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This function save multiple dataframes with different headers into one pipe delimited file (.txt file)
from pyspark.dbutils import DBUtils
import pyspark.sql.functions as F
import pyspark
import pandas as pd
from itertools import chain
from functools import reduce

def create_text_file(list_df, storage_account, container, output_path, file_name):
    ### This function save multiple dataframes with different headers into one pipe delimited file (.txt file)
    ### Step 1: Concatenate the multiple columns dataframe into a single column dataframe, and separate each column by delimited `|`
    ### Step 2: Union all single column dataframes into one dataframe
    ### Step 3: Save final dataframe into text file

    # Concatenate the multi columns into one column, then separate the different column values with `|` and create a list of dataframes
    list_single_column_df = ["|", *df.columns).alias("data")) for df in list_df]

    # Union a list of dataframes
    final_df = reduce(pyspark.sql.dataframe.DataFrame.unionByName, list_single_column_df)

    # Save dataframe into text 
    final_df.coalesce(1).write.format("text").option("header", "false").option("compression","gzip").mode("overwrite").save(output_path)

Let's create dataframe header_record

env_mapping = {"prodfix" :  "test", "qa" :  "test", "prod" : "production"}
current_date = spark.range(1).select(F.date_format(F.current_date(), "yyyyMMdd").alias("current_date")).first()["current_date"]
current_time = spark.range(1).select(F.date_format(F.current_timestamp(),"HHmmss").alias("current_time")).first()["current_time"]
hc_df = pd.DataFrame({
    "Sender ID": ["RXLIGHTNING"],
     "File Date": [current_date], 
     "File Time": [current_time], 
     "File Type": ["ENS"], 
     "Environment": [env_mapping[env]], 
     "File Action": ["Update"]

header_record = spark.createDataFrame(hc_df)

Here is another dataframe trailer_record

total_record = rx_lightning.count()
tr_df = pd.DataFrame({
    "Record Type": ["TRL"],
     "Total Number of Detail Records": [total_record]

trailer_record = spark.createDataFrame(tr_df)

Let's call this function

# Changed per environment
dbutils.widgets.text("env", "prodfix")
env = dbutils.widgets.get("env")

# 8. Output container
storage_account =  f"{env}dseus2rxout01"
container = "rx-lightning"

current_date = spark.range(1).select(F.date_format(F.current_date(), "yyyyMMdd").alias("current_date")).first()["current_date"]
file_name = f"{current_date}_ENROLLMENTSTATUS_WAG_TO_RXLIGHTNING.txt.gz"

archives_path  = f"abfss://{container}@{storage_account}"
sag_path       = f"abfss://{container}@{storage_account}"
output_path    = f"abfss://{container}@{storage_account}"

# 9. Write multilple dataframes into one pipe delimited file (.txt file)
list_df = [header_record, trailer_record]

create_text_file(list_df, storage_account, container, output_path, file_name)

# 10. Move the old txt file from sag container to archives container if the file exists
txt_sag_paths = [file_name.path for file_name in if"txt.gz")]
if txt_sag_paths:[0], archives_path)

# 11. Get the location of the CSV file that was just saved to Azure blob storage (it ends with 'csv.gz')
txt_output_paths = [file_name.path for file_name in if"txt.gz")][0], sag_path + "/" + file_name)

# 12. Remove the output folder 
dbutils.fs.rm(output_path, True)

The final dataframe

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