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Last active July 10, 2019 00:20
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Testing out substack's "ACK' functionality for hypercore!

testing out ACKs in hypercore

Using substack's 'ack' branch of hypercore, you can set an 'ack' flag to 'true' when creating a hypercore replication feed, and you'll be able to tell, for any given hypercore log block you append to a hypercore feed, whether it has been received by a peer.

As a test, I ran "node testsend.js" below ... which generates a public key [KEY], and allows me to type messages into the terminal 'live'. In another directory, I ran "node testreceive.js [KEY]" in order receive those messages ...

Here's what it looked like on the 'send' side as I typed in new messages (I'm including a snippet after I'd already been testing a while) ...

2019-07-06T23:03:14.746Z> bubbles
2018-11-05T14:26:000Z> hello world
test another
2019-07-06T23:04:12.726Z> test another
hear hear!
2019-07-06T23:04:27.795Z> hear hear!
yay it's working!
2019-07-06T23:05:08.945Z> yay it's working!

You can see that the hyperlog replication feed block numbers ('9', '10', '11', '12') are being logged to the console as I send the messages, indicating that a peer has received those blocks as I append them.


The code I used for 'testsend' and 'testreceive' are below.

var discovery = require('discovery-swarm')
var hypercore = require('hypercore')
var pump = require('pump')
if( process.argv.length != 3 ) {
console.log( "Usage" )
console.log( "node dump.js cabalkey")
// Strip out the awesome
const key = process.argv[2].replace('cabal://', '').replace('cbl://', '').replace('dat://', '').replace(/\//g, '')
//const key = 'c4a2a72e2df7867a4d9d0eeaf98e2930d6c3948f0c9087c34a09a2bcfbd69615';
console.log( "Connecting to", key)
// var feed = hypercore('./single-chat-feed-clone', '{paste the public key from the prev exercise}', {
var feed = hypercore('./received', key, {
valueEncoding: 'json'
feed.createReadStream({ live: true})
.on('data', function (data) {
var swarm = discovery()
feed.ready(function () {
// we use the discovery as the topic
swarm.on('connection', function (connection) {
console.log('(New peer connected!)')
// We use the pump module instead of stream.pipe(otherStream)
// as it does stream error handling, so we do not have to do that
// manually.
var stream=feed.replicate({ live:true,ack:true})
// See below for more detail on how this work.
pump(connection, stream, connection)
var discovery = require('discovery-swarm')
var hypercore = require('hypercore')
var pump = require('pump')
var feed = hypercore('sending', {
valueEncoding: 'json'
type: 'chat-message',
nickname: 'cat-lover',
text: 'hello world',
timestamp: '2018-11-05T14:26:000Z' // new Date().toISOString()
}, function (err, seq) {
if (err) throw err
console.log('Data was appended as entry #' + seq)
// feed.get(0, function (err, msg) {
// console.log('msg', msg)
// })
process.stdin.on('data', function (data) {
type: 'chat-message',
nickname: 'cat-lover',
text: data.toString(),
timestamp: new Date().toISOString()
.on('data', function (data) {
console.log(data.timestamp + '> ' + data.text.trim())
var swarm = discovery()
feed.ready(function () {
// we use the discovery as the topic
swarm.on('connection', function (connection) {
console.log('(New peer connected!)')
// We use the pump module instead of stream.pipe(otherStream)
// as it does stream error handling, so we do not have to do that
// manually.
var stream=feed.replicate({ live:true,ack:true})
// See below for more detail on how this work.
// pump(connection, feed.replicate({ live: true, ack:true}), connection)
pump(connection, stream, connection)
stream.on('ack', function (block) {
console.log(block) // block is a sequence number
console.log('public key:', feed.key.toString('hex'))
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