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Created May 26, 2014 17:09
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package main
import "b"
var Var1605 = func(Param1608 struct {
Field1607 complex64
}, Param1609 *chan complex128, Param1610 float64, Param1611 uintptr) func(struct {
Field1606 string
}, error, float32) [1]byte {
Var1873 := (*(((Var1874)[(int)(Var1969)])[(int)(([]int{})[(<-make(chan int, 1))])]))
Var1825 := (<-(*(Var1873)))[1.0]
go ((<-make(chan []func(struct{}, [2]float64, interface {
Method1617(map[complex64]float32, bool, uint, rune) (interface{}, func(int, complex64) (complex64, byte, float32, complex64))
}) []func(interface{}, map[byte]rune, rune) interface {
Method1613(float32) (int, bool, int16, error)
Method1614(int, float32, bool, int16) (complex128, complex128, bool, uintptr)
Method1615(float64, string, float32) (uint, bool)
Method1616(uint, complex64, bool, int) (complex64, complex64)
}, 1))[(int)((*(b.Var1723))[func(Param1724 complex128) int {
if *(((*((([][2]*func(struct{}) []*bool{[2]*func(struct{}) []*bool{}, [2]*func(struct{}) []*bool{}})[(Var1825)-(1)])[(struct {
Field2060 int16
Field2061 int
Field2062 map[complex64]complex64
}{}).Field2061]))((struct{}{})))[(([][0]int{})[(([]int{})[(int)((cap)((([][2][]map[float64]rune{})[(*(([]*int{})[(int)((len)((b.Var2106)[((func(complex64, []func(float32) (uint, rune, bool, complex128), complex64, string) int)(nil))(complex64(1i), []func(float32) (uint, rune, bool, complex128){}, complex64(1i), "foo")]))]))])[(<-make(chan int, 1))]))])-(1)])[(<-make(chan int, 1))]]) {
defer recover()
Var2544 := (*[2][2]int)(nil)
Var2166 := error(nil)
go ((func(uint) (map[int16]byte, float64, rune))(nil))(uint(1))
Var2303 := [0][1][1][2]*float64{}
go ((func(uint) (*uintptr, bool))(nil))(uint(1))
([]int16{})[(int)(([]uint{})[((func(bool, *bool) int)(nil))(false, (*bool)(nil))])]++
Var2644 := "foo"
(*(((((Var2303)[(<-make(chan int, 1))])[(<-make(chan int, 1))])[((([][2]int{})[(<-make(chan int))])[(int)((([][0]byte{})[(int)((len)((*(*(([]**string{})[(((*(Var2544))[((func(map[chan float64]complex64, [0]uint, [1]struct{}, [2]uintptr) int)(nil))(make(map[chan float64]complex64), [0]uint{}, [1]struct{}{}, [2]uintptr{})])[(<-make(chan int))])-(1)])))))])[(int)((len)(Var2644))])])-(1)])[(<-make(chan int))]))--
_ = Var2544
_ = Var2166
_ = Var2303
_ = Var2644
_ = Param1724
return 1
}(1i)])]((struct{}{}), [2]float64{}, interface {
Method1617(map[complex64]float32, bool, uint, rune) (interface{}, func(int, complex64) (complex64, byte, float32, complex64))
}(nil)))[Var1825](interface{}(nil), make(map[byte]rune), rune(0))
_ = Var1873
_ = Var1825
_ = Param1608
_ = Param1609
_ = Param1610
_ = Param1611
return ((func(struct {
Field1606 string
}, error, float32) [1]byte)(nil))
}((struct {
Field1607 complex64
}{}), (*chan complex128)(nil), 1.0, uintptr(0))((struct {
Field1606 string
}{}), error(nil), float32(1.0))
var Var1874 = (<-Var1875)[(((*(([]*[2][0]int{})[((func(string, float64) int)(nil))("foo", 1.0)]))[(([]int{})[(int)(([]float32{})[(b.Var1970)-(1)])])+(1)])[(int)(b.Var1975)])-(1)]
var Var1875 = (<-(<-make(chan [1]func(uintptr, complex128, int, chan chan string) chan chan [][][2]**chan map[float64]int, 1))[(<-Var1936)]((<-make(chan func(interface{}, error) uintptr, 1))(interface{}(nil), error(nil)), 1i, 1, make(chan chan string, 1)))
var Var1936 = (<-(b.Var1937)[(int)(Var1969)])
var Var1969 = uintptr(0)
func Func2655(Param2656 int16, Param2657 error) (complex128, string, error) {
_ = Param2656
_ = Param2657
return 1i, "foo", error(nil)
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