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Created August 9, 2011 22:34
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RDoc explicando el workflow

Git CheatSheet

  • Corregir mi último commit:

    git commit –amend

  • Cambiar de branch:

    git checkout branch_name

  • Renombar una branch:

    git branch -m old_name new_name

  • Borrar una branch:

    git branch -d branch_name

  • Cambiar la referencia remota de un branch:

git branch --set-upstream origin remote_branch
  • Pulling a new branch from a remote repository

git fetch origin [remote-branch]:

GitHub git cheatsheet:

VIM CheatSheet

  • Save


  • Quit without saving


Workflow for a new feature

Basado en Lo iremos tuneando de acuerdo a nuestra realidad

1. Pull to update your local master
2. Check out a feature branch
3. Click "start" on PivotalTracker's story
4. Do work in your feature branch, committing early and often
5. Rebase frequently to incorporate upstream changes
6. Comment about your progress/issues on PivotalTracker's story.
7. Interactive rebase (squash) your commits
8. Merge your changes with master
9. Push your changes to the upstream
10. Click "finish" on PivotalTracker's story
11. Click "deliver" on PivotalTracker's story and comment with a link to squashed commit

1. Pull to update your local master

git pull origin master

2. Check out a feature branch

First, check out a feature branch named with the story id and a short, descriptive title:

git checkout -b 3275-add-commenting

When attempting several approachs to a feature create various branchs, all from master:

git branch 3275-A-feature
git branch 3275-B-feature

3. Click “start” on PivotalTracker’s story

4. Do work in your feature branch, committing early and often

5. Rebase frequently to incorporate upstream changes

Rebase against the upstream frequently to prevent your branch from diverging significantly:

git fetch origin master
git rebase origin/master


git checkout master
git pull
git checkout 3275-add-commenting
git rebase master

6. Comment about your progress/issues on PivotalTracker’s story.

7. Click “finish” on PivotalTracker’s story

When you finish the story click “finish” on PivotalTracker

8. Interactive rebase (squash) your commits

Once work on the feature is complete, you will have a branch with a lot of small commits like “adding a model and a migration”, “adding a controller and some views”, “oh crap – adding tests” and so on. This is useful while developing but larger, incremental commits are more easier to maintain. We will use an interactive rebase to squash them together. Also, squashing these commits together will allow us to pretend that we wrote the tests first…

We want the rebase to affect only the commits we’ve made to this branch, not the commits that exist on the upstream. To ensure that we only deal with the “local” commits, use:

git rebase -i origin/master

Git will display an editor window with a list of the commits to be modified, something like:

pick 3dcd585 Adding Comment model, migrations, spec
pick 9f5c362 Adding Comment controller, helper, spec
pick dcd4813 Adding Comment relationship with Post
pick 977a754 Comment belongs to a User
pick 9ea48e3 Comment form on Post show page

Now we tell git what we to do. Change these lines to:

pick 3dcd585 Adding Comment model, migrations, spec
squash 9f5c362 Adding Comment controller, helper, spec
squash dcd4813 Adding Comment relationship with Post
squash 977a754 Comment belongs to a User
squash 9ea48e3 Comment form on Post show page

Save and close the file. This will squash these commits together into one commit and present us with a new editor window where we can give the new commit a message. We’ll use the story id and title for the subject and list the original commit messages in the body:

[#3275] User Can Add A Comment To a Post

* Adding Comment model, migrations, spec
* Adding Comment controller, helper, spec
* Adding Comment relationship with Post
* Comment belongs to a User
* Comment form on Post show page

9. Merge your changes with master

git checkout master
git merge 3275-add-commenting

10. Push your changes to the upstream

git push origin master

11. Click “deliver” on PivotalTracker’s story and comment with a link to squashed commit

Only click “deliver” when you have actualy delivered your work by pushing your changes to the github repo.

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