new line character, so that's no good either


This also seems to work OK, with one massive caveat.

🔴 You cannot store any text in there that uses a new line character, as it will silently fail when you do this:

const monday = mondaySdk();
const someKey = "someKey";
const someVal = "Lorem Ipsum 123\n\nxxxx";, someVal).then((res) => {
  console.log(res); // --> says it saved OK. It did not.


If you've made it this far, then I can recommend

  1. Using your own pro ngrok account
  2. Creating a dev version of your app (e.g. named Your App Name DEV) and using your dev ngrok system as the published version with the published URL (with e.g.
  3. Do your development on the published dev version of your app (e.g. named Your App Name DEV)
  4. Watch out if using with new line characters
  5. Beware input sanitisation on "Long Text" columns


  • Updating the "Custom URL" of the app every time you restart the app is tedious
  • A consistent app URL is easier to remember
  • Developing on a real, live app means that the pitfalls and limitations of the "test harness" are removed
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