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Last active June 7, 2024 12:58
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"slug": "codingClubDE",
"title": "Coding Club für Mädchen — DE",
"description": "Quiz für den SPS-Tag Wettbewerb am 8. Juni 2024.",
"image": "",
"visibility": "public",
"shuffle": true,
"info": {
"date": "2024-06-08",
"timeLimit": "15 Minuten",
"attempts": "1",
"points": "1000"
"tags": [
"Coding Club"
"type": "form",
"starter": {
"title": "Das Quiz beginnt jetzt! Viel Glück!",
"subtitle": "Gib deinen Vornamen und deine E-Mail-Adresse ein, um dich für den Wettbewerb zu registrieren.",
"fields": [
"type": "name",
"text": "Vorname und Nachname"
"type": "email",
"text": "E-Mail-Adresse"
"creator": "dwesh163",
"questions": [
"question": "In welchem Jahr wurde die EPFL gegründet?",
"credit": "Foto von Baptiste auf Unsplash",
"image": "",
"type": "radios",
"answers": [
"correct": [
"point": 50
"question": "Steht EPFL für 'École Professionnelle Fédérale de Lausanne'?",
"type": "boolean",
"answers": [
"correct": [
"point": 50
"question": "Was sind die 3 Missionen der EPFL?",
"type": "checkboxes",
"answers": [
"correct": [
"point": 50
"question": "Wie viele Auszubildende gibt es an der EPFL? (einschließlich Praktikanten)",
"type": "radios",
"answers": [
"~ 90",
"~ 100",
"~ 110",
"~ 120"
"shuffle": false,
"correct": [
"~ 110"
"point": 50
"question": "Wie viele Berufe werden an der EPFL im CFC unterrichtet?",
"type": "radios",
"answers": [
"shuffle": false,
"correct": [
"point": 50
"question": "Wie hoch ist der Prozentsatz weiblicher Auszubildender an der EPFL?",
"type": "radios",
"answers": [
"correct": [
"point": 50
"question": "Wie viele Auszubildende gibt es in der Informatik? (einschließlich Praktikanten)",
"type": "radios",
"answers": [
"correct": [
"point": 50
"question": "Wie hoch ist das Durchschnittsalter der Auszubildenden an der EPFL?",
"type": "radios",
"answers": [
"16 Jahre",
"17 Jahre",
"18 Jahre",
"19 Jahre"
"shuffle": false,
"correct": [
"19 Jahre"
"point": 50
"question": "Wie viele Fachrichtungen gibt es im CFC für Informatik?",
"type": "radios",
"answers": [
"correct": [
"point": 50
"question": "Wie lange dauert eine Informatik-CFC-Ausbildung mit integrierter Berufsmatura?",
"type": "radios",
"answers": [
"2 Jahre",
"3 Jahre",
"4 Jahre",
"5 Jahre"
"shuffle": false,
"correct": [
"4 Jahre"
"point": 50
"question": "Welche Hochschulen sind nach einem CFC mit Berufsmatura verfügbar?",
"type": "radios",
"answers": [
"École Supérieure (ES)",
"correct": [
"point": 50
"question": "Wofür steht EPSIC?",
"type": "radios",
"answers": [
"École professionnelle de la Société Industrielle et Commerciale",
"Enseignement et Promotion des Sciences et de l'Ingénierie Civile",
"École Professionnelle de Sciences Informatiques et de Communication",
"Établissement de Formation en Sciences et Ingénierie Commerciales"
"correct": [
"École professionnelle de la Société Industrielle et Commerciale"
"point": 50
"question": "Wie weit ist es in Metern zwischen der EPFL und der EPSIC (Luftlinie)?",
"type": "radios",
"answers": [
"correct": [
"point": 50
"question": "Wofür steht TPI, die obligatorische Abschlussprüfung?",
"type": "radios",
"answers": [
"Travail Pédagogique Interactif",
"Travail Pratique Individuel",
"Travail Pratique Interdisciplinaire",
"Travaux Professionnels Industriels"
"correct": [
"Travail Pratique Individuel"
"point": 50
"question": "Welche dieser Antworten ist keine Programmiersprache?",
"type": "radios",
"answers": [
"correct": [
"point": 50
"question": "Welche Sprache wird verwendet, um das 'Skelett' einer Website zu erstellen?",
"type": "radios",
"answers": [
"correct": [
"point": 50
"question": "Welches Unternehmen besitzt das Betriebssystem Windows?",
"type": "radios",
"answers": [
"correct": [
"point": 50
"slug": "codingClubEN",
"title": "Coding Club for Girls — EN",
"description": "Quiz for the SPS Day Contest on June 8, 2024.",
"image": "",
"visibility": "public",
"shuffle": true,
"info": {
"date": "2024-06-08",
"timeLimit": "15 minutes",
"attempts": "1",
"points": "1000"
"tags": [
"coding club"
"type": "form",
"starter": {
"title": "The quiz starts now! Good luck!",
"subtitle": "Enter your first name and email address to register for the contest.",
"fields": [
"type": "name",
"text": "Name and First Name"
"type": "email",
"text": "Email Address"
"creator": "dwesh163",
"questions": [
"question": "In what year was EPFL founded?",
"credit": "Photo by Baptiste on Unsplash",
"image": "",
"type": "radios",
"answers": [
"correct": [
"point": 50
"question": "Does EPFL stand for 'École Professionnelle Fédérale de Lausanne'?",
"type": "boolean",
"answers": [
"correct": [
"point": 50
"question": "What are the 3 missions of EPFL?",
"type": "checkboxes",
"answers": [
"correct": [
"point": 50
"question": "How many apprentices are there at EPFL? (including interns)",
"type": "radios",
"answers": [
"~ 90",
"~ 100",
"~ 110",
"~ 120"
"shuffle": false,
"correct": [
"~ 110"
"point": 50
"question": "How many professions are taught in CFC at EPFL?",
"type": "radios",
"answers": [
"shuffle": false,
"correct": [
"point": 50
"question": "What is the percentage of female apprentices at EPFL?",
"type": "radios",
"answers": [
"correct": [
"point": 50
"question": "How many apprentices are there in computer science? (including interns)",
"type": "radios",
"answers": [
"correct": [
"point": 50
"question": "What is the average age of apprentices at EPFL?",
"type": "radios",
"answers": [
"16 years",
"17 years",
"18 years",
"19 years"
"shuffle": false,
"correct": [
"19 years"
"point": 50
"question": "How many fields does the CFC in computer science have?",
"type": "radios",
"answers": [
"correct": [
"point": 50
"question": "What is the duration of a CFC computer science apprenticeship with integrated professional maturity?",
"type": "radios",
"answers": [
"2 years",
"3 years",
"4 years",
"5 years"
"shuffle": false,
"correct": [
"4 years"
"point": 50
"question": "What higher education institutions are available after a CFC with professional maturity?",
"type": "radios",
"answers": [
"École Supérieure (ES)",
"correct": [
"point": 50
"question": "What does EPSIC stand for?",
"type": "radios",
"answers": [
"École professionnelle de la Société Industrielle et Commerciale",
"Enseignement et Promotion des Sciences et de l'Ingénierie Civile",
"École Professionnelle de Sciences Informatiques et de Communication",
"Établissement de Formation en Sciences et Ingénierie Commerciales"
"correct": [
"École professionnelle de la Société Industrielle et Commerciale"
"point": 50
"question": "What is the distance in meters between EPFL and EPSIC (as the crow flies)?",
"type": "radios",
"answers": [
"correct": [
"point": 50
"question": "What does TPI, the mandatory end-of-apprenticeship exam, stand for?",
"type": "radios",
"answers": [
"Travail Pédagogique Interactif",
"Travail Pratique Individuel",
"Travail Pratique Interdisciplinaire",
"Travaux Professionnels Industriels"
"correct": [
"Travail Pratique Individuel"
"point": 50
"question": "Which of these is not a programming language?",
"type": "radios",
"answers": [
"correct": [
"point": 50
"question": "What language is used to create the 'skeleton' of a website?",
"type": "radios",
"answers": [
"correct": [
"point": 50
"question": "Which company owns the Windows operating system?",
"type": "radios",
"answers": [
"correct": [
"point": 50
"slug": "codingClubFR",
"title": "Coding Club pour les filles — FR",
"description": "Quizz pour le concours de la journée du SPS du 8 juin 2024.",
"image": "",
"visibility": "public",
"shuffle": true,
"info": {
"date": "2024-06-08",
"timeLimit": "15 minutes",
"attempts": "1",
"points": "1000"
"tags": [
"coding club"
"type": "form",
"starter": {
"title": "Le quiz commence maintenant ! Bonne chance !",
"subtitle": "Entre ton prénom et ton adresse email pour t'inscrire au concours.",
"fields": [
"type": "name",
"text": "Nom et prénom"
"type": "email",
"text": "Adresse email"
"creator": "dwesh163",
"questions": [
"question": "En quelle année l'EPFL a-t-elle été fondée ?",
"credit": "Photo de Baptiste sur Unsplash",
"image": "",
"type": "radios",
"answers": [
"correct": [
"point": 50
"question": "EPFL veut-elle dire “École Professionnelle Fédérale de Lausanne” ?",
"type": "boolean",
"answers": [
"correct": [
"point": 50
"question": "Quelles sont les 3 missions de l’EPFL ?",
"type": "checkboxes",
"answers": [
"correct": [
"point": 50
"question": "Combien il y a-t-il d’apprenti·es à l’EPFL ? (stagiaires inclus)",
"type": "radios",
"answers": [
"~ 90",
"~ 100",
"~ 110",
"~ 120"
"shuffle": false,
"correct": [
"~ 110"
"point": 50
"question": "Combien y’a-t-il de professions enseignées en CFC à l’EPFL ?",
"type": "radios",
"answers": [
"shuffle": false,
"correct": [
"point": 50
"question": "Quel est le pourcentage d'apprenties (filles) à l'EPFL ?",
"type": "radios",
"answers": [
"⅙ "
"correct": [
"point": 50
"question": "Combien il y a-t-il d’apprenti·es en informatique ? (stagiaires inclus)",
"type": "radios",
"answers": [
"correct": [
"point": 50
"question": "Quel est l'âge moyen des apprenti·es à l’EPFL ?",
"type": "radios",
"answers": [
"16 ans",
"17 ans",
"18 ans",
"19 ans"
"shuffle": false,
"correct": [
"19 ans"
"point": 50
"question": "Combien de filières comporte le CFC d’informaticien·ne ?",
"type": "radios",
"answers": [
"correct": [
"point": 50
"question": "Quelle est la durée d’un apprentissage d’informaticien CFC avec maturité professionnelle intégrée ?",
"type": "radios",
"answers": [
"2 ans",
"3 ans",
"4 ans",
"5 ans"
"shuffle": false,
"correct": [
"4 ans"
"point": 50
"question": "Quelles sont les hautes écoles disponibles après un CFC avec maturité professionnelle ?",
"type": "radios",
"answers": [
"École Supérieure (ES)",
"correct": [
"point": 50
"question": "Qu’est-ce que l’EPSIC ?",
"type": "radios",
"answers": [
"École professionnelle de la Société Industrielle et Commerciale",
"Enseignement et Promotion des Sciences et de l'Ingénierie Civile",
"École Professionnelle de Sciences Informatiques et de Communication",
"Établissement de Formation en Sciences et Ingénierie Commerciales"
"correct": [
"École professionnelle de la Société Industrielle et Commerciale"
"point": 50
"question": "Quelle est la distance en mètres entre l’EPFL et l’EPSIC (à vol d’oiseau) ?",
"type": "radios",
"answers": [
"correct": [
"point": 50
"question": "Que signifie TPI, l'épreuve obligatoire de fin d'apprentissage ?",
"type": "radios",
"answers": [
"Travail Pédagogique Interactif",
"Travail Pratique Individuel",
"Travail Pratique Interdisciplinaire",
"Travaux Professionnels Industriels"
"correct": [
"Travail Pratique Individuel"
"point": 50
"question": "Laquelle de ces réponses n’est pas un langage de programmation ?",
"type": "radios",
"answers": [
"correct": [
"point": 50
"question": "Quel est le langage utilisé pour créer le “squelette” d’un site internet ?",
"type": "radios",
"answers": [
"correct": [
"point": 50
"question": "À quelle entreprise appartient le système d'exploitation Windows ?",
"type": "radios",
"answers": [
"correct": [
"point": 50
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