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Last active April 21, 2018 06:31
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  • Save dweremeichik/0ce8749bcc300dd2ae321e94d592b50b to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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Debian Ricing
  1. Download Debian and install network install.
  2. No root user.
  3. Seperate partition for home.
  4. Add non-free to the end of /etc/apt/sources.list 1.
  5. Find missing firmware with cat /var/log/syslog | grep firmware.
  6. Locate new firmware with apt search FIRMWAREnAME.
  7. Install the packages suggested by apt.
  8. Install the following: apt install git i3 xorg firefox-esr wicd-curses xinput dbus-x11 htop scrot. * Note that dbus-x11 must be installed or dbus will not function correctly in the user space (the system bus will still work).
  9. Install i3-gaps
  10. git clone && cd i3-gaps-deb.
  11. Execute i3-gaps-deb with .i3-gaps-deb. * Ignore the bit about adding to the i3 config, we will take care of that next.
  12. Create the following directory structure ~/.config/i3/
  13. Copy the default i3 config cp /etc/i3/config ~/.config/i3/config
  14. Edit your new config file and remove "exec i3-config-wizard" (should be the last line) vi ~/.config/i3/config
  15. Add the necessary gaps info to your i3 config ./i3-gaps-deb --config >> ~/.config/i3/config
  16. Reboot for the heck of it.
  17. Log in and run startx to make sure things are working.
  18. Add custom cursors: 1. git clone 1. cd capitaine-cursors 1. cp dist/ ~/.icons/capitaine-cursors/
  19. If you have a HIDPI monitor do the following: 1. Edit vi ~/.Xresources 1. Add Xft.dpi: 180 Xft.autohint: 0 Xft.lcdfilter: lcddefault Xft.hintstyle: hintfull Xft.hinting: 1 Xft.antialias: 1 Xft.rgba: rgb
  20. Edit vi ~/.Xresources and add your custom cursor: 1. Add Xcursor.theme: capitaine-cursors
  21. To fix a blocked wireless card:
  22. sudo rfkill list check for soft or hard blocks, soft blocks can be fixed below.
  23. sudo rfkill unblock all
  24. Fix your touchpad, add the following lines to .xsessionrc.

xinput set-prop 13 287 1```

  • Note that you can use the following commands to find out what properties to set for your device.
    1. xinput list
    2. xinput list-props DEVICE-ID
    3. xinput set-prop DEVICE-ID PROP-ID 1
  1. Add Kitty
  2. apt install libxcursor-dev libxrandr-dev libxinerama-dev libgl1-mesa-dev python3-dev libxi-dev
  3. Clone Kitty git clone && cd kitty
  4. Manually install >=1.5 version of [harfbuzz](
    1. Follow the download link, and download the latest tar and unpack it. 1. Follow the directions in the building link. After running ./configure && make run make install.
  5. make kitty (ignore wayland errors, we aren't using it).
  6. You can now test kitty out with python3 ..
  7. To finish building, run python3 linux-package.
  8. In the linux-package dir you will find bin, lib and share. 1. sudo cp bin/* /usr/bin 1. sudo cp -r lib/* /usr/lib/ 1. sudo cp -r share/* /usr/share/
  9. Edit ~/.config/i3/config change bindsym Mod1+Return exec i3-sensible-terminal to bindsym Mod1+Return exec kitty.
  10. Add Fish
  11. Add the repo echo 'deb /' > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/shells:fish:release:2.list.
  12. Add the release key wget -nv -O Release.key apt-key add - < Release.key
  13. Update and install apt update && apt install fish.
  14. Add VS code --- missing
  15. Fix ssh ask pass apt install ssh-askpass.
  16. Add export SSH_ASKPASS=ssh-askpass to your .xinitrc
  17. Brightness fix.
  18. apt install xbacklight
  19. Add the following to /etc/X11/xorg.conf: Section "Device" Identifier "Card0" Driver "intel" Option "Backlight" "intel_backlight" EndSection
  20. Firefox file download/upload fix: change the following value in about:config to false ui.allow_platform_file_picker
  21. Setup pulseaudio:
  22. apt install pulseaudio
  23. Clone
  24. cd pulseaudio-ctl && make
  25. make install should be done as root.
  26. Configure pulse audio: 1. pacmd list-sources | grep -e device.string -e 'name:' 1. Edit /etc/pulseaudio/ (at the bottom) and add the following, changing the device name to the one found above: set-default-source alsa_output.pci-0000_04_01.0.analog-stereo.monitor 1. pacmd list-sinks | grep -e 'name:' -e 'index' 1. Edit /etc/pulseaudio/ (at the bottom) and add the following, changing the device name to the one found above: set-default-sink alsa_output.pci-0000_04_01.0.analog-stereo 1. pulseaudio --kill 1. pulseaudio --start
  27. Notifications
  28. git clone && cd dunst
  29. Install the dependincies found at here
  30. make
  31. make install (as root)
  32. Install libnotify-bin to enable notify-send apt install libnotify-bin.
  33. Set fish as the default: chsh -s /usr/bin/fish
  34. Install pgcli: sudo apt install python-pip && sudo pip install pgcli


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