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Created February 1, 2010 21:10
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Some simple to moderately complicated Scheme procedures I wrote while learning Scheme.
;A bunch of increasingly complex Scheme procedures I wrote while
;learning Scheme.
; By David Warde-Farley -- user AT cs dot toronto dot edu (user = dwf)
; Redistributable under the terms of the 3-clause BSD license
; (see for details)
;Increment a value and return it.
(define inc
(lambda (x)
(+ x 1)))
;Absolute value example
(define (abs-val x)
(if (>= x 0)
(- x)))
;Count the number of elements in a list. The builtin "length" does this.
(define how-many
(lambda (x)
(cond ((eq? x ())
(else (+ 1 (how-many (cdr x)))))))
;An equivalent procedure, doing it with the if construct.
;also, uses (null? x) instead of the equivalent (eq? x ())
(define how-many2
(lambda (x)
(if (null? x)
(+ 1 (how-many2 (cdr x))))))
;A third implementation using a tail-call recursive helper and an
;accumulator variable.
(define how-many3
(lambda (x)
(define hmt
(lambda (x n)
(if (null? x)
(hmt (cdr x) (+ n 1)))))
(hmt x 0)))
;Increment all the values in a list and any sublists.
;Taken from the CSC324 lecture notes handout.
(define increment-list
(lambda (x)
(cond ((null? x) ())
((number? x) (+ x 1))
(else (cons (increment-list (car x))
(increment-list (cdr x)))))))
;Reverse the elements in a list (O(n^2)).
(define rev
(lambda (x)
(if (eq? x ())
(append (reverse (cdr x)) (cons (car x) ())))))
;Reverse a list in linear time.
(define revbetter
(lambda (x)
(define revaux
(lambda (x acc)
(if (null? x)
(revaux (cdr x) (append (list (car x)) acc)))))
(revaux x ())))
;Find the minimum value in a list.
(define minimum
(lambda (x)
(define minrecurse
(lambda (x curmin)
(if (null? x)
(if (< (car x) curmin)
(minrecurse (cdr x) (car x))
(minrecurse (cdr x) curmin)))))
(minrecurse (cdr x) (car x))))
;The classical recursive problem: a factorial.
(define factorial
(lambda (x)
(if (eq? x 1)
(* x (factorial (- x 1))))))
;predicate for a valid matrix, that is, one with all rows the same length.
(define validmatrix?
(lambda (x)
;and together a list
(define andlist
(lambda (x)
(define andr
(lambda (x rest)
(if (null? rest)
(andr (and x (car rest)) (cdr rest)))))
(andr (car x) (cdr x))))
;sub-procedure that checks each with the next
(define checkwithnext
(lambda (cur rest)
(if (null? rest)
(if (not (eq? (length cur) (length (car rest))))
(checkwithnext (car rest) (cdr rest))))))
(checkwithnext (car x) (cdr x))))
;Matrix addition - add two matrices of the same dimensions together.
(define matrix-add
(lambda (x y)
;add two rows together
(define rowadd
(lambda (v1 v2)
(map + v1 v2)))
;Check both matrices are valid
(if (and (validmatrix? x) (validmatrix? y))
;Check the dimensions match
(if (and
(eq? (length x) (length y))
(eq? (length (car x)) (length (car y))))
(map rowadd x y)
;Matrix transposition - useful for the multiplication procedure seen below.
(define transpose
(lambda (x)
(if (eq? (length (car x)) 1)
(list (map car x))
(append (list (map car x)) (transpose (map cdr x))))))
;Matrix multiplication - multiplies two M x N and N x P matrices together.
;Returns -1 if either of the parameters are invalid matrices or the lengths.
(define matrix-mult
(lambda (x y)
(define multandadd
(lambda (x y)
(apply + (map * x y))))
(if (null? x)
(if (not (and (validmatrix? x) (validmatrix? y)
(eq? (length (car x)) (length y))))
(list (map (lambda (z) (multandadd (car x) z)) (transpose y)))
(matrix-mult (cdr x) y))))))
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