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Created October 8, 2022 19:44
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def bounds(data, max_contiguous_na=5):
# Returns the start and end indices of the longest
# valid sequence, that is, containing up to a given
# number of contiguous missing points
# Gets the indices of the non-null points
idxs = np.arange(len(data))[~np.isnan(data)]
max_size = 0
max_ini = 0
size = 1
ini = 0
# Calculates the size of the gaps of missing data
gaps = np.diff(idxs) - 1
for i, v in enumerate(gaps):
# If there's no gap, the size of valid data is increased by 1
if v == 0:
size += 1
# If that's the long sequence of values containing tolerable
# gaps then updates max info
if size > max_size:
max_size = size
max_ini = ini
# If the gaps is larger than tolerable, resets size and init
if v > max_contiguous_na:
ini = i + 1
size = 1
# If the gap is tolerable, adds one to the size
# (that means the next idx)
elif v > 0:
size += 1
# Computes the end of the longest sequence
max_end = max_ini + max_size
# Returns the start and end indices of the longest sequence
ini, end = idxs[max_ini], idxs[max_end-1] + 1
return ini, end
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