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Created February 26, 2014 18:41
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#include "Arduino.h"
#include <SPI.h>
#include <Ethernet.h>
#include "plotly_ethernet.h"
//#include <avr/dtostrf.h>
width_ = 10;
prec_ = 5;
VERBOSE = true;
DRY_RUN = true;
maxStringLength = 0;
layout = "{}";
world_readable = true;
timestamp = false;
timezone = "America/Montreal";
void plotly::open_stream(int N, int M, char *filename_, char *layout){
N_ = N; // total sets of data sent = number of rows in plotly-json data matrix
M_ = (M*2); // total number of traces * 2 = number of columns in plotly-json data matrix
ni_ = 0; // counter of number of sets of data set (number of rows in the plotly-json data matrix) transmitted
mi_ = 0; // counter of points sent in each row of data
nChar_ = 0; // counter of number of characters transmitted
if(DRY_RUN){ Serial.println("This is a dry run, we are not connecting to plotly's servers..."); }
if(VERBOSE) { Serial.println("Attempting to connect to plotly's servers..."); }
char server[] = "";
while ( !client.connect(server, 80) ) {
if(VERBOSE){ Serial.println("Couldn\'t connect to servers.... trying again!"); }
if(VERBOSE) Serial.println("Connected to plotly's servers");
if(VERBOSE) Serial.println("\n== Sending HTTP Post to plotly ==");
// HTTP Meta
println_("POST /clientresp HTTP/1.1", 0);
println_("Host:", 0);
println_("User-Agent: Arduino/2.0", 0);
// compute an upper bound on the post body size
upper_ = 273+strlen(layout)+((N_*M_-1)*2)+((N_-1)*4)+(max(20,maxStringLength)*N_*M_);
/* Computation composition:
44 // First part of querystring below
+ 30 // Upper limit on username length
+ 5 // "&key="
+ 10 // api key length
+ 6 // "&args="
+ 22 // "&kwargs={\"filename\": \""
+ 100 // upper bound on filename
+ 53 // "\", \"fileopt\": \"extend\", \"transpose\": true, \"layout\": "
+ layout.length()
+ 1 // closing }
+ (N_*M_-1)*2 // + 2-chars for comma and space for all but the last numbers ...
+ (N_-1)*4 // + 4-chars for square brackets, comma, space for n-1 set of points [],
+ 2 // + 2-chars for start 'n finish square braces
+ max(20,maxStringLength)*N_*M_; // + max character buffer in converting floats to strings. NOTE: The largest float is 56 chars... should the buffer be this big? [(48-chars for largest float integer left of the decimal (-3.4028235E+38) )+(1 decimal pt)+(6 digits of precision right of the decimal)=56-chars]*each float
upper_ += 122;
/* Computation composition:
upper_ += 26 // \"convertTimestamp\": true"
+ 41 // ", \"convertTimestamp\": true, \"timezone\": \""
+ 30 // upper bound on timezones string
+ 15 // "\", \"sentTime\": "
+ 10; // max length of unsigned long for sentTime: 4,294,967,295
// send the header to plotly
print_("Content-Length: ", 0);
println_(upper_, 0);
println_("", 0);
// start the post string
print_("version=0.2&origin=plot&platform=arduino&un=", 44);
print_("&key=", 5);
print_("&args=", 6);
void plotly::close_stream(){
print_( "&kwargs={\"filename\": \"", 22 );
print_( filename );
print_( "\", \"fileopt\": \"extend\", \"transpose\": true, \"layout\": ", 53);
print_( layout );
print_( ", \"world_readable\": false", 25);
print_( ", \"convertTimestamp\": true", 26 );
print_( ", \"timezone\": \"", 15 );
print_("\"", 1);
print_( ", \"sentTime\": ", 14 );
print_( millis() );
print_( "}", 1 );
} else{
print_( "}", 1);
// fill the remainder of the post with white space
Serial.print("Error: Content-Length upper bound is too small. Upper bound was: ");
Serial.print(upper_); Serial.print(", and we printed "); Serial.print(nChar_); Serial.println(" characters.");
Serial.println("Message will not transmit, report bug to chris at");
for(int i=nChar_; i<upper_; i++){
if(!DRY_RUN) client.print(" ");
// final newline to terminate the post
println_("", 0);
if(VERBOSE) Serial.println("== Sent message, waiting for plotly's response ==");
char c =;
// overloaded functions that print pairs of data to the client
void plotly::post(int x, int y){ sendString_(x); sendString_(y); }
void plotly::post(int x, float y){ sendString_(x); sendString_(y); }
void plotly::post(unsigned long x, int y){ sendString_(x); sendString_(y); }
void plotly::post(unsigned long x, float y){ sendString_(x); sendString_(y); }
void plotly::post(float x, int y){ sendString_(x); sendString_(y); }
void plotly::post(float x, float y){ sendString_(x); sendString_(y); }
void plotly::post(char *x, int y){ sendString_(x); sendString_(y); }
void plotly::post(char *x, float y){ sendString_(x); sendString_(y); }
void plotly::post(String x, int y){ sendString_(x); sendString_(y); }
void plotly::post(String x, float y){sendString_(x); sendString_(y); }
// overloaded functions that print data to the client as per JSON format
void plotly::sendString_(String d){
print_("\"",1); print_(d); print_("\"",1);
void plotly::sendString_(char *d){
print_("\"",1); print_(d); print_("\"",1);
void plotly::sendString_(float d){
char s_[width_];
void plotly::sendString_(int d){
void plotly::sendString_(unsigned long d){
void plotly::print_(char *s, int nChar){
if(VERBOSE){ Serial.print(s); }
if(!DRY_RUN) { client.print(s); }
nChar_ += nChar;
void plotly::print_(char *s){
if(VERBOSE){ Serial.print(s); }
if(!DRY_RUN) { client.print(s); }
nChar_ += strlen(s);
void plotly::print_(String s, int nChar){
if(VERBOSE){ Serial.print(s); }
if(!DRY_RUN) { client.print(s); }
nChar_ += nChar;
void plotly::print_(String s){
if(VERBOSE){ Serial.print(s); }
if(!DRY_RUN) { client.print(s); }
nChar_ += s.length();
void plotly::print_(int s){
if(VERBOSE){ Serial.print(s); }
if(!DRY_RUN) { client.print(s); }
nChar_ += len_(s);
void plotly::print_(unsigned long s){
if(VERBOSE){ Serial.print(s); }
if(!DRY_RUN) { client.print(s); }
nChar_ += len_(s);
void plotly::println_(char *s, int nChar){
if(VERBOSE){ Serial.println(s); }
if(!DRY_RUN) { client.println(s); }
nChar_ += nChar;
void plotly::println_(unsigned long int s, int nChar){
if(VERBOSE){ Serial.println(s); }
if(!DRY_RUN) { client.println(s); }
nChar_ += nChar;
int plotly::len_(int i){
if(i > 9999) return 5;
else if(i > 999) return 4;
else if(i > 99) return 3;
else if(i > 9) return 2;
else return 1;
int plotly::len_(unsigned long i){
if(i > 999999999) return 10;
else if(i > 99999999) return 9;
else if(i > 9999999) return 8;
else if(i > 999999) return 7;
else if(i > 99999) return 6;
else if(i > 9999) return 5;
else if(i > 999) return 4;
else if(i > 99) return 3;
else if(i > 9) return 2;
else return 1;
void plotly::send_prepad_(){
// print [[ or [ to the client if the start of the matrix or row
mi_ += 1;
if(mi_ == 1){
ni_ += 1;
} else{
void plotly::send_postpad_(){
// print ", ", ", ]", "], ", "]]" depending on the value of the mi_, ni_ counters
if(mi_ == 1){
print_(", ", 2);
} else{
print_(", ", 2);
} else if(mi_ == M_ && ni_ < N_){
print_("], ", 3);
mi_ = 0;
} else if(mi_ == M_ && ni_ == N_){
print_("]]", 2);
} else{
print_(", ", 2);
if(mi_ == M_ && ni_ == N_){
char *dtostrf (float val, signed char width, unsigned char prec, char *sout) {
char fmt[20];
sprintf(fmt, "%%%d.%df", width, prec);
sprintf(sout, fmt, val);
return sout;
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dwblair commented Feb 26, 2014

This fixes a broken "dtostrf" function

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