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Last active December 20, 2016 00:45
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Minimal examples of using the Blocks MainLoop and checkpointing machinery.
# It's important not to define any classes you want serialized in
# the script you're running as pickle doesn't like that (if you pass
# save_main_loop=False to Checkpoint it's fine, though).
from theano import tensor
import numpy
import theano
from picklable_itertools import imap, izip, repeat
# Your algorithm object just needs two required methods: initialize()
# and process_batch().
# Note that in many, many cases the GradientDescent object defined
# in blocks.algorithms (and the associated StepRule objects, like
# Momentum and Adam) are sufficient. Just pass the cost, parameters
# (or gradients, if you prefer) and step rule.
class MyAlgorithm(object):
def __init__(self, cost, X, y, parameters, learning_rate=0.01):
gradients = tensor.grad(cost, wrt=parameters)
updates = [(p, p - learning_rate * g)
for p, g in zip(parameters, gradients)]
# Returns the cost and then updates the parameters.
self.func = theano.function([X, y], cost, updates=updates)
def initialize(self):
# Do whatever you want here, Blocks will call it before
# processing any batches. For example you might decide to
# compile the function here instaed of in the constructor.
def process_batch(self, batch):
# batch is a dictionary mapping names to data (e.g. numpy arrays).
print('cost: ', self.func(batch['X'], batch['y']))
# A DataStream just needs one method: get_epoch_iterator. It should
# return an iterator object that.
# NOTE: Checkpointing requires these iterators to be serializable by
# Python's pickle module ("picklable"). Many common iterators are not
# picklable on Python 2 (but are on Python 3). So Python 3 will make your
# life easier in this regard; otherwise you may find the package
# picklable-itertools <>
# helpful.
# If you use Fuel to make your stream then this is all taken care of
# for you with lots of common datasets.
class MyDataStream(object):
def __init__(self, dim, offset=5, batch_size=20, batches=50):
self.dim = dim
self.offset = offset
self.batches = batches
self.batch_size = batch_size
def get_epoch_iterator(self, as_dict=False):
# The goal of this "dataset" is to predict the mean of the vector
# plus a constant. We'll give back an iterator of 10 batches of
# 100 examples, 50 features.
X = numpy.random.normal(size=(self.batches, self.batch_size, self.dim))
y = X.mean(axis=2) + self.offset
if as_dict:
# Return an iterator of dictionaries of the form
# {'X': features, 'y': targets}
# This is the equivalent of the more idiomatic
# iter([{'X': x, 'y'} for x, y in zip(X, y)])
# but this won't be picklable on Python 2, at least.
return imap(dict, izip(izip(repeat('X'), X), izip(repeat('y'), y)))
return izip(X, y)
from lib import MyAlgorithm, MyDataStream
from blocks.main_loop import MainLoop
from blocks.extensions.saveload import Checkpoint
from blocks.extensions import Printing
import numpy
import theano
from theano import tensor
if __name__ == "__main__":
dim = 25
# Just some Theano stuff. Nothing Blocks-y.
X = tensor.matrix('X')
y = tensor.vector('y')
W = theano.shared(numpy.zeros((dim, 1)), name='W')
b = theano.shared(numpy.zeros(1,), name='b')
predicted =, W) + b
cost = tensor.sqr(predicted - y.dimshuffle(0, 'x')).mean()
# Build a checkpointer. You specify how often with keywords,
# e.g. after_epoch, every_n_batches, every_n_epochs, etc.
# This checkpoints the whole MainLoop by default, or just
# the parameters if you pass in a parameters list and also
# say save_main_loop = False.
# Passing the parameters as a keyword argument lets you retrieve
# the parameters separately from the checkpoint with
# >>> from blocks.serialization import load_parameters
# >>> with open('mycheckpoint.tar', 'rb') as f:
# ... params = load_parameters(f)
checkpointer = Checkpoint('mycheckpoint.tar', every_n_epochs=500,
save_main_loop=False, parameters=[W, b])
# This just prints some handy stuff after every epoch by default.
# Configurable with the same frequency arguments as the checkpointer.
printer = Printing()
main_loop = MainLoop(algorithm=MyAlgorithm(cost, X, y, [W, b]),
extensions=[checkpointer, printer])
# Same as but demonstrates the GradientDescent object.
from lib import MyDataStream
from blocks.algorithms import GradientDescent, Scale
from blocks.main_loop import MainLoop
from blocks.extensions.saveload import Checkpoint
from blocks.extensions import Printing
from blocks.extensions.monitoring import TrainingDataMonitoring
import numpy
import theano
from theano import tensor
if __name__ == "__main__":
dim = 25
# Just some Theano stuff. Nothing Blocks-y.
X = tensor.matrix('X')
y = tensor.vector('y')
W = theano.shared(numpy.zeros((dim, 1)), name='W')
b = theano.shared(numpy.zeros(1,), name='b')
predicted =, W) + b
cost = tensor.sqr(predicted - y.dimshuffle(0, 'x')).mean()
# Build a checkpointer. You specify how often with keywords,
# e.g. after_epoch, every_n_batches, every_n_epochs, etc.
# This checkpoints the whole MainLoop by default, or just
# the parameters if you pass in a parameters list and also
# say save_main_loop = False.
# Passing the parameters as a keyword argument lets you retrieve
# the parameters separately from the checkpoint with
# >>> from blocks.serialization import load_parameters
# >>> with open('mycheckpoint.tar', 'rb') as f:
# ... params = load_parameters(f)
checkpointer = Checkpoint('mycheckpoint.tar', every_n_epochs=500,
save_main_loop=False, parameters=[W, b])
# This just prints some handy stuff after every epoch by default.
# Configurable with the same frequency arguments as the checkpointer.
printer = Printing()
# Build a GradientDescent to do simple SGD. The Scale(0.01) says
# we just want to scale the gradients by a fixed learning rate.
# See also Adam(), AdaDelta(), Momentum(), etc.
# If you want to do something weird for the gradients just pass in
# gradients=my_gradients instead of (or in addition to) the parameters.
# By default the algorithm prints nothing but you can get it to
# (efficiently) keep tabs on by adding a monitoring extension.
# By default this just tells you the last batch's value; you can look
# in blocks-examples for how to aggregate over the training set
# as you process it (blocks.monitoring aggregation.mean(cost)
# or something like that).
# See also DataStreamMonitoring for monitoring on a validation set.
# Note that you'll want to give the cost variable an informative
# name as that's what gets used in the MainLoop's log.
# (Important to put it before the Printing extension in the extensions
# list, so that when Printing runs, the log entry is already there.) = 'my_training_objective'
monitoring = TrainingDataMonitoring([cost], after_epoch=True)
algorithm = GradientDescent(cost=cost, parameters=[W, b],
main_loop = MainLoop(algorithm=algorithm,
extensions=[monitoring, checkpointer, printer])
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