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Created August 2, 2019 17:47
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I've come across the same problem in the past, thought about it a few times already but never came up with a proper solution.
Probably the approach by @rupert and @pdamoc are the best ones.
One other alternative would be to allow Main.elm peek into the Msg of the child pages and intercept some of them. I realize this is not the cleanest thing to do but it's the tradeof.
(note: this is just an approach I drafted out quickly as an example for this post and I haven't really tried it in a real application)
update : Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg )
update msg model =
case msg of
SomePageMsg (SomePage.AuthFailMsg failType) ->
case failType of
AuthMsg.Unauthenticated -> handleUnauthenticated model
AuthMsg.Unauthorized -> handleUnauthorized model
SomePageMsg somePageMsg ->
-- standard dispatching here: SomePage.update ...
In `SomePage.elm` I changed a few things
- Expose `Msg(..)` instead of `Msg` (not ideal but I'm not exposing the internal messages, see code below)
- Split up the Msg type into a plain message type and an http-with-authentication message type
module SomePage exposing (Model, Msg(..), init, update, view)
type Msg
= PlainMsg PlainMsg
| AuthFailMsg AuthMsg.AuthFailure -- AuthFailure will be reused across all child pages but basically it's Unauthenticated (401) or Unauthorized (403)
| AuthSuccessMsg AuthSuccessMsg
type PlainMsg = ... -- These are the regular messages FetchData, SetFieldValue, ...
type AuthSuccessMsg -- HTTP Result which succeeded authentication and authorization (but might still fail on something else)
= RequestPerformed (Result Http.Error BasicAuthResponse)
update : Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg )
update msg model =
case msg of
PlainMsg submsg ->
-- Handled in Main.elm
AuthFailMsg _ ->
( model, Cmd.none )
-- 'Ok' processing
AuthSuccessMsg (RequestPerformed (Ok response)) ->
-- Any other HTTP error (Timeout, HTTP 500, ...)
-- (or fallback in case Main does not handle the message)
AuthSuccessMsg (RequestPerformed (Err error)) ->
It does mean that I need to wrap the messages in this page:
*SomePage.elm (C'ud)*
view : Model -> Html Msg
view model =
[ Html.onClick (PlainMsg NoAuthRequest) ]
[ ... ]
-- Note the `withAuth`
someHttpGet : String -> Cmd Msg
someHttpGet url =
{ url = url
, expect = Http.expectJson (withAuth RequestPerformed) basicAuthResponseDecoder
The `someHttpGet` function uses a helper `withAuth` to wrap the message
*SomePage.elm (C'ud)*
withAuth :
(Result Http.Error a -> AuthSuccessMsg)
-> Result Http.Error a
-> Msg
withAuth =
AuthMsg.withAuth AuthFailMsg AuthSuccessMsg
Which itself is a specific version of a more general `withAuth` function
module AuthMsg exposing (AuthFailure(..), withAuth)
{-| This function wraps a message with unauthenticated / unauthorized checks
withAuth :
(AuthFailure -> msg) -- ^ The message constructor in case of failure (unauthenticated | unauthorized)
-> (authMsg -> msg) -- ^ The message constructor in case of success
-> (Result Http.Error a -> authMsg) -- ^ The sub-message constructor
-> Result Http.Error a -- ^ The HTTP result
-> msg
withAuth failMsg successMsg toAuthMsg result =
if isUnauthenticated result then
failMsg Unauthenticated
else if isUnauthorized result then
failMsg Unauthorized
successMsg <| toAuthMsg result
type AuthFailure = Unauthenticated | Unauthorized
Sorry for the lengthy post..
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