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Last active November 12, 2023 20:23
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Convert jpeg's to pdf/a with OCR and encrypts them
#! /usr/bin/env bash
#-- Dave Wallraff
# First things first, I'm the realest...
### convert scans to OCR'd PDF/A, and encrypt them
# curl -sL | bash
# wrap in a function for curl|bash
do_stuff() {
# Check if op is installed
if [ ! "$(command -v op)" ]; then
echo "The op cli is not installed. Aborting..."
exit 1
# Check if op is logged in
if ! op whoami > /dev/null 2>&1; then
echo "Not logged into 1password"
echo "Please run: eval \"\$(op account add --account my.1password.comn --email --address --signin)\""
exit 1
# Needed vars
TODAY=$(date "+%Y%m%d")
# Loop over jpegs, convert to pdf, and encrypt
for i in *.jpeg; do
echo "Converting $i..."
img2pdf "$i" | ocrmypdf -j1 -q --output-type pdfa --pdfa-image-compression jpeg --optimize 3 --deskew --clean - "$TODAY"_"${i%%.*}".pdf
exec 3<<<"$(op item get encrypted_tar_password --format json | jq -r '.fields[] | select(.id=="password") | .value')"
gpg --batch --cipher-algo AES256 --passphrase-fd 3 --symmetric --output "$TODAY"_"${i%%.*}".pdf.enc "$TODAY"_"${i%%.*}".pdf
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