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Created February 6, 2020 20:12
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// Output sine wave with frequency sweep between 100Hz and 10kHz (32 samples) on analog pin A0 using the DAC and DMAC
// Generously initially donated by MartinL2
// Written for M0. Tested on Adafruit Feather M0 with ATWINC-1500 WiFi
// BDL change to 100Hz to 25000Hz
// BDL change to sweep in frequency, rather than period. This makes it look better on an FFT
// BDL change to have constant power in FFT bins. Each frequency operates for the same amount of time yielding constant
// power in the FFT
// Uploaded to Adafruit forum 17 July 2019
#define const_pwr // ifndef get constant (single cycle per frequency) chirp.
// ifdef get constant power per fft bin
//#define serial // uncomment to get some serial data - leave undef for full performance
volatile uint16_t sintable1[32];
volatile uint32_t freq=10000;
static uint16_t period = 48000000/(freq * 32) -1;
typedef struct // DMAC descriptor structure
uint16_t btctrl;
uint16_t btcnt;
uint32_t srcaddr;
uint32_t dstaddr;
uint32_t descaddr;
} dmacdescriptor ;
volatile dmacdescriptor wrb[12] __attribute__ ((aligned (16))); // Write-back DMAC descriptors
volatile dmacdescriptor descriptor_section[12] __attribute__ ((aligned (16))); // DMAC channel descriptors
dmacdescriptor descriptor __attribute__ ((aligned (16))); // Place holder descriptor
void setup()
// ================================================================================================================
#ifdef serial
Serial.begin(2000000); // Comment this line and next for full performance
// ================================================================================================================
for (uint16_t i = 0; i < 32; i++) // Calculate the sine table with 32 entries
sintable1[i] = (uint16_t)((sinf(2 * PI * (float)i / 32) * 511) + 512);
analogWriteResolution(10); // Set the DAC's resolution to 10-bits
analogWrite(A0, 0); // Initialise the DAC
// Initialize DMA
DMAC->BASEADDR.reg = (uint32_t)descriptor_section; // Set the descriptor section base address
DMAC->WRBADDR.reg = (uint32_t)wrb; // Set the write-back descriptor base adddress
DMAC->CTRL.reg = DMAC_CTRL_DMAENABLE | DMAC_CTRL_LVLEN(0xf); // Enable the DMAC and priority levels
DMAC->CHID.reg = DMAC_CHID_ID(0); // Select DMAC channel 0
DMAC->CHINTENSET.reg = DMAC_CHINTENSET_SUSP; // Enable suspend channel interrupts on each channel
DMAC->CHCTRLB.reg = DMAC_CHCTRLB_LVL(0) | // Set DMAC priority to level 0 (lowest)
DMAC_CHCTRLB_TRIGSRC(TCC0_DMAC_ID_OVF) | // Trigger on timer TCC0 overflow
DMAC_CHCTRLB_TRIGACT_BEAT; // Trigger every beat
descriptor.descaddr = (uint32_t)&descriptor_section[0]; // Set up a circular descriptor
descriptor.srcaddr = (uint32_t)&sintable1[0] + 32 * sizeof(uint16_t); // Read the current value in the sine table
descriptor.dstaddr = (uint32_t)&DAC->DATA.reg; // Copy it into the DAC data register
descriptor.btcnt = 32; // This takes the number of sine table entries = 256 beats
descriptor.btctrl = DMAC_BTCTRL_BLOCKACT_SUSPEND | // Suspend DMAC channel at end of block transfer
DMAC_BTCTRL_BEATSIZE_HWORD | // Set the beat size to 16-bits (Half Word)
DMAC_BTCTRL_SRCINC | // Increment the source address every beat
DMAC_BTCTRL_VALID; // Flag the descriptor as valid
memcpy((void*)&descriptor_section[0], &descriptor, sizeof(dmacdescriptor)); // Copy to the channel 0 descriptor
NVIC_SetPriority(DMAC_IRQn, 0); // Set the Nested Vector Interrupt Controller (NVIC) priority for the DMAC to 0 (highest)
NVIC_EnableIRQ(DMAC_IRQn); // Connect the DMAC to the Nested Vector Interrupt Controller (NVIC)
// Initialize clocks and timer
GCLK->GENDIV.reg = GCLK_GENDIV_DIV(1) | // Divide the 48MHz clock source by divisor 1: 48MHz/1=48MHz
GCLK_GENDIV_ID(4); // Select Generic Clock (GCLK) 4
while (GCLK->STATUS.bit.SYNCBUSY); // Wait for synchronization
GCLK->GENCTRL.reg = GCLK_GENCTRL_IDC | // Set the duty cycle to 50/50 HIGH/LOW
GCLK_GENCTRL_SRC_DFLL48M | // Set the 48MHz clock source
while (GCLK->STATUS.bit.SYNCBUSY); // Wait for synchronization
while (GCLK->STATUS.bit.SYNCBUSY); // Wait for synchronization
TCC0->WAVE.reg = TCC_WAVE_WAVEGEN_NFRQ; // Setup TCC0 in Normal Frequency (NFRQ) mode
while (TCC0->SYNCBUSY.bit.WAVE); // Wait for synchronization
// freq = basefreq; // set freq to minimum
#ifdef serial
Serial.print("Start period is: "); Serial.println(48000000/(freq *32) - 1);
TCC0->PER.reg = 48000000/(freq *32) - 1;
while(TCC0->SYNCBUSY.bit.PER); // Wait for synchronization
TCC0->CTRLA.reg = TCC_CTRLA_PRESCALER_DIV1; // Set the TCC0 prescaler to 1 giving 48MHz (20.83ns) timer tick
TCC0->CTRLA.bit.ENABLE = 1; // Enable the TCC0 output
while (TCC0->SYNCBUSY.bit.ENABLE); // Wait for synchronization
DMAC->CHID.reg = DMAC_CHID_ID(0); // Select DMAC channel
void loop() {} // We don't do anything in the loop
void DMAC_Handler()
DMAC->CHID.reg = DMAC_CHID_ID(DMAC->INTPEND.bit.ID); // Find the DMAC channel generating the interrupt
descriptor_section[0].btctrl &= ~DMAC_BTCTRL_VALID; // Disable the descriptor
TCC0->PERB.reg = period; // 2kHz sine wave, 128 samples: 48MHz / (2000 * 128) - 1
while(TCC0->SYNCBUSY.bit.PERB); // Wait for synchronization
#ifdef serial
Serial.print("idx :"); Serial.println(idx);
Serial.print("count:"); Serial.println(count);
descriptor_section[0].btctrl |= DMAC_BTCTRL_VALID; // Enable the descriptor
DMAC->CHCTRLB.reg |= DMAC_CHCTRLB_CMD_RESUME; // Resume the DMAC channel
DMAC->CHINTFLAG.bit.SUSP = 1; // Clear the DMAC channel suspend (SUSP) interrupt flag
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