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Created December 7, 2023 10:50
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a trick for indexed corecursor in Cubical Agda
{-# OPTIONS --cubical --guardedness #-}
open import Cubical.Foundations.Everything
open import Cubical.Data.Sigma.Properties
-- We are given an indexed container.
module _
(Ix : Type)
(A : Ix → Type)
(B : (i : Ix) → A i → Type)
(r : (i : Ix) (a : A i) → B i a → Ix) where
-- We denote the corresponding indexed M-type by M.
record M (i : Ix) : Type where
head : A i
tail : ∀ (b : B i head) → M (r i head b)
-- This is the data of a coalgebra. Instead of X being given as a type family over I,
-- here it is given as a type with a map to I. This is what causes problems later,
-- essentially because pt is not a definitional equality.
module _
(X : Type)
(p : X → Ix)
(h : (x : X) → A (p x))
(t : (x : X) (b : B (p x) (h x)) → X)
(pt : (x : X) (b : B (p x) (h x)) →
p (t x b) ≡ r (p x) (h x) b) where
-- This naive attempt at defining the corecursor fails termination checking, because Agda
-- thinks the outer subst application looks problematic.
-- corec : (x : X) → M (p x)
-- M.head (corec x) = h x
-- M.tail (corec x) b = subst M (pt x b) (corec (t x b))
-- This reformulation of the corecursor does pass termination checking. Note that now the
-- target type M i is indexed by a free variable i, rather than by an expression p x as before.
corec' : (x : X) (i : Ix) (e : p x ≡ i) → M i
M.head (corec' x i e) = subst A e (h x)
M.tail (corec' x i e) b =
corec' (t x (fst be')) _ (snd be')
where be' : Σ (B (p x) (h x)) λ b' → p (t x b') ≡ r i (subst A e (h x)) b
-- the proof below is just path induction, but it becomes verbose in Cubical Agda
be' =
(λ i' e' → ∀ b₀ →
Σ (B (p x) (h x)) λ b' → p (t x b') ≡ r i' (subst A e' (h x)) b₀)
(subst (λ a → ∀ (b₀ : B (p x) a) → Σ (B (p x) (h x)) (λ b' → p (t x b') ≡ r (p x) a b₀))
(sym (substRefl {B = A} (h x)))
λ b₀ → b₀ , pt x b₀)
e b
-- We can also give the usual corecursor.
corec : (x : X) → M (p x)
corec x = corec' x _ refl
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