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Last active January 3, 2025 16:28
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Convert video files to MP4 through FFMPEG

This is my personal list of functions that I wrote for converting mov files to mp4!

Command Flags

Flag Options Description
-codec:a libfaac, libfdk_aac, libvorbis Audio Codec
-quality best, good, realtime Video Quality
-b:a 128k, 192k, 256k, 320k Audio Bitrate
-codec:v mpeg4, libx264, libvpx-vp9 Video Codec
-b:v 1000, 2500, 5000, 8000 Video Bitrate
-vf scale -1:X Resize Video (X is height)
-qmin 10 -qmax 42 ???
MP4 - 1080p

ffmpeg -i -preset slow -codec:a libfdk_aac -b:a 128k -codec:v libx264 -pix_fmt yuv420p -b:v 4500k -minrate 4500k -maxrate 9000k -bufsize 9000k -vf scale=-1:1080 output.mp4

MP4 - 720p

ffmpeg -i -preset slow -codec:a libfdk_aac -b:a 128k -codec:v libx264 -pix_fmt yuv420p -b:v 2500k -minrate 1500k -maxrate 4000k -bufsize 5000k -vf scale=-1:720 output.mp4

MP4 - 480p

ffmpeg -i -preset slow -codec:a libfdk_aac -b:a 128k -codec:v libx264 -pix_fmt yuv420p -b:v 1000k -minrate 500k -maxrate 2000k -bufsize 2000k -vf scale=-1:480 output.mp4

MP4 - 360p

ffmpeg -i -preset slow -codec:a libfdk_aac -b:a 128k -codec:v libx264 -pix_fmt yuv420p -b:v 750k -minrate 400k -maxrate 1000k -bufsize 1500k -vf scale=-1:360 output.mp4

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Great list, thank you! Also I've found that it is possible to use -2 instead of -1 in scale argument. It will automatically fix value to be divisible by 2.

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ealgase commented Feb 17, 2019

Thanks, this is pretty useful!

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ghost commented Mar 16, 2019

@C0DEF52 using -2 for MP4 scaling is a very good tip,
much better then my original solution to format=pix_fmts=yuv420p,crop=trunc(in_w/2)*2:trunc(in_h/2)*2,scale=-1:360

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Cool-Programmer commented Apr 25, 2019

Thanks. If someone is getting libfdk_aac unknown lib error, just use "aac" instead

Also this one is for 240p
ffmpeg -i inputVideo.mp4 -threads 0 -preset slow -s 320x240 -c:v libx264 outputVideo.mp4

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ADoncel commented Jul 17, 2019

-qmin and -qmax refer to Quantization and it's important in signal analysis, this picture resume what it "does":

Quantization Levels

Quantization gray scale


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dvlden commented Jul 17, 2019

Thank you for that summary. Highly helpful! @ADoncel

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theraw commented Nov 25, 2019

nice thanks man

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Thanks. If someone is getting libfdk_aac unknown lib error, just use "aac" instead

Also this one is for 240p
ffmpeg -i inputVideo.mp4 -threads 0 -preset slow -s 320x240 -c:v libx264 outputVideo.mp4

Thank you!

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Thanks. If someone is getting libfdk_aac unknown lib error, just use "aac" instead

Also this one is for 240p
ffmpeg -i inputVideo.mp4 -threads 0 -preset slow -s 320x240 -c:v libx264 outputVideo.mp4

Thank you x2 😆

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eminyalcin commented May 13, 2020

hi brothers. help me please. i make screen recorder in only for me. i use m.e. encoder. so my output file name is date hours.xesc.
i need to convert xesc to mp4 files. i use ffmpeg for all jpeg files in folder to mp4 file. this is work. but dont work this code.
i choose height and width for screen recorder.
please help me. i need basic code for convert

Dim args, girdi, cikti As String
girdi = "C:\video\ScreenCapture_12.05.2020 17.16.25.xesc" 'for example
cikti = "C:\videokayit\output.mp4" 'for example
args = "-i " & girdi & " -preset slow -codec:a libfdk_aac -b:a 128k -codec:v libx264 -pix_fmt yuv420p -b:v 1000k -minrate 500k -maxrate 2000k -bufsize 2000k -vf scale=854:480 " & cikti

    Dim proc As New Process
    Dim proci As New ProcessStartInfo
    proci.Arguments = args
    proci.FileName = My.Application.Info.DirectoryPath & "\ffmpeg.exe"
    proci.CreateNoWindow = True
    proci.UseShellExecute = False
    proci.WindowStyle = ProcessWindowStyle.Hidden
    proc.StartInfo = proci
    Do Until proc.HasExited = True
        Me.Text = "SAVING"
    Me.Text = "Screen Recorder"

i think ffmpeg need good names.
ScreenCapture_11.05.2020 19.37.16.xesc is not work
ScreenCapture_11.05.202019.37.16.xesc is work.

new my code

Dim args As String
args = " -y -i C:/videokayit/dene.xesc -s 432x240 -b:v 384k -ac 2 -r 15 -c:v mpeg4 -ar 22050 -b:a 64k -c:a aac C:/videokayit/dene.mp4"
Dim proc As New Process
Dim proci As New ProcessStartInfo
proci.Arguments = args
proci.FileName = My.Application.Info.DirectoryPath & "\ffmpeg.exe"
proci.CreateNoWindow = True
proci.UseShellExecute = False
proci.WindowStyle = ProcessWindowStyle.Hidden
proc.StartInfo = proci


Do Until proc.HasExited = True
Me.Text = "Saving"
Me.Text = "Screen recorder"

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i think there is typo

command should be ending with

scale=-1:480 output.mp4


scale=854:480 output.mp4

-1 instead of 854

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dvlden commented Jul 21, 2021

@vodolaz095 Thank you! Fixed!

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Hi, overall very helpful, thank you very much! But for the command flags table, the video bitrates -b:v say 1000, 2500, 5000, 8000 by rather should be 1000k, 2500k, 5000k, 8000k. I encoded a video with 2500 bit and well, its kind ugly :D

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