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Created April 27, 2021 23:11
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coproduct of groups as reduced words
import data.list.chain
section monoids
-- given a family of monoids, where both the monoids and the indexing set have decidable equality.
variables {ι : Type*} (G : Π i : ι, Type*) [Π i, monoid (G i)]
[decidable_eq ι] [∀ i, decidable_eq (G i)]
-- The coproduct of our monoids.
@[derive decidable_eq]
def coprod : Type* := { l : list (Σ i, { g : G i // g ≠ 1 }) // ( sigma.fst).chain' (≠) }
variable {G}
-- `w.head_isn't i` says that `i` is not the head of `w`.
def coprod.head_isn't (w : coprod G) (i : ι) : Prop := ∀ p ∈ ( sigma.fst).head', i ≠ p
section cases
-- here we define a custom eliminator for `coprod`. The idea is we have an index `i`, and
-- want to say that every `w : coprod G` either (1) doesn't have `i` as its head, or (2) is `g * w'`
-- for some `g : G i`, where `w'` doesn't have `i` as its head.
variables {i : ι} {C : coprod G → Sort*}
(d1 : Π w : coprod G, w.head_isn't i → C w)
(d2 : Π (w : coprod G) (h : w.head_isn't i) (g), C ⟨⟨i, g⟩ :: w.val,' h⟩)
include d1 d2
def coprod_cases : Π w : coprod G, C w
| w@⟨[], _⟩ := d1 w $ by rintro _ ⟨⟩
| w@⟨⟨j, g⟩ :: ls, h⟩ := if ij : i = j then by { cases ij, exact d2 ⟨ls, h.tail⟩ h.rel_head' g }
else d1 w $ by { rintro _ ⟨⟩ ⟨⟩, exact ij rfl }
variables {d1 d2}
-- computation rule for the first case of our eliminator
lemma beta1 : ∀ (w : coprod G) h, (coprod_cases d1 d2 w : C w) = d1 w h
| ⟨[], _⟩ h := rfl
| ⟨⟨j, g⟩ :: ls, hl⟩ h := by { rw [coprod_cases, dif_neg], exact h j rfl }
-- computation rule for the second case of our eliminator
lemma beta2 (w : coprod G) (h : w.head_isn't i) (g) {x} :
(coprod_cases d1 d2 ⟨⟨i, g⟩ :: w.val, x⟩ : C ⟨⟨i, g⟩ :: w.val, x⟩) = d2 w h g :=
by { rw [coprod_cases, dif_pos rfl], cases w, refl }
end cases
-- prepend `g : G i` to `w`, assuming `i` is not the head of `w`.
def rcons' {i : ι} (g : G i) (w : coprod G) (h : w.head_isn't i) : coprod G :=
if g_one : g = 1 then w else ⟨⟨i, g, g_one⟩ :: w.val,' h⟩
-- prepend `g : G i` to `w`. NB this is defined in terms of `rcons'`: this will be a recurring theme.
def rcons {i : ι} (g : G i) : coprod G → coprod G :=
coprod_cases (rcons' g) (λ w h g', rcons' (g * ↑g') w h)
-- computation rules for `rcons`
lemma rcons_def1 {i : ι} {g : G i} {w : coprod G} (h) : rcons g w = rcons' g w h := beta1 _ _
lemma rcons_def2 {i : ι} {g : G i} {w : coprod G} (h) (g') {x} :
rcons g ⟨⟨i, g'⟩ :: w.val, x⟩ = rcons' (g * ↑g') w h := beta2 _ _ _
-- prepending one doesn't change our word
lemma rcons_one {i : ι} : ∀ w : coprod G, rcons (1 : G i) w = w :=
apply coprod_cases,
{ intros w h, rw [rcons_def1 h, rcons', dif_pos rfl], },
{ rintros w h ⟨g, hg⟩, rw [rcons_def2 h, one_mul, rcons', dif_neg], refl, }
-- preliminary for `rcons_mul`
private lemma rcons_mul' {i : ι} {g g' : G i} {w : coprod G} (h : w.head_isn't i) :
rcons (g * g') w = rcons g (rcons g' w) :=
rw [rcons_def1 h, rcons_def1 h, rcons', rcons'],
{ rw [h_2, mul_one] at h_1, rw [h_1, rcons_one], },
{ rw [rcons_def2 h, rcons', dif_pos], exact h_1, },
{ rw [rcons_def1 h, rcons', dif_neg], { congr, rw [h_2, mul_one], }, simpa [h_2] using h_1, },
{ rw [rcons_def2 h, rcons', dif_neg], refl, },
-- we can prepend `g * g'` one element at a time.
lemma rcons_mul {i : ι} (g : G i) (g' : G i) : ∀ w, rcons (g * g') w = rcons g (rcons g' w) :=
apply coprod_cases,
{ apply rcons_mul', },
{ intros w h g'', rw [rcons_def2 h, rcons_def2 h, mul_assoc,
←rcons_def1, rcons_mul' h, ←rcons_def1] }
-- Every `G i` thus acts on the coproduct.
@[simps] instance bar (i) : mul_action (G i) (coprod G) :=
{ smul := rcons, one_smul := rcons_one, mul_smul := rcons_mul }
-- Prepending a letter to a word means acting on that word. This will be useful for proofs by
-- induction on words.
lemma cons_as_smul {i} {g} (ls) (hl) :
(⟨⟨i, g⟩ :: ls, hl⟩ : coprod G) = (g.val • ⟨ls, hl.tail⟩ : coprod G) :=
rw [bar_to_has_scalar_smul, rcons_def1, rcons', dif_neg],
{ congr, ext, refl, }, { exact hl.rel_head', },
section action
-- Given actions of `G i` on `X`, the coproduct also has a scalar action on `X`. We'll use this
-- both to define multiplication in the coproduct, and to get its universal property.
variables {X : Type*} [∀ i, mul_action (G i) X]
instance foo : has_scalar (coprod G) X := ⟨λ g x, g.val.foldr (λ l y, l.snd.val • y) x⟩
-- preliminary for `foobar`.
private lemma foobar' {i} {g : G i} {x : X} {w : coprod G} (h : w.head_isn't i) :
(rcons g w) • x = g • (w • x) :=
by { rw [rcons_def1 h, rcons'], split_ifs, { rw [h_1, one_smul], }, { refl, }, }
-- (I'm not sure it's worth it to use these typeclasses, since Lean gets a bit confused by them...)
instance foobar (i) : is_scalar_tower (G i) (coprod G) X :=
intros g' w x, revert w,
apply coprod_cases,
{ apply foobar', },
{ intros w h g, rw [bar_to_has_scalar_smul, rcons_def2 h, ←rcons_def1 h,
foobar' h, mul_smul], refl, }
end action
instance coprod_monoid : monoid (coprod G) :=
{ mul := λ x y, x • y,
mul_assoc := begin
rintros ⟨ls, hl⟩ b c,
change (_ • _) • _ = _ • (_ • _),
induction ls with p ls ih,
{ refl, },
cases p with i g,
rw [cons_as_smul, smul_assoc g.val _ b, smul_assoc, ih, smul_assoc],
apply_instance, -- ??
one := ⟨[], list.chain'_nil⟩,
one_mul := λ _, rfl,
mul_one := begin
rintro ⟨ls, hl⟩,
change _ • _ = _,
induction ls with p ls ih,
{ refl },
cases p with i g,
rw [cons_as_smul, smul_assoc, ih],
end }
def of {i} : G i →* coprod G :=
{ to_fun := λ g, g • 1,
map_one' := rcons_one _,
map_mul' := by { intros, change rcons _ _ = _ • _, rw [rcons_mul, smul_assoc], refl } }
lemma cons_as_mul {i} {g} (ls) (h) :
(⟨⟨i, g⟩ :: ls, h⟩ : coprod G) = (of g.val * ⟨ls, h.tail⟩ : coprod G) :=
by { convert cons_as_smul ls h, change (_ • _) • _ = _, rw smul_assoc g.val, congr, apply_instance }
def ump (X : Type*) [monoid X] :
(Π {i}, G i →* X) ≃ (coprod G →* X) :=
{ to_fun := λ fi, begin
letI : ∀ i, mul_action (G i) X := λ i, mul_action.comp_hom _ fi,
refine { to_fun := λ g, g • 1, map_one' := rfl, map_mul' := _ },
rintros ⟨ls, hl⟩ b,
change (_ • _) • _ = _,
induction ls with p ls ih,
{ exact (one_mul _).symm },
cases p with i g,
rw [cons_as_smul, smul_assoc g.val _ b, smul_assoc, ih, smul_assoc],
{ symmetry, apply mul_assoc, },
{ apply_instance },
inv_fun := λ f i, f.comp of,
left_inv := begin
intro fi, letI : ∀ i, mul_action (G i) X := λ i, mul_action.comp_hom _ fi,
ext i g, change (g • (1 : coprod G)) • (1 : X) = fi g,
rw smul_assoc, apply mul_one,
right_inv := begin
intro f,
ext w,
cases w with ls hl,
change _ • 1 = f ⟨ls, hl⟩,
induction ls with p ls ih,
{ exact f.map_one.symm },
cases p with i g,
conv_rhs { rw [cons_as_mul, f.map_mul] },
letI : ∀ i, mul_action (G i) X := λ i, mul_action.comp_hom _ (f.comp of),
rw [cons_as_smul, smul_assoc, ih], refl
end }
lemma prod_eq_self (w : coprod G) : ( (λ l, of l.snd.val)) = w :=
cases w with ls hl, induction ls with p ls ih,
{ refl, }, { cases p, rw [list.map_cons, list.prod_cons, ih hl.tail, cons_as_mul], },
end monoids
-- we now do the case of groups.
variables {ι : Type*} {G : Π i : ι, Type*} [Π i, group (G i)]
[decidable_eq ι] [∀ i, decidable_eq (G i)]
instance coprod_inv : has_inv (coprod G) :=
⟨λ w, ⟨list.reverse ( $ λ l, ⟨l.fst, l.snd.val⁻¹, inv_ne_one.mpr⟩),
rw [list.map_reverse, list.chain'_reverse, list.map_map, function.comp],
convert, ext, exact ne_comm,
instance : group (coprod G) :=
{ mul_left_inv := begin
intro w, -- possibly this should all be deduced from some more general result
conv_lhs { congr, rw ←prod_eq_self w⁻¹, skip, rw ←prod_eq_self w },
cases w with ls junk,
rw [subtype.val_eq_coe, coprod_inv_inv_coe, list.map_reverse, list.map_map],
dsimp only, clear junk,
induction ls with p ls ih,
{ apply mul_one, },
rw [list.map_cons, list.reverse_cons, list.prod_append, list.map_cons, list.prod_cons,
list.prod_nil, mul_one, function.comp_apply, mul_assoc, list.prod_cons,
←mul_assoc _ (of p.snd.val), ←of.map_mul, mul_left_inv, of.map_one, one_mul, ih],
..coprod_monoid }
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