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Last active October 31, 2019 21:35
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It take too much time and text space to make a list of all changes and improvements so lets focus only on new and/or
interesting things.
New in pipboy
Root menu have a list of quick information now
Completely different view of items list
Equipped weapons and armors now in top block of items list
Weapons can be equipped from items list
Verbose information about stats, states, items, etc. in tooltips and windows (will be improved later) Keyboard/joystick
navigation also supports
If player save game on new slot - input window default save name is now looks like "Map Name (unique index)"
Save/load windows now have button for delete saves
New lust system
lust parameter will used in events to open additional dialogs variants in future
Every 24 hours -1 lust
Every erotic dream +3 lust
Every erotic event +n lust
New in items
List of new items:
First aid kit
Doctor's bag
Nuka cola
Empty bottle
Broken bottle
Flask 13 (full)
Some items can be used for enemy and for player with different effects (Meat, Raw Meat)
Water flask can be filled in various water sources
Almost every consumable item is affects player with accuracy/evasion and defence mods
Some items (alcohol) can temporary boost lust
Every consumable item now increase "fullness" param, you can consume item if your stomach is full
Fullness will decrease by walking, or time changing
Some items has timeout of usage in hours (First aid kit, Doctor's bag)
Some items have custom chance to effect, calculated by special formula (First aid kit, Doctor's bag)
Some items can transform to each other after usage, e.g. nuka cola bottle -> empty bottle. After you attack enemy
with empty bottle it has chance to broke and transform to broken bottle. If you attack enemy with broken bottle there
is chance to completely destroy item.
New in armors
Armors has defence param that reduce damage for character
Armors has paralyse param that reduce character evasion
New in battle
Characters and enemies actions, defence, evasion and accuracy params is now complete and integrated, according to our
earlier post about battle balance.
Lust affects battle:
0: +25% acc/-25% eva.
1-5: +15% acc/-15% eva.
5-10: +10% acc/-10% eva.
10-15: +8% acc/-8% eva.
15-20: +5% acc/-5% eva.
20-30: +3% acc/-3% eva.
30-40: +0% acc/-0% eva.
40-50: -3% acc/+3% eva.
50-60: -5% acc/+5% eva.
60-70: -8% acc/+6% eva.
70-85: -10% acc/+10% eva.
85-99: -15% acc/+15% eva.
100: -25% acc/+25% eva.
Battle log can be open by "Log" menu item
Equip weapon is required to open weapon actions, can be equipped in battle with skip turn or before battle in item menu
New in states
Special state for every consumable item, so effects of various items can be combined
Now bleeding/poison state will reduce your hp by time changing, battle turns or walking
New in enemies
New enemy Cazador
Enemies with different power have slightly different by size now
Carnivorous enemies has chance to be distracted by throwing a peace of meat
Man raiders has new skins with random auto generated set of elements now
New widescreen support
Windows, pictures, busts, events, battle enemies and almost everything else adapted for dynamic width of main window.
So game will be look better on popular desktop and mobile displays.
Option for change widescreen mode available in menu.
New map editor
We write plugin for popular vector graphics software and now have powerful tool to draw lights and add various types
of graphics objects and animations direct to the game, it highly extends poor functionality of proprietary map editor
for default game framework.
New map objects support
By our new tool we can add smart visual objects of different types, objects can be depend on time of the day,
manipulated by game events, etc.
All roofs now refactored (no saved states in save files, so roofs will be visible by default, if your old save is
under roof - try to exit room)
Multiple animations in vault 13
Lamps in vault15
New shader light system
Lights is like regular map objects but renders to the texture and pass to custom color matrix shader, so it
interrupts global light color matrix in required areas of the map, so it looks like... light, better see than talk.
Night lights in vault 13
Lights in vault 13
Night/Evening/Morning ligts in Shady Sands
Dynamic lights in rooms can be triggered by sleep in beds, use bathrooms or toilets
New in events
New complex, game clock related, quest making approach. Jarvis quest with 3 additional maps and 6 variants of
ending (can start by talk to Razlo in Shady Sands)
Razlo can wake up at night to heal player
Razlo healing now costs money, price will reduce dynamically by ending of Jarvis quest
Almost every of events in game increase your exp (not fully backward compartible, some exp will not be gained if
you want to use saves from old version of the game)
Every erotic event will increase lust (same backward compartibility problems)
Player can walk in whole vault 13 at night (everything is locked for now, only lights/map objects effects, but
there will be more "night life")
New mode of launch
Server mode - electron serve files from archive and start local web server, so you can play game in browser
(chrome-like browsers strobgly recommended)
New command line arguments support:
"--help - Show this message",
"--server - Run in server mode without prompt",
"--electron - Run in Electron mode without prompt",
"--prompt - Show prompt to choose electron/server mode",
"--port=<portnumber> - Select port for server mode, eg --port=1234; browser local storage will be different on each port",
"--no-messages - Skip showing messages, control only from command line",
"--data=<path> - Set custom electron data path, eg --data="D:\fallout_data\",
"--ignore-gpu-blacklist - Trying to enable webgl and other video card related options by ignoring blacklisted system
configurations, at your own risk"
New in translations
Multiple languages machine translate for testing purposes
Fonts can be combine with additional symbols required for translation, we will add it if someone made translation
Other changes
In special events process eg gym event, lisa event or warehouse event bust in pipboy will look same as bust in game,
same effects, clothes, etc.
Message windows can be temporary hidded by click on "cancel" buttons of on button right up message window.
Trade and boxes item info windows now scrollable and contain all of items stats, damage, effects and other information
same as in menu.
On every map player have places where it can walk "behind" walls for one rectangle
You can die by bleeding or other deadly states when walking on globalmap
Wasteland merchant have potentially chance of sell you any of non-quest items
Memory of fight with coyotes now available
Sometimes you will see spinning rectangle in top left corner it's meaning game is in process of loading additional
resources from your hard drive.
New options with full description
"Fps throttling" - tl;dr you can try disable it if you see lags when refresh rate of your display is 60 Hz.
Game is required 60 fps because all game logic in framework works in normal speed only in 60 fps. If display refresh
rate is bigger then 60 Hz - and fps throttling is disabled - game will run faster, events will be run faster,
characters move faster, etc. If we throttle fps and refresh rate is bigger then 60 Hz, we need to drop some frames
and there is big problem to make game smooth, so you will see visual "lag", but it's not about performance, it's
about game logic speed. Throttling system will try detect your refresh rate and disable self if think refresh rate
is 60 Hz, but if checks failed game fps will be throttled and sometimes by time diff calculations still dorps frames,
even if there is no need to.
"Pause game in background mode" - if option is on, game will stop every activity, if window or browser tab
is not in focus, so it will reduce cpu/gpu consumption to almost 0%. But if you have problems in resuming game
from paused state or something like this - you can disable this option. Please send debug reports to our email
if you have problems with that feature.
"Max width" - game will try expand content field for width up to 1366px, and only after that will scale things up,
if option "Scale window content" is on. So all elements of game will be dynamically fit in window width if width
is lower 1366. Minimum width of window without scaling down is still 960px.
"Scale window content" - content of window sill be scaled up with blur and lost quality, not recommended to use.
"Lust affects battle" - if you don't want to "lust" parameter affects your stats in battle (description is in the
"lust" section of current document) you can turn off that option.
"Show FPS" - display fps of the game, if fps is regullary below 60 - you have performance problems, please send
information about your system to our email, so we can provide some help and/or improve our game performance.
"Fullscreen" - always run game in fullscreen
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