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Created April 17, 2013 18:01
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  • Save dvessel/5406410 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save dvessel/5406410 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
AppleScript I use with LaunchBar to upload screenshots to dropbox. tmp folder automatically cleans itself out every month through Hazel.
--Two changes to be made before you use this script
--1. Find this line in the script below and change it to the path to your Dropbox Public folder.
--Change pubfolder to the path of your dropbox public folder (ex. /Users/John/Dropbox/Public/)
--2. Observe one of your Dropbox URLs and you will notice that there are some numbers in those URLs. That is your Dropbox id.
--Find this line in the script below and change it to your Dropbox id instead of 123456
--set dropboxID to 123456
--How to use?
--Bring this script in LaunchBar, press space and type the name that you would like to give to that screenshot and press return
--e.g. myname
--This will generate screenshot named myname in png format in your Dropbox folder
--you can also enter the format of the image
--e.g. myname, jpg
--note that the syntax is <name><comma><space><format>
--What will happen after you run this script?
--you will see a cross-hair, you can start selecting the region that you want a screenshot of or you can press "space" key and take a screenshot of a window
--once you have done that, Dropbox will upload the image. The public url will be shortened and copied to your clipboard and it will also be sent to LaunchBar in case you wanted to check if the image has been uploaded properly. Be patient before checking it. Observe the Dropbox icon in your menu bar to make sure that the upload has finished. Otherwise you will get 404 error.
--Let me know if you found this script useful or not. This will help me understand whether I must spend time writing instructions and posting such scripts or not........aristidesfl
property dropboxID : NNNNNNN --> Replace this number with your dropbox ID
property pubfolder : "/Users/USERNAME/Dropbox/Public/" --> Replace this path with your dropbox public folder path
property subfolder : ""
on run
set subfolder to "tmp/"
set theformat to "png"
set thename to do shell script "date +'%y%m%d%H%M'" & "." & theformat
set savefolder to pubfolder & subfolder
set thecmd to my dupcheck(thename, savefolder, theformat, dropboxID)
end run
on handle_string(thetext)
if application "Dropbox" is not running then launch application "Dropbox"
tell application "LaunchBar" to hide
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to ","
set thename to first text item of thetext
set theformat to false
set theformat to text 2 thru -1 of second text item of thetext
end try
set subfolder to "img/"
if theformat is false then set theformat to "png"
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to ""
set thename to thename & "." & theformat as text
set savefolder to pubfolder & subfolder
set thecmd to my dupcheck(thename, savefolder, theformat, dropboxID)
on error e
tell me to activate
display dialog e
end try
end handle_string
on dupcheck(thename, savefolder, theformat, dropboxID)
set thedupcheck to savefolder & thename
--Changed Lines*********************************************************
--set fileExistsFlag to false
-- set fileExistsFlag to alias thedupcheck
--end try
--if fileExistsFlag = false then
tell application "Finder" to if not (exists thedupcheck as POSIX file) then
--Changed Lines******************************************************
set thedecision to my processitem(thename, savefolder, theformat, dropboxID)
tell me to activate
set thedisplay to display dialog "An item with the name \"" & thename & "\" already exists in the destination" buttons {"Replace", "Rename", "Cancel"} default button "Replace"
if button returned of thedisplay is "Replace" then
my processreplace(thename, savefolder, theformat, dropboxID)
if button returned of thedisplay is "Rename" then
my processrename(thename, savefolder, theformat, dropboxID)
end if
end if
end if
end dupcheck
on processitem(thename, savefolder, theformat, dropboxID)
set thename to thename as string
set ifile to savefolder & thename
set qifile to quoted form of (POSIX path of ifile)
set thecmd to "screencapture -i -t " & theformat & " " & qifile
do shell script thecmd
my processurl(thename, dropboxID)
end processitem
on processreplace(thename, savefolder, theformat, dropboxID)
set ifile to savefolder & thename
set qifile to quoted form of (POSIX path of ifile)
do shell script "rm -r " & qifile
my processitem(thename, savefolder, theformat, dropboxID)
end processreplace
on processrename(thename, savefolder, theformat, dropboxID)
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to "."
set theonlyname to text items 1 thru -2 of thename
set thenameextension to last text item of thename
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to ""
tell me to activate
set thename to text returned of (display dialog "Enter the new name: (This dialog box will reappear if an item with the new name you specified also exists in the destination folder)" default answer theonlyname)
set thename to thename & "." & thenameextension
set thenewcheck to savefolder & thename
set fileExistsFlag to false
set fileExistsFlag to alias thenewcheck
end try
if fileExistsFlag = false then
my processitem(thename, savefolder, theformat, dropboxID)
exit repeat
end if
end repeat
end processrename
on processurl(thename, dropboxID)
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to " "
set thename to text items of thename
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to "%20"
set thename to thename as string
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to ""
end try
set theurl to "" & dropboxID & "/" & subfolder & thename
-- set curlCMD to ¬
-- "curl --stderr /dev/null \"" & theurl & "\""
-- set theurl to (do shell script curlCMD)
tell application "LaunchBar"
set selection as text to theurl
end tell
end processurl
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