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Search Apollo GraphQL Fields report for active fields in last 24 hours
// inject jquery
(function (){ function l(u, i) { var d = document; if (!d.getElementById(i)) { var s = d.createElement('script'); s.src = u; = i; d.body.appendChild(s); } } l('//', 'jquery') })();
const runReport = () => {
$ = jQuery
// get all the rows with 0 calls and remove htem
targets = $('span.flex.items-center ').toArray().map($)
targets.filter(e => parseInt(e.html()) === 0).forEach(e => e.closest('tr').remove())
// get all the remaining rows
targets = $('span.flex.items-center ').toArray().map($)
// keep an array by "object.field" count
sorted = {}
mapped = => {
// get the first column's spans (to strip out the field)
const spans = target.closest('tr').children().first().find('.truncate span').toArray().map($)
return {
section: target.closest('section').find(' > div').find('h2 > div').text().replace('anchor: ', ''),
field: spans[0].attr('title'),
returnValue: spans[1].find('a').html(),
calls: parseInt(target.html()),
}).reduce( (acc, val) => {
const [type] = val.section.split(' ')
sorted[`${type}.${val.field}`] = val.calls
const section = acc[val.section] || {}
section[val.field] = {
returns: val.returnValue,
calls: val.calls
acc[val.section] = section
return acc
}, {})
pretty = Object.keys(sorted)
.map(key => ({ key, value: sorted[key]}))
.sort( (a, b) => b.value - a.value)
.map(row => `${row.key}: ${row.value}`)
console.log({ sorted, mapped }, pretty)
setTimeout(runReport, 3 * 1000) // give jquery time to load
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