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Last active March 2, 2017 15:13
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Typesafe-Config with custom Configs for unit testing
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference
import scala.util.{Failure, Success, Try}
import com.typesafe.config.{Config, ConfigFactory}
Use to tweak a Config without clearing and reloading a new config (for testing).
@author dwalend
class AtomicConfigSource(baseConfig:Config) {
val atomicConfigRef = new AtomicReference[Config](ConfigFactory.empty())
* Get the Atomic Config. Be sure to use defs for all config values that might be changed.
def config:Config = atomicConfigRef.get().withFallback(baseConfig)
* Use the config in a block of code.
def configForBlock[T](key:String,value:AnyRef,origin:String)(block: => T):T = {
val configPairs = Map(key -> value)
* Use the config in a block of code.
def configForBlock[T](configPairs:Map[String, _ <: AnyRef],origin:String)(block: => T):T = {
import scala.collection.JavaConverters.mapAsJavaMapConverter
val configPairsJava:java.util.Map[String, _ <: AnyRef] = configPairs.asJava
val blockConfig:Config = ConfigFactory.parseMap(configPairsJava,origin)
val originalConfig:Config = atomicConfigRef.getAndSet(blockConfig)
val tryT:Try[T] = Try(block)
val ok = atomicConfigRef.compareAndSet(blockConfig,originalConfig)
tryT match {
case Success(t) => {
if(ok) t
else throw new IllegalStateException(
s"Expected config from ${blockConfig.origin()} to be from ${atomicConfigRef.get().origin()} instead.")
case Failure(x) => {
if(ok) throw x
else throw new IllegalStateException(
s"Throwable in block and expected config from ${blockConfig.origin()} to be from ${atomicConfigRef.get().origin()} instead.",x)
* A little object to let you reach your config from anywhere.
* @author dwalend
object ExampleConfigSource {
//load from application.conf and the usual TypeSafe Config chain
val atomicConfig = new AtomicConfigSource(ConfigFactory.load())
def config:Config = atomicConfig.config
def configForBlock[T](key:String,value:AnyRef,origin:String)(block: => T):T =
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