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Last active April 3, 2018 18:41
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Jquery Initialize.js
// @link
// @author Adam Pietrasiak
// @author Damien Bezborodov
;(function($) {
var seen = []; // Tracks elements that have previously been initialized.
// MutationSelectorObserver represents a selector and it's associated initialization callback.
var MutationSelectorObserver = function(selector, callback) {
this.selector = selector;
this.callback = callback;
// List of MutationSelectorObservers.
var msobservers = [];
msobservers.initialize = function(selector, callback) {
// Wrap the callback so that we can ensure that it is only
// called once per element.
callbackOnce = function() {
if (seen.indexOf(this) == -1) {
// See if the selector matches any elements already on the page.
// Then, add it to the list of selector observers.
this.push(new MutationSelectorObserver(selector, callbackOnce));
// The MutationObserver watches for when new elements are added to the DOM.
var observer = new MutationObserver(function(mutations) {
// For each MutationSelectorObserver currently registered.
for (var j = 0; j < msobservers.length; j++) {
// Observe the entire document.
observer.observe(document.documentElement, {childList: true, subtree: true, attributes: true});
// Handle .initialize() calls.
$.fn.initialize = function(callback) {
msobservers.initialize(this.selector, callback);
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