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Last active January 8, 2024 11:09
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Typescript class for Locale specific funcionality
* A class that represents a locale. It can be used to translate strings, format
* dates and numbers and other locale specific tasks.
* To use this class, you need to create a JSON file in the `assets/lang`
* directory of your project. The filename should be the RFC5646 language tag
* of the language you want to support. For example, if you want to support
* English, you should create a file named `en.json`. If you want to support
* Dutch, you should create a file named `nl.json`. If you want to support
* American English, you should create a file named `en-US.json`.
* The contents of the file should be a JSON object with key-value pairs. The
* keys are the strings you want to translate. The values are the translations.
* These keys might be translation stings in a default language, which is
* actually preferred.
* @author dwaard
* No Software Warranty. User acknowledges and agrees that the use of the
* Software is at user's sole risk. The Software and related documentation
* are provided “AS IS” and without any warranty of any kind and Developer
export default class Locale {
private language: string;
private strings: { [key: string]: string };
* Construct a new object of this class
* @param language an RFC5646 language tag like 'nl' or 'en-US'
public constructor(language: string) {
this.language = language;
this.strings = JSON.parse(Locale.fetchLanguageFile(language));
* Translates a string
* @param input the string to translate
* @param params the parameters, if needed
* @returns the translated string or the input if a translation isn't found
public translate(input: string, params: { [key: string]: string } = {}): string {
let translation: string = this.getTranslation(input);
// Replace all parameters in the result
Object.entries(params).forEach(([key, value]: [string, string]) => {
translation = translation.replaceAll(`:${key}`, value);
return translation;
* Alias for the `translate` method
* @param input the string to translate
* @param params the parameters, if needed
* @returns the translated string or the input if a translation isn't found
* @see {@link Locale.translate()}
public trans(input: string, params: { [key: string]: string } = {}): string {
return this.translate(input, params);
* Alias for the `translate` method
* @param input the string to translate
* @param params the parameters, if needed
* @returns the translated string or the input if a translation isn't found
* @see {@link Locale.translate()}
public t(input: string, params: { [key: string]: string } = {}): string {
return this.translate(input, params);
* Translates a string with options pending on the given `count`.
* Pluralization is a complex problem, as different languages have a variety
* of complex rules for pluralization; This method can help you translate
* strings differently based on pluralization rules that you define. Using a
* `|` character, you may distinguish different rules based on the number,
* for example:
* `'{0} There are no apples|{1} There is one apple|[2,*] There are :count apples’`
* @param input the string to translate
* @param count the amount used for the choice
* @returns the translated string or the input if a translation isn't found
public transChoice(input: string, count: number): string {
let translation: string = this.getTranslation(input);
const choices: string[] = translation.split('|');
choices.forEach((choice: string) => {
if (Locale.matchesChoice(choice, count)) {
translation = Locale.extractChoiceText(choice);
translation = translation.replaceAll(':count', `${count}`);
return translation;
* Formats the given number in a locale specific format
* @param input the number to format
* @returns a string representing the formatted number
public formatNumber(input: number): string {
return input.toLocaleString(this.language);
* Formats the given Date object in a locale specific format
* @param input the Date to format
* @returns a string representing the formatted Date
public formatDate(input: Date): string {
return input.toLocaleString(this.language);
* Returns RFC5646 tags of the available languages of the browser
* @returns an array representing RFC5646 tags of the available languages
* of the browser
public static getAvailableBrowserLocales(): Array<string> {
return [...navigator.languages];
* Returns the RFC5646 tag of the current browser language
* @returns the RFC5646 tag of the current browser language
public static getCurrentBrowserLocale(): string {
return navigator.language;
* Helper method that returns the translation of the given input. If the
* input is not found, the input itself is returned.
* @param input the input to translate
* @returns the translation of the given input. If the
* input is not found, the input itself is returned.
private getTranslation(input: string): string {
// If the input is a property of the tsanslation strings object
if (input in this.strings) {
return this.strings[input];
// Return the input itself if no translation is found
return input;
* Helper method. Checks if the specified choice matches the specified amount
* @param choice the choice string
* @param amount the amount to be tested
* @returns `true` if the amount matches the choice string
private static matchesChoice(choice: string, amount: number): boolean {
if (choice[0] === '{') {
// Find the index of the first } character after the { character
const endIndex: number = choice.indexOf('}');
return Number(choice.substring(1, endIndex)) === amount;
if (choice[0] === '[') {
// Find the index of the first ] character after the [ character
const endIndex: number = choice.indexOf(']');
// Extract the substring between [ and ]
const options: string[] = choice.substring(1, endIndex).split(',');
return amount >= Number(options[0]) && (options[1] === '*' || amount < Number(options[1]));
return false;
* Helper method. Extracts the actual choice string
* @param str the input string to extract from
* @returns the extracted string
private static extractChoiceText(str: string): string {
let endIndex: number = str.indexOf('}');
if (str[0] === '[') {
endIndex = str.indexOf(']');
return str.substring(endIndex + 2);
* Fetches a language file based on the given tag
* @param tag the RFC5646 tag
* @returns a JSON string representing a
private static fetchLanguageFile(tag: string) : string {
// Load a language file that matches the chosen language
let data: string = '';
// split the language into RFC5646 subtags
const subtags: string[] = tag.split('-');
// Try to load the most specific language file, make more generic if needed
while (subtags.length > 0 && data === '') {
// Rejoin the subtags to create the filename
const filename: string = subtags.join('-');
data = Locale.loadTextFileViaHTTPRequest(`assets/lang/${filename}.json`);
// Remove the last element from the array
subtags.splice(-1, 1);
if (data === '') {
data = '{}';
return data;
* Loads a file via a synchronous HTTP request.
* NOTE: the browser console will print a 404 error if the file
* doesn't exist.
* @param url the URL of the text file
* @returns a string representing the content of the text file or an empty
* string if the file doesn't exist
private static loadTextFileViaHTTPRequest(url: string): string {
// Fetch the language file using an HTTP request
const request: XMLHttpRequest = new XMLHttpRequest();'GET', url, false); // `false` makes the request synchronous
if (request.status === 200) {
return request.responseText;
// Loading failed; return empty string
return '';
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