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Created December 6, 2021 16:12
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import order.ideal
/- Say a partial order `P` is directed complete, or a dcpo, if every directed subset in `P` has a
supremum (we actually work with ideals instead of general directed subsets, but every directed
subset is cofinal with an ideal so it doesn't matter). A morphism `P → Q` of dcpo's is a monotone
function which preserves suprema of directed subsets.
The main result of this file is that for any preorder `P`, `ideal P` is the free dcpo on `P`, in
the sense that any monotone funtcion `P → Q` where `Q` is a dcpo extends uniquely to a morphism
`ideal P → Q` of dcpo's. -/
namespace order
variables {P Q R : Type*} [preorder P] [partial_order Q] [partial_order R]
def : (P →ₘ Q) →ₘ ideal P →ₘ ideal Q :=
{ to_fun := λ f,
{ to_fun := λ I,
{ carrier := { q | ∃ p ∈ I, q ≤ f p },
nonempty := by { cases I.nonempty with p hp, exact ⟨_, p, hp, le_refl _⟩ },
directed := begin
rintro x ⟨a, ai, xa⟩ y ⟨b, bi, yb⟩,
rcases I.directed a ai b bi with ⟨c, hc, ac, bc⟩,
exact ⟨_, ⟨c, hc, le_refl _⟩, le_trans xa (f.monotone ac), le_trans yb (f.monotone bc)⟩,
mem_of_le := λ x y yx ⟨p, hp, xp⟩, ⟨p, hp, le_trans yx xp⟩ },
monotone' := λ I J ij q ⟨p, pi, qp⟩, ⟨p, ij pi, qp⟩ },
monotone' := λ f g fg I q ⟨p, pi, qp⟩, ⟨p, pi, le_trans qp (fg p)⟩ }
def ideal.mul (I : ideal (ideal P)) : ideal P :=
{ carrier := { p | ∃ i ∈ I, p ∈ i },
nonempty := begin
cases I.nonempty with i hi,
cases i.nonempty with p hp,
exact ⟨p, i, hi, hp⟩
directed := begin
rintro p ⟨i, hi, pi⟩ q ⟨j, hj, qj⟩,
rcases I.directed i hi j hj with ⟨k, hk, ik, jk⟩,
rcases k.directed p (ik pi) q (jk qj) with ⟨r, rk, pr, qr⟩,
exact ⟨r, ⟨k, hk, rk⟩, pr, qr⟩
mem_of_le := λ x y xy ⟨i, hi, yi⟩, ⟨i, hi, i.mem_of_le xy yi⟩ }
lemma mul_is_lub (I : ideal (ideal P)) : is_lub I.carrier I.mul :=
⟨λ i hi p pi, ⟨i, hi, pi⟩, λ i hi p ⟨j, hj, pj⟩, hi hj pj⟩
def principal_mono : P →ₘ ideal P :=
{ to_fun := ideal.principal,
monotone' := λ p q pq, ideal.principal_le_iff.mpr pq }
lemma mul_eq_self (I : ideal P) : ideal.mul ( principal_mono I) = I :=
ext p,
{ rintro ⟨j, ⟨q, qi, jq⟩, pj⟩, exact I.mem_of_le (jq pj) qi },
{ intro pi, exact ⟨_, ⟨p, pi, le_refl _⟩, le_refl _⟩ }
lemma mul_comp (f : P →ₘ Q) (g : Q →ₘ R) (I : ideal P) : (g.comp f) I = g ( f I) :=
ext r,
{ rintro ⟨p, hp, rp⟩, exact ⟨_, ⟨_, hp, le_refl _⟩, rp⟩ },
{ rintro ⟨q, ⟨p, hp, qp⟩, qr⟩, exact ⟨p, hp, le_trans qr (g.monotone qp)⟩ }
variables (P Q)
class dcpo :=
(dsup (I : ideal P) : P)
(is_lub (I : ideal P) : is_lub I.carrier (dsup I))
@[ext] structure dcpo_hom [dcpo P] [dcpo Q] extends preorder_hom P Q :=
(map_dsup : ∀ I : ideal P, to_fun (dcpo.dsup I) = dcpo.dsup ( to_preorder_hom I))
instance : dcpo (ideal P) := { dsup := ideal.mul, is_lub := mul_is_lub }
/-- The free-forgetful adjunction. -/
def lift [dcpo Q] : (P →ₘ Q) ≃ (dcpo_hom (ideal P) Q) :=
{ to_fun := λ f, ⟨⟨λ I, dcpo.dsup ( f I),
λ I J ij, is_lub.mono (dcpo.is_lub _) (dcpo.is_lub _) (( f).monotone ij)⟩,
intro I,
apply le_antisymm;
apply (dcpo.is_lub _).2,
{ rintro q ⟨p, ⟨i, hi, pi⟩, qp⟩,
exact le_trans qp ((dcpo.is_lub _).1 ⟨i, hi, (dcpo.is_lub _).1 ⟨p, pi, le_refl _⟩⟩) },
{ rintro q ⟨i, hi, qi⟩,
exact le_trans qi (preorder_hom.monotone _ $ (dcpo.is_lub I).1 hi) }
inv_fun := λ f, f.to_preorder_hom.comp principal_mono,
left_inv := λ f, begin
ext p,
apply (dcpo.is_lub _).unique,
{ rintros q ⟨p', hp', qp'⟩, exact le_trans qp' (f.monotone hp') },
{ intros q hq, exact hq ⟨p, le_refl _, le_refl _⟩ }
right_inv := λ f, begin
ext i,
convert (f.map_dsup ( principal_mono i)).symm,
{ apply mul_comp },
{ exact (mul_eq_self i).symm }
end }
end order
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