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Created April 14, 2010 19:49
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Save dwf/366247 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Some patch extraction code I'm using to process images.
import os
import numpy as np
import scipy.ndimage as ndimage
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
def frac_eq_to(image, value=0):
return (image == value).sum() / float(
def extract_patches(image, patchshape, overlap_allowed=0.5, cropvalue=None,
Given an image, extract patches of a given shape with a certain
amount of allowed overlap between patches, using a heuristic to
ensure maximum coverage.
If cropvalue is specified, it is treated as a flag denoting a pixel
that has been cropped. Patch will be rejected if it has more than
crop_fraction_allowed * prod(patchshape) pixels equal to cropvalue.
Likewise, patches will be rejected for having more overlap_allowed
fraction of their pixels contained in a patch already selected.
jump_cols = int(patchshape[1] * overlap_allowed)
jump_rows = int(patchshape[0] * overlap_allowed)
# Restrict ourselves to the rectangle containing non-cropped pixels
if cropvalue is not None:
rows, cols = np.where(image != cropvalue)
rows.sort(); cols.sort()
active = image[rows[0]:rows[-1], cols[0]:cols[-1]]
active = image
rowstart = 0; colstart = 0
# Array tracking where we've already taken patches.
covered = np.zeros(active.shape, dtype=bool)
patches = []
while rowstart < active.shape[0] - patchshape[0]:
# Record whether or not e've found a patch in this row,
# so we know whether to skip ahead.
got_a_patch_this_row = False
colstart = 0
while colstart < active.shape[1] - patchshape[1]:
# Slice tuple indexing the region of our proposed patch
region = (slice(rowstart, rowstart + patchshape[0]),
slice(colstart, colstart + patchshape[1]))
# The actual pixels in that region.
patch = active[region]
# The current mask value for that region.
cover_p = covered[region]
if cropvalue is None or \
frac_eq_to(patch, cropvalue) <= crop_fraction_allowed and \
frac_eq_to(cover_p, True) <= overlap_allowed:
# Accept the patch.
# Mask the area.
covered[region] = True
# Jump ahead in the x direction.
colstart += jump_cols
got_a_patch_this_row = True
#print "Got a patch at %d, %d" % (rowstart, colstart)
# Otherwise, shift window across by one pixel.
colstart += 1
if got_a_patch_this_row:
# Jump ahead in the y direction.
rowstart += jump_rows
# Otherwise, shift the window down by one pixel.
rowstart += 1
# Return a 3D array of the patches with the patch index as the first
# dimension (so that patch pixels stay contiguous in memory, in a
# C-ordered array).
return np.concatenate([pat[np.newaxis, ...] for pat in patches], axis=0)
def plot_patches(patches, fignum=None, low=0, high=0):
Given a stack of 2D patches indexed by the first dimension, plot the
patches in subplots.
'low' and 'high' are optional arguments to control which patches
actually get plotted. 'fignum' chooses the figure to plot in.
istate = plt.isinteractive()
if fignum is None:
fig = plt.gcf()
fig = plt.figure(fignum)
if high == 0:
high = len(patches)
pmin, pmax = patches.min(), patches.max()
dims = np.ceil(np.sqrt(high - low))
for idx in xrange(high - low):
spl = plt.subplot(dims, dims, idx + 1)
ax = plt.axis('off')
im = plt.imshow(patches[idx],
cl = plt.clim(pmin, pmax)
def filter_patches(patches, min_mean=0.0, min_std=0.0):
Filter patches by some criterion on their mean and variance.
Takes patches, a 3-dimensional stack of image patches (where
the first dimension indexes the patch), and a minimum
mean and standard deviation. Returns a stack of all the
patches that satisfy both of these criteria.
patchdim =[1:])
patchvectors = patches.reshape(patches.shape[0], patchdim)
means = patchvectors.mean(axis=1)
stdevs = patchvectors.std(axis=1)
indices = (means > min_mean) & (stdevs > min_std)
return patches[indices]
def extract_patches_from_dir(directory, patchsize,
smoothing=None, overlap_allowed=0.5,
cropvalue=None, crop_fraction_allowed=0.1,
min_mean=0, min_std=0):
Extract patches from an entire directory of images.
If `smoothing` is not None, it is used as the standard deviation of a
Gaussian filter applied to the image before extracting patches.
`patchsize`, `overlap_allowed`, `cropvalue` and `crop_fraction_allowed`
are passed along to `extract_patches()`. `min_mean` and `min_std` are
passed along to `filter_patches()`.
output = {}
for fname in os.listdir(directory):
if fname[-4:] == '.png':
outname = fname.replace('.','_').replace('-','_')
assert outname not in output
image = plt.imread(os.path.join(directory, fname))
if smoothing is not None:
image = ndimage.gaussian_filter(image, smoothing)
# Extract patches from the image.
output[outname] = extract_patches(image, patchsize,
cropvalue, crop_fraction_allowed)
# Filter the patches that don't meet our standards.
output[outname] = filter_patches(output[outname], min_std=min_std,
return output
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gunju commented Oct 8, 2017

How to extract non-overlapping patch?

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Hi, is it possible to save the created individual patches to a different folder (preferably named as the big image) for each of big images in a directory?

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gunju commented Jul 30, 2018

How to reconstruct back from the patches?

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I ran above code and successfully created patches but when I tried to display patch
there I am facing an error.

Also please guide me here on how I can store offline those patches. So, if in future I want patches again then I can reuse them
instead, create new.

I have attached screen short please check that

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dwf commented Oct 3, 2019

No idea, but it sounds like you're passing a dictionary rather than an array as the first argument.

This code hasn't been touched in 10 years. I should probably delete it.

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