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Created October 11, 2017 23:59
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Scratch Extension helper for micro:bit
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Tue Oct 10 12:49:59 2017
@author: Davis, Tseng @Taiwan
Copyright (c) 2017-18 Davis Tseng All right reserved.
This program is free software;
you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation;
either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY;
without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library;
if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
from __future__ import unicode_literals
import os
import sys
import time
import serial
import thread
from blockext import *
acc_x = 0
acc_y = 0
acc_z = 0
comp_x = 0
comp_y = 0
comp_z = 0
btn_a = False
btn_b = False
pins = ''
melodys = ''
temp_t = 0
show_led = ''
clear_led = False
clear_music = False
clear_mb = False
class BBCmicrobit:
def __init__(self):
self.led = ''
self.cls = False = False
self.rst = False
def _is_connected(self):
def _problem(self):
if time.time() % 8 > 4:
return "The Scratch Sensor board is not connected. Foo."
def _on_reset(self):
global show_led
show_led = ''
global pins
pins = ''
global melodys
melodys = ''
Reset! The red stop button has been clicked,
And now everything is how it was.
If you want to stop this shell scripting,
please use <Ctrl-C> to exit.
def acc_x(self):
return acc_x
def acc_y(self):
return acc_y
def acc_z(self):
return acc_z
def comp_x(self):
return comp_x
def comp_y(self):
return comp_y
def comp_z(self):
return comp_z
def btn_a(self):
return str(btn_a).lower()
def btn_b(self):
return str(btn_b).lower()
@command("%m.status : Write on %m.inputs digital value %m.high_low", defaults=["off", "P0", "0"])
def show_pin(self, status, inputs, high_low):
global pins
if status == 'on':
pins = inputs + '.' + high_low
pins = ''
return pins
@command("%m.status : Play built-in melody %m.musics Loop %m.bools", defaults=["off", "music.BIRTHDAY", "false"])
def play_music(self, status, musics, bools):
global melodys
if status == 'on':
melodys = musics + '.' + bools
melodys = ''
return melodys
@command("Stop music")
def stop_music(self):
global clear_music = True
clear_music =
def get_stop(self):
def temp_t(self):
return temp_t
@reporter("Image of %m.imgs", defaults=["Image.HAPPY"])
def show_image(self, imgs):
return imgs
@command("%m.status : Set LED to %s", defaults=["off", ""])
def set_led(self, status, value):
global show_led
if status == 'on':
self.led = value
show_led = value
show_led = ''
return show_led
def get_led(self):
return self.led
@command("Clear display")
def off_led(self):
global clear_led
self.cls = True
clear_led = self.cls
def get_clear(self):
return self.cls
@command("Reset microbit")
def reset_mb(self):
global clear_mb
self.rst = True
clear_mb = self.rst
def get_reset(self):
return self.rst
def serial_proc():
global acc_x
global acc_y
global acc_z
global comp_x
global comp_y
global comp_z
global btn_a
global btn_b
global pins
global melodys
global temp_t
global show_led
global clear_mb
global clear_music
global clear_led
# the port will depend on your computer
# for a raspberry pi it will probably be /dev/ttyACM0
# for windows it will be COM(something)
PORT = None
if len(sys.argv) == 2:
PORT = str(sys.argv[1])
ports = list(
for p in ports:
sp = str(p)
if sp.find('COM') != -1 and sp.find('mbed') != -1 and == "nt":
lslice = sp.find('(') + 1
rslice = sp.find(')')
PORT = sp[lslice:rslice]
# PORT = "COM14"
elif sp.find('usb') != -1 and == "posix":
PORT = sp[0:sp.find(' ')]
# PORT = "/dev/cu.usbmodem1412"
# PORT = "/dev/cu.usbmodem1422"
PORT = "/dev/ttyACM0"
if PORT is None:
print('The micro:bit should be plugged into a USB socket, please.')
# to exit the entire thread
BAUD = 115200
s = serial.Serial(PORT)
s.baudrate = BAUD
s.parity = serial.PARITY_NONE
s.databits = serial.EIGHTBITS
s.stopbits = serial.STOPBITS_ONE
# s.flushInput() # flush input buffer, discarding all its contents
# s.flushOutput() # flush output buffer, aborting current output
play_time = None
while True:
# Serial Communication (Receiving)
# read a line from the microbit, decode it and
# strip the whitespace at the end
data = s.readline().decode('utf-8')
# split the accelerometer data into ax, ay, az...
data_list = data.rstrip().split(' ')
ax, ay, az, cx, cy, cz, ba, bb, tp = data_list
acc_x = ax.replace('\x00', '')
acc_y = ay
acc_z = az
comp_x = cx
comp_y = cy
comp_z = cz
btn_a = ba
btn_b = bb
temp_t = tp
#print(acc_x, acc_y, acc_z, comp_x, comp_y, comp_z, btn_a, btn_b, temp_t)
# time.sleep(0.2)
# Serial Communication (Sending)
# Writing Data
send_to_mb = ''
if clear_led:
send_to_mb = send_to_mb + 'OFF:'
clear_led = False
send_to_mb = send_to_mb + 'none:'
if clear_mb:
send_to_mb = send_to_mb + 'OFFRESET:'
clear_mb = False
send_to_mb = send_to_mb + 'none:'
if clear_music:
send_to_mb = send_to_mb + 'OFFMUSIC:'
clear_music = False
send_to_mb = send_to_mb + 'none:'
if show_led != '':
send_to_mb = send_to_mb + show_led + ':'
send_to_mb = send_to_mb + 'none:'
if pins != '':
send_to_mb = send_to_mb + pins + ':'
send_to_mb = send_to_mb + 'none:'
if melodys != '':
# replay music must be limited for 15 seconds
if play_time == None or int(time.time() - play_time) > 15:
play_time = time.time()
send_to_mb = send_to_mb + melodys
send_to_mb = send_to_mb + 'none'
send_to_mb = send_to_mb + 'none'
# print(send_to_mb)
# time.sleep(0.2)
# Close serial port
def run_server():
print 'Starting HTTPServer, use <Ctrl-C> to stop.'
def get_decorated_blocks_from_class(cls, selectors=None):
if selectors:
cls_vars = vars(cls)
values = map(cls_vars.get, selectors)
values = vars(cls).values()
functions = []
for value in values:
if callable(value) and hasattr(value, '_block'):
functions.sort(key=lambda func: func._block_id)
return [f._block for f in functions]
descriptor = Descriptor(
name = "BBC micro:bit Extension",
port = 54321,
blocks = get_decorated_blocks_from_class(BBCmicrobit),
menus = dict(
status = ["on", "off"],
inputs = ["P0", "P1", "P2"],
high_low = ["0", "1"],
bools = ["true", "false"],
musics = ["music.DADADADUM", "music.ENTERTAINER", "music.PRELUDE", "music.ODE", "music.NYAN", "music.RINGTONE", "music.FUNK", "music.BLUES", "music.BIRTHDAY", "music.WEDDING", "music.FUNERAL", "music.PUNCHLINE", "music.PYTHON", "music.BADDY", "music.JUMP_UP", "music.JUMP_DOWN", "music.POWER_UP", "music.POWER_DOWN"],
imgs = ["Image.HEART", "Image.HAPPY", "Image.SMILE", "Image.ANGRY", "Image.YES", "Image.NO", "Image.CLOCK12", "Image.CLOCK11", "Image.CLOCK10", "Image.CLOCK9", "Image.CLOCK8", "Image.CLOCK7", "Image.CLOCK6", "Image.CLOCK5", "Image.CLOCK4", "Image.CLOCK3", "Image.CLOCK2", "Image.CLOCK1", "Image.ALL_CLOCKS", "Image.ARROW_N", "Image.ARROW_NE", "Image.ARROW_E", "Image.ARROW_SE", "Image.ARROW_S", "Image.ARROW_SW", "Image.ARROW_W", "Image.ARROW_NW", "Image.ALL_ARROWS"],
extension = Extension(BBCmicrobit, descriptor)
if __name__ == "__main__":
thread.start_new_thread(serial_proc, ())
thread.start_new_thread(run_server, ())
while 1:
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