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Created May 11, 2024 20:27
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This script can export all of your TG-channels from one folder into OPML format that can be imported into any RSS-reader. is used for rss-friendly urls.
import sys
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
from telethon import TelegramClient
from import GetDialogFiltersRequest
from import InputPeerChannel, DialogFilter, DialogFilterDefault, DialogFilterChatlist
api_id = '<YOUR_APP_ID>'
api_hash = '<YOUR_APP_HASH>'
# Set up the Telethon client
client = TelegramClient('session_name', api_id, api_hash)
async def export_channels(folder_name):
# Connect to Telegram
await client.start()
print("Connected to Telegram!")
dialog_filters = await client(GetDialogFiltersRequest())
channels = []
# Filter channels based on the provided folder name
for filter in dialog_filters.filters:
if not isinstance(filter, DialogFilter) and not isinstance(filter, DialogFilterChatlist):
# print(filter.to_dict())
if filter.title != folder_name:
# print(filter.title+"\n");
for peer in filter.include_peers:
if isinstance(peer, InputPeerChannel):
# OPML XML setup
root = ET.Element("opml", version="1.0")
head = ET.SubElement(root, "head")
title = ET.SubElement(head, "title")
title.text = "Exported Telegram Channels"
body = ET.SubElement(root, "body")
# Fetch channel details and create OPML entries
for channel in channels:
channel_entity = await client.get_entity(channel)
outline = ET.SubElement(body, "outline", {
"text": channel_entity.title,
"type": "rss",
"xmlUrl": f"{channel_entity.username if channel_entity.username else}"
# Save the OPML file
tree = ET.ElementTree(root)
tree.write("export.opml", encoding='utf-8', xml_declaration=True)
print("OPML file has been saved as export.opml")
if __name__ == '__main__':
folder_name = sys.argv[1]
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