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Created July 7, 2022 17:04
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Encode lat/long using interleaved base32/NATO progressive representation
# Copyright 2022 Dave Cridland
# Licensed under MIT
import sys
lat, long = [float(n) for n in sys.argv[1:3]]
LIMIT = 2 ** 20
def encode(lat: float, long: float) -> str:
Encode deciimal degree based lat/long coordinates into a Base32 string.
:param lat:
:param long:
# Convert to absolute coords instead of +/-
if long < 0:
long += 360
if lat < 0:
lat += 360
# Convert to an integral scale
lat_int = int(lat*LIMIT)
long_int = int(long*LIMIT)
# Now interleave bits of each coord
combined = 0
for i in range(32):
lat_bit = lat_int & (1 << i)
long_bit = long_int & (1 << i)
combined |= (lat_bit << i) | (long_bit << (i + 1))
# Base32 the result
from base64 import b32encode
from struct import pack
b32 = b32encode(pack('!Q', combined << SHIFT))
return b32[0:-3].decode('ascii')
def decode(code: str) -> tuple(float, float):
Reverse the encoding.
:param code:
while len(code) < 13:
code += 'A'
code = code + '==='
from base64 import b32decode
from struct import unpack
combined = unpack('!Q', b32decode(code))[0] >> SHIFT
lat_int = 0
long_int = 0
for i in range(32):
lat_int |= (combined & (1 << (2*i))) >> i
long_int |= (combined & (1 << ((2*i) + 1))) >> (i + 1)
lat, long = float(lat_int) / LIMIT, float(long_int) / LIMIT
if lat > 180:
lat -= 360
if long > 180:
long -= 360
return lat, long
def display(base32_enc: str) -> str:
Convert a base32 encoded string into NATO phonetic words
:param base32_enc:
nato_alphabet = ['Alfa', 'Bravo', 'Charlie', 'Delta', 'Echo', 'Foxtrot', 'Golf', 'Hotel', 'India', 'Juliett',
'Kilo', 'Lima', 'Mike', 'November', 'Oscar', 'Papa', 'Quebec', 'Romeo', 'Sierra', 'Tango', 'Uniform',
'Victor', 'Whiskey', 'X-Ray', 'Yankee', 'Zulu']
numbers = ['Zero', 'One', 'Two', 'Three', 'Four', 'Five', 'Six', 'Seven', 'Eight', 'Niner']
disp = []
for c in base32_enc:
if ord('0') <= ord(c) <= ord('9'):
disp.append(numbers[ord(c) - ord('0')])
if ord('A') <= ord(c) <= ord('Z'):
disp.append(nato_alphabet[ord(c) - ord('A')])
return ' '.join(disp)
enc = encode(lat, long)
print(enc, len(enc), display(enc))
print(encode(int(lat), int(long)))
print(encode(-1, -1))
print(repr((lat, long)))
def dist(coords1, coords2):
Given two decimal degree lat/long coordinates, find the distance.
:param coords1:
:param coords2:
import math
delta_lat = math.radians(coords2[0] - coords1[0]) / 2
delta_long = math.radians(coords2[1] - coords1[1]) / 2
lat1 = math.radians(coords1[0])
lat2 = math.radians(coords2[0])
x = math.sin(delta_lat) ** 2 + (math.sin(delta_long) ** 2) * math.cos(lat1) * math.cos(lat2)
distance = math.atan2(math.sqrt(x), math.sqrt(1-x))
return 6371000 * distance
test = ''
for c in enc:
test += c
coords = decode(test)
print(enc, test, dist((lat, long), coords), repr(coords))
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