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Created December 22, 2010 19:52
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Save dvv/752005 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
# how object capabilities can be made by means of kriszyp's Compose
# Compose internal mixin function treats objects with .get/.set/.value as ES5 property definition
# Opened the issue on that.
# methods which are not aspect()ed, can't so far be Compose'd.from()
db = new Storage dbParams # external implementation
Store = (entity) ->
find: db.find.bind db, entity
get: db.get.bind db, entity
save: db, entity
add: db.insert.bind db, entity
remove: db.remove.bind db, entity
update: db.update.bind db, entity
patch: db.patch.bind db, entity
drop: db.drop.bind db, entity
Model = (entity, overrides) ->
Compose.create Store(entity), overrides
Facet = (model, expose) ->
facet = {}
expose.forEach (name) ->
facet[name] = Compose.from(model, name).bind model
Compose.create {}, facet
# ...
model = {}
model.Foo = Model 'Foo',
update: Compose.around (base) ->
(docIn) ->
console.log 'BEFOREUPDATE', arguments
# don't let some props in
# say, kick off 'password', and access.write
# FIXME: RQL's unselect() should be used
Object.veto docIn, ['password', ['access', 'write']]
_when, docIn), (docOut) ->
# add some props
docOut._version = 2
# don't let some props out, as security measure
# say, kick off 'id' prop, and prop bar of prop foo
Object.veto docOut, ['id', ['foo', 'bar']]
console.log 'AFTERUPDATE', docOut
model.Bar = Model 'Bar',
# calling inherited method w/o help of Compose.around()
# N.B. such methods can't so far be Compose'd.from()
find: (query) -> @__proto__.find Query(query).ne('restriction', null)
foos: () -> @find "foo!=null"
facets = {}
facets.admin =
Bar: Facet model.Bar, ['foos']
# ......................
# Request handler
Step {available: 'as "this" inside steps', req: req, res: res}, [
() ->
# get the session
sid = @req.getSecureCookie 'sid'
model.Session.get sid
(session) ->
session ?= {}
# get the user
uid = session.uid
model.User.get uid
(user) ->
user ?= {}
# get the user capabilities
facets[getUserLevel user]
(context) ->
context ?= {}
# given URL and HTTP method, dispatch the request
# N.B. if context.Bar, or context.Bar.foos is not set ->
# we'll just get TypeError exception which is processed by Response#send as 403
if url is 'Bar/foos' and method is 'GET'
return context.Bar.foos
null # means 404
(response) ->
@res.send response
(err) ->
# exception in course of @res.send()...
console.log 'Should not have been here!', err
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