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Created January 24, 2014 18:21
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BLOC DROP: A strangely familiar falling block game
by David Randall Stokes ( 9/05/2012
THIS IS STILL A WORK-IN-PROGRESS. The game is playable, but
the scoring doesn't work correctly.
#include <Gamby.h>
#include <avr/pgmspace.h>
// The falling block assemblies. There are 7 different shapes. Each
// orientation of a piece (0, 90, 180 and 270 degrees) is actually another
// shape, which is why they are stored in a 2D array (pieces[shape][rotation]).
// Each piece (and each orientation of each piece) is stored as a 4x4 grid,
// even though most are smaller. Since these are a 4x4 grid, they are stored as
// 16b unsigned integers, just like blocks and GambyGraphicsMode fill patterns.
unsigned int pieces[7][4] = {
{ 0x2620, 0x2620, 0x0720, 0x4640 }, // "T"
{ 0x0f00, 0x2222, 0x0f00, 0x2222 }, // Bar
{ 0x2310, 0x3600, 0x2310, 0x3600 }, // 'S' zig-zag
{ 0x1320, 0x6300, 0x1320, 0x6300 }, // 'Z' zig-zag
{ 0x4700, 0x3220, 0x7100, 0x2260 }, // 'J'
{ 0x7400, 0x6220, 0x1700, 0x2230 }, // 'L'
{ 0x3300, 0x3300, 0x3300, 0x3300 } // 2x2 square
// The GambyBlockMode block palette.
// Each piece has its own block type: falling piece `n` uses block `n+1`.
// There is a duplicate of each block used for 'dropped' pieces (`n+8`); this
// makes it easy to ignore the currently falling piece's blocks when testing
// for collisions.
PROGMEM prog_uint16_t palette[] = {
0x0000, // 0: Empty
0xf99f, // 1: Block 0 ("T")
0xadaf, // 2: Block 1 ("-")
0xfdbf, // 3: Block 2 ('S')
0xfbdf, // 4: Block 3 ('Z')
0xfafd, // 5: Block 4 ('J')
0xdadf, // 6: Block 5 ('L')
0xf9df, // 7: Block 6 (2x2)
0xf99f, // 8: Block 0 dropped
0xadaf, // 9: Block 1 dropped
0xfdbf, // 10: Block 2 dropped
0xfbdf, // 11: Block 3 dropped
0xfafd, // 12: Block 4 dropped
0xdadf, // 13: Block 5 dropped
0xf9df, // 14: Block 6 dropped
0xffff, // 15: "Well" wall
// Constants to be used when rotating a piece. Since bytes are only positive
// and there are only 4 orientations, counter-clockwise is 3; the number
// will 'wrap around' to get to the previous number.
const byte ROTATE_CW = 1;
const byte ROTATE_CCW = 3;
// Some game-related constants
const byte WELL_WIDTH = 12;
const byte WELL_BOTTOM = 15;
const int DEFAULT_SPEED = 800;
const byte INPUT_DELAY = 50;
const byte START_X = 4, START_Y = 0;
const byte NEXT_X = NUM_BLOCK_COLUMNS - 4, NEXT_Y = 0;
boolean playing; // 'true' when the game is playing, 'false' after game over
byte currentPiece; // Index of the falling piece in the pieces 'outer' array
byte dir; // orientation of the falling piece ('inner' piece array)
byte x, y; // The upper left corner of the piece's 4x4 grid
unsigned long timeToDrop; // Time remaining (ms) before the piece drops a level
unsigned long dropSpeed; // The speed of the drop, changes with skill level
int score; // The player's score
int highScore; // Self-explanatory
byte nextPiece; // Index of the next piece to fall (see currentPiece)
int pieceCount; // The number of pieces that have fallen
unsigned long lastInputTime; // The time at which gamby.readInputs() was last called
byte lastInputs; // The state of the inputs the last time they were checked.
// Bring in the font from the other tab (font.ino)
extern prog_int32_t font[];
GambyBlockMode gamby;
void setup() {
gamby.palette = palette;
gamby.font = font;
// Reset the random number generator. With the splash screen showing
// first, differences in starting time should make this pretty well
// randomized.
void loop() {
if (playing) {
// Read the inputs if enough time has passed
if (millis() > lastInputTime) {
// Moving left/right and rotating don't auto-repeat, but dropping does
if (gamby.inputs & DPAD_DOWN || gamby.inputs != lastInputs) {
lastInputs = gamby.inputs;
if (gamby.inputs & DPAD_LEFT)
movePiece(x-1, y, dir);
else if (gamby.inputs & DPAD_RIGHT)
movePiece(x+1, y, dir);
else if (gamby.inputs & DPAD_DOWN)
timeToDrop = 0;
else if (gamby.inputs & (BUTTON_ANY | DPAD_UP))
lastInputTime = millis() + INPUT_DELAY;
// If it's time, drop the piece down a row.
if (millis() > timeToDrop)
else {
// After 'game over'; wait for a button press to restart.
if (gamby.inputs)
// Start a new game.
void startGame() {
byte i;
// 1. Draw the background
// The vertical sides of the 'well'
for (i=0; i<WELL_BOTTOM; i++) {
gamby.setBlock(WELL_WIDTH-1, i, 15);
// The well's bottom
for (i=0; i<WELL_WIDTH; i++) {
gamby.setBlock(i, WELL_BOTTOM, 15);
// setBlock() doesn't immediately draw; update() shows all the
// changes at the same time.
// Draw the rest of the screen (the 'Next:' text, etc.)
// 2. Reset some of the player variables
score = 0;
x = START_X;
y = START_Y;
dropSpeed = DEFAULT_SPEED; // todo: make this change by 'level'.
playing = true;
// 3. Add the first piece.
nextPiece = random(7);
// End the game. Called when a new block doesn't have room
// to be added.
void gameOver() {
playing = false;
// Start a new piece at the top of the 'well,' using the shape in the
// 'next piece' preview. A new 'next piece' is picked and drawn. The
// 'drop clock' is also reset.
void addNewPiece() {
// Erase 'next piece' preview
drawPiece(nextPiece, 0, NEXT_X, NEXT_Y, 0);
currentPiece = nextPiece;
// Pick a new 'next piece' that's not the same as the current one.
// In theory, this loop could run forever, but that's really unlikely.
while (nextPiece == currentPiece)
nextPiece = random(6);
// Draw the new preview
drawPiece(nextPiece, 0, NEXT_X, NEXT_Y, nextPiece+1);
// Reset the rest of the piece-related variables
x = START_X;
y = START_Y;
dir = 0;
timeToDrop = millis() + dropSpeed;
// If adding a piece fails (clips something), then the 'well' is
// full -- the game is over.
if (!movePiece(x, y, dir))
// Everything's good, so increment the total piece count.
// Move the piece to a new position (or rotation), if that new
// position/direction doesn't hit anything. If it does clip something
// (dropped blocks or the sides of the well), the piece isn't moved.
// This will usually be called with only one of the 3 arguments different
// from the current position/direction.
boolean movePiece(byte newX, byte newY, byte newDir) {
// See if the piece in the new position/rotation hits something.
// If it does, return false.
if (checkHits(newX, newY, newDir))
return false;
// The piece can be moved safely. Erase the piece in its old position and
// redraw it in its new position.
drawPiece(currentPiece, dir, x, y, 0);
dir = newDir;
x = newX;
y = newY;
drawPiece(currentPiece, dir, x, y, currentPiece+1);
return true;
// Draw a piece. The position, direction, shape and block type are all
// parameters; this is used to erase pieces as well as to show the
// 'next' piece, not just the currently falling one.
void drawPiece(byte piece, byte d, byte px, byte py, byte block) {
byte i,j;
for (i=0; i<4; i++) {
for (j=0; j<4; j++) {
if (getPieceBlock(piece, d, j, i)) {
gamby.setBlock(px+j, py+i, block);
gamby.update(px, py, px+3, py+3);
// Given a piece at a certain orientation -- which are all 4x4 grids --
// determine if one of the squares in that grid is filled.
boolean getPieceBlock(byte piece, byte d, byte px, byte py) {
// This is overly complex due to the fact that the pieces are stored like
// GAMBY blocks/patterns: bottom to top, left to right.
return (pieces[piece][d] & (1 << (15 - ((3-py) + (px << 2))))) != 0;
// Attempt to rotate the currently falling piece.
void rotate(byte d) {
// This just wraps movePiece(), hiding the weirdness in the way
// the rotation is done.
movePiece(x, y, (dir + d) & B00000011);
// Check if the peice will hit something if moved or rotated.
boolean checkHits(byte newX, byte newY, byte newDir) {
byte i,j;
for (i=0; i<4; i++)
// if ((newY + i) < 15)
for (j=0; j<4; j++)
if (getPieceBlock(currentPiece, newDir, j, i) &&
gamby.getBlock(newX+j,newY+i) > 7)
return true;
return false;
void dropPiece() {
if (!movePiece(x, y+1, dir)) {
// Draw in the falling piece's blocks using the
// identical-looking 'static' version.
drawPiece(currentPiece, dir, x, y, currentPiece+8);
byte c = checkCompleteRows();
if (c > 0)
score += 10 ^ c;
gamby.print(score, DEC);
timeToDrop = millis() + dropSpeed;
// Clear filled rows, shifting down everything above each cleared row.
// The number of rows cleared is returned.
byte checkCompleteRows() {
byte cleared; // The number of cleared rows
byte c; // The number of blocks per row
byte i, j;
for (i=0; i<WELL_BOTTOM; i++) {
byte c = 0;
for (j=1; j<WELL_WIDTH-1; j++) {
if (gamby.getBlock(j,i) > 7) {
// If the row is full, slide everything down.
if (c == WELL_WIDTH-2) {
byte m, n;
for (m=1; m<WELL_WIDTH-1; m++) {
for (n=i; n>0; n--) {
gamby.setBlock(m, n, gamby.getBlock(m,n-1));
gamby.setBlock(m, 0, 0);
// Draw all the changes made with setBlock()
return cleared;
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