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Created July 24, 2015 18:41
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using System;
using CoreBluetooth;
using CoreGraphics;
using CoreLocation;
using Foundation;
using ObjCRuntime;
using UIKit;
namespace TriceKit
// @interface TriceSettings : NSObject
[BaseType (typeof(NSObject))]
interface TriceSettings
// +(instancetype)sharedInstance;
[Export ("sharedInstance")]
TriceSettings SharedInstance ();
// @property (copy, nonatomic) NSString * username;
[Export ("username")]
string Username { get; set; }
// @property (copy, nonatomic) NSString * apiKey;
[Export ("apiKey")]
string ApiKey { get; set; }
// @property (assign, nonatomic) BOOL debugEnabled;
[Export ("debugEnabled")]
bool DebugEnabled { get; set; }
// @property (assign, nonatomic) BOOL useProductionServer;
[Export ("useProductionServer")]
bool UseProductionServer { get; set; }
// @property (copy, nonatomic) void (^localNotificationConfigurationBlock)(UILocalNotification *);
[Export ("localNotificationConfigurationBlock", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
Action<UILocalNotification> LocalNotificationConfigurationBlock { get; set; }
[Verify (ConstantsInterfaceAssociation)]
partial interface Constants
// extern NSString *const TriceColourKeyPrimary;
[Field ("TriceColourKeyPrimary")]
NSString TriceColourKeyPrimary { get; }
// extern NSString *const TriceColourKeySecondary;
[Field ("TriceColourKeySecondary")]
NSString TriceColourKeySecondary { get; }
// extern NSString *const TriceColourKeyElements;
[Field ("TriceColourKeyElements")]
NSString TriceColourKeyElements { get; }
// extern NSString *const TriceFontKeyPrimary;
[Field ("TriceFontKeyPrimary")]
NSString TriceFontKeyPrimary { get; }
// extern NSString *const TriceFontKeySecondary;
[Field ("TriceFontKeySecondary")]
NSString TriceFontKeySecondary { get; }
// @interface TriceStyleManager : NSObject
[BaseType (typeof(NSObject))]
interface TriceStyleManager
// +(void)setFontScale:(CGFloat)fontScale;
[Export ("setFontScale:")]
void SetFontScale (nfloat fontScale);
// +(void)setFonts:(NSDictionary *)fonts;
[Export ("setFonts:")]
void SetFonts (NSDictionary fonts);
// +(void)setColours:(NSDictionary *)colours;
[Export ("setColours:")]
void SetColours (NSDictionary colours);
// +(UIColor *)colourForKey:(NSString *)key;
[Export ("colourForKey:")]
UIColor ColourForKey (string key);
// +(UIFont *)fontForKey:(NSString *)key;
[Export ("fontForKey:")]
UIFont FontForKey (string key);
// +(UIFont *)fontForKey:(NSString *)key size:(CGFloat)size;
[Export ("fontForKey:size:")]
UIFont FontForKey (string key, nfloat size);
// @interface TriceObjectDescriptor : NSObject
[BaseType (typeof(NSObject))]
interface TriceObjectDescriptor
// +(instancetype)descriptorWithUid:(NSString *)uid;
[Export ("descriptorWithUid:")]
TriceObjectDescriptor DescriptorWithUid (string uid);
// +(instancetype)descriptorWithKey:(NSString *)key passingTest:(BOOL (^)(id))test;
[Export ("descriptorWithKey:passingTest:")]
TriceObjectDescriptor DescriptorWithKey (string key, Func<NSObject, bool> test);
// +(instancetype)descriptorWithValue:(BOOL)value;
[Export ("descriptorWithValue:")]
TriceObjectDescriptor DescriptorWithValue (bool value);
// -(BOOL)evaluateWithObject:(id)object;
[Export ("evaluateWithObject:")]
bool EvaluateWithObject (NSObject @object);
// @interface MTLModel : NSObject <NSCopying>
[BaseType (typeof(NSObject))]
interface MTLModel : INSCopying
// +(instancetype)modelWithDictionary:(NSDictionary *)dictionaryValue error:(NSError **)error;
[Export ("modelWithDictionary:error:")]
MTLModel ModelWithDictionary (NSDictionary dictionaryValue, out NSError error);
// -(instancetype)initWithDictionary:(NSDictionary *)dictionaryValue error:(NSError **)error;
[Export ("initWithDictionary:error:")]
IntPtr Constructor (NSDictionary dictionaryValue, out NSError error);
// +(NSSet *)propertyKeys;
[Export ("propertyKeys")]
[Verify (MethodToProperty)]
NSSet PropertyKeys { get; }
// @property (readonly, copy, nonatomic) NSDictionary * dictionaryValue;
[Export ("dictionaryValue", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSDictionary DictionaryValue { get; }
// -(void)mergeValueForKey:(NSString *)key fromModel:(MTLModel *)model;
[Export ("mergeValueForKey:fromModel:")]
void MergeValueForKey (string key, MTLModel model);
// -(void)mergeValuesForKeysFromModel:(MTLModel *)model;
[Export ("mergeValuesForKeysFromModel:")]
void MergeValuesForKeysFromModel (MTLModel model);
// -(BOOL)isEqual:(id)object;
[Export ("isEqual:")]
bool IsEqual (NSObject @object);
// -(NSString *)description;
[Export ("description")]
[Verify (MethodToProperty)]
string Description { get; }
// @interface Validation (MTLModel)
[BaseType (typeof(MTLModel))]
interface MTLModel_Validation
// -(BOOL)validate:(NSError **)error;
[Export ("validate:")]
bool Validate (out NSError error);
// @interface Unavailable (MTLModel)
[BaseType (typeof(MTLModel))]
interface MTLModel_Unavailable
// +(instancetype)modelWithDictionary:(NSDictionary *)dictionaryValue __attribute__((deprecated("Replaced by +modelWithDictionary:error:")));
[Export ("modelWithDictionary:")]
MTLModel ModelWithDictionary (NSDictionary dictionaryValue);
// -(instancetype)initWithDictionary:(NSDictionary *)dictionaryValue __attribute__((deprecated("Replaced by -initWithDictionary:error:")));
[Export ("initWithDictionary:")]
IntPtr Constructor (NSDictionary dictionaryValue);
// +(instancetype)modelWithExternalRepresentation:(NSDictionary *)externalRepresentation __attribute__((deprecated("Replaced by -[MTLJSONAdapter initWithJSONDictionary:modelClass:]")));
// [Static]
// [Export ("modelWithExternalRepresentation:")]
// MTLModel ModelWithExternalRepresentation (NSDictionary externalRepresentation);
// -(instancetype)initWithExternalRepresentation:(NSDictionary *)externalRepresentation __attribute__((deprecated("Replaced by -[MTLJSONAdapter initWithJSONDictionary:modelClass:]")));
// [Export ("initWithExternalRepresentation:")]
// IntPtr Constructor (NSDictionary externalRepresentation);
// @property (readonly, copy, nonatomic) NSDictionary * externalRepresentation;
[Export ("externalRepresentation", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSDictionary ExternalRepresentation { get; }
// +(NSDictionary *)externalRepresentationKeyPathsByPropertyKey __attribute__((deprecated("Replaced by +JSONKeyPathsByPropertyKey in <MTLJSONSerializing>")));
[Export ("externalRepresentationKeyPathsByPropertyKey")]
[Verify (MethodToProperty)]
NSDictionary ExternalRepresentationKeyPathsByPropertyKey { get; }
// +(NSValueTransformer *)transformerForKey:(NSString *)key __attribute__((deprecated("Replaced by +JSONTransformerForKey: in <MTLJSONSerializing>")));
[Export ("transformerForKey:")]
NSValueTransformer TransformerForKey (string key);
// +(NSDictionary *)migrateExternalRepresentation:(NSDictionary *)externalRepresentation fromVersion:(NSUInteger)fromVersion __attribute__((deprecated("Replaced by -decodeValueForKey:withCoder:modelVersion:")));
[Export ("migrateExternalRepresentation:fromVersion:")]
NSDictionary MigrateExternalRepresentation (NSDictionary externalRepresentation, nuint fromVersion);
[Verify (ConstantsInterfaceAssociation)]
partial interface Constants
// extern NSString *const TriceLocalNotificationTriggerUidKey;
[Field ("TriceLocalNotificationTriggerUidKey")]
NSString TriceLocalNotificationTriggerUidKey { get; }
// @interface TriceAction : NSObject <NSCopying>
[BaseType (typeof(NSObject))]
interface TriceAction : INSCopying
// @property (nonatomic, weak) TriceTrigger * trigger;
[Export ("trigger", ArgumentSemantic.Weak)]
TriceTrigger Trigger { get; set; }
// +(instancetype)action:(void (^)())action;
[Export ("action:")]
TriceAction Action (Action action);
// +(instancetype)pushNotificationAction:(void (^)(UILocalNotification *))notificationConfigurationBlock;
[Export ("pushNotificationAction:")]
TriceAction PushNotificationAction (Action<UILocalNotification> notificationConfigurationBlock);
// +(instancetype)urlCallbackAction:(TriceURLCallbackType)type url:(NSString *)url parameters:(NSDictionary *)parameters;
[Export ("urlCallbackAction:url:parameters:")]
TriceAction UrlCallbackAction (TriceURLCallbackType type, string url, NSDictionary parameters);
// -(void)fire;
[Export ("fire")]
void Fire ();
// @protocol MTLJSONSerializing
[Protocol, Model]
interface MTLJSONSerializing
// @required +(NSDictionary *)JSONKeyPathsByPropertyKey;
[Static, Abstract]
[Export ("JSONKeyPathsByPropertyKey")]
[Verify (MethodToProperty)]
NSDictionary JSONKeyPathsByPropertyKey { get; }
// @optional +(NSValueTransformer *)JSONTransformerForKey:(NSString *)key;
[Export ("JSONTransformerForKey:")]
NSValueTransformer JSONTransformerForKey (string key);
// @optional +(Class)classForParsingJSONDictionary:(NSDictionary *)JSONDictionary;
[Export ("classForParsingJSONDictionary:")]
Class ClassForParsingJSONDictionary (NSDictionary JSONDictionary);
[Verify (ConstantsInterfaceAssociation)]
partial interface Constants
// extern NSString *const MTLJSONAdapterErrorDomain;
[Field ("MTLJSONAdapterErrorDomain")]
NSString MTLJSONAdapterErrorDomain { get; }
// extern const NSInteger MTLJSONAdapterErrorNoClassFound;
[Field ("MTLJSONAdapterErrorNoClassFound")]
nint MTLJSONAdapterErrorNoClassFound { get; }
// extern const NSInteger MTLJSONAdapterErrorInvalidJSONDictionary;
[Field ("MTLJSONAdapterErrorInvalidJSONDictionary")]
nint MTLJSONAdapterErrorInvalidJSONDictionary { get; }
// extern const NSInteger MTLJSONAdapterErrorInvalidJSONMapping;
[Field ("MTLJSONAdapterErrorInvalidJSONMapping")]
nint MTLJSONAdapterErrorInvalidJSONMapping { get; }
// @interface MTLJSONAdapter : NSObject
[BaseType (typeof(NSObject))]
interface MTLJSONAdapter
// @property (readonly, nonatomic, strong) MTLModel<MTLJSONSerializing> * model;
[Export ("model", ArgumentSemantic.Strong)]
MTLJSONSerializing Model { get; }
// +(id)modelOfClass:(Class)modelClass fromJSONDictionary:(NSDictionary *)JSONDictionary error:(NSError **)error;
[Export ("modelOfClass:fromJSONDictionary:error:")]
NSObject ModelOfClass (Class modelClass, NSDictionary JSONDictionary, out NSError error);
// +(NSArray *)modelsOfClass:(Class)modelClass fromJSONArray:(NSArray *)JSONArray error:(NSError **)error;
[Export ("modelsOfClass:fromJSONArray:error:")]
[Verify (StronglyTypedNSArray), Verify (StronglyTypedNSArray)]
NSObject[] ModelsOfClass (Class modelClass, NSObject[] JSONArray, out NSError error);
// +(NSDictionary *)JSONDictionaryFromModel:(MTLModel<MTLJSONSerializing> *)model;
[Export ("JSONDictionaryFromModel:")]
NSDictionary JSONDictionaryFromModel (MTLJSONSerializing model);
// +(NSArray *)JSONArrayFromModels:(NSArray *)models;
[Export ("JSONArrayFromModels:")]
[Verify (StronglyTypedNSArray), Verify (StronglyTypedNSArray)]
NSObject[] JSONArrayFromModels (NSObject[] models);
// -(id)initWithJSONDictionary:(NSDictionary *)JSONDictionary modelClass:(Class)modelClass error:(NSError **)error;
[Export ("initWithJSONDictionary:modelClass:error:")]
IntPtr Constructor (NSDictionary JSONDictionary, Class modelClass, out NSError error);
// -(id)initWithModel:(MTLModel<MTLJSONSerializing> *)model;
[Export ("initWithModel:")]
IntPtr Constructor (MTLJSONSerializing model);
// -(NSDictionary *)JSONDictionary;
[Export ("JSONDictionary")]
[Verify (MethodToProperty)]
NSDictionary JSONDictionary { get; }
// -(NSString *)JSONKeyPathForPropertyKey:(NSString *)key;
[Export ("JSONKeyPathForPropertyKey:")]
string JSONKeyPathForPropertyKey (string key);
[Verify (ConstantsInterfaceAssociation)]
partial interface Constants
// extern NSString *const TriceTriggerWillFireNotification;
[Field ("TriceTriggerWillFireNotification")]
NSString TriceTriggerWillFireNotification { get; }
// extern NSString *const TriceTriggerDidFireNotification;
[Field ("TriceTriggerDidFireNotification")]
NSString TriceTriggerDidFireNotification { get; }
// @interface TriceTrigger : MTLModel <MTLJSONSerializing>
[BaseType (typeof(MTLModel))]
interface TriceTrigger : MTLJSONSerializing
// @property (readonly, copy, nonatomic) NSString * uid;
[Export ("uid")]
string Uid { get; }
// @property (copy, nonatomic) NSString * name;
[Export ("name")]
string Name { get; set; }
// @property (readonly, assign, nonatomic) NSTimeInterval frequency;
[Export ("frequency")]
double Frequency { get; }
// @property (readonly, assign, nonatomic) NSUInteger limit;
[Export ("limit", ArgumentSemantic.Assign)]
nuint Limit { get; }
// @property (readonly, assign, nonatomic) NSUInteger fireCount;
[Export ("fireCount", ArgumentSemantic.Assign)]
nuint FireCount { get; }
// @property (readonly, assign, nonatomic) TriceTriggerEvent event;
[Export ("event", ArgumentSemantic.Assign)]
TriceTriggerEvent Event { get; }
// @property (readonly, assign, nonatomic) NSTimeInterval dwellTime;
[Export ("dwellTime")]
double DwellTime { get; }
// @property (readonly, copy, nonatomic) NSArray * actions;
[Export ("actions", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
[Verify (StronglyTypedNSArray)]
NSObject[] Actions { get; }
// @property (readonly, copy, nonatomic) NSDictionary * linkedPointOfInterest;
[Export ("linkedPointOfInterest", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSDictionary LinkedPointOfInterest { get; }
// @property (nonatomic, weak) TriceZone * zone;
[Export ("zone", ArgumentSemantic.Weak)]
TriceZone Zone { get; set; }
// +(instancetype)triggerWithEvent:(TriceTriggerEvent)event frequency:(NSInteger)frequency limit:(NSUInteger)limit;
[Export ("triggerWithEvent:frequency:limit:")]
TriceTrigger TriggerWithEvent (TriceTriggerEvent @event, nint frequency, nuint limit);
// +(instancetype)triggerWithDwellTime:(NSTimeInterval)dwellTime frequency:(NSInteger)frequency limit:(NSUInteger)limit;
[Export ("triggerWithDwellTime:frequency:limit:")]
TriceTrigger TriggerWithDwellTime (double dwellTime, nint frequency, nuint limit);
// -(void)setInternalStateToSameAs:(TriceTrigger *)trigger;
[Export ("setInternalStateToSameAs:")]
void SetInternalStateToSameAs (TriceTrigger trigger);
// -(void)addAction:(TriceAction *)action;
[Export ("addAction:")]
void AddAction (TriceAction action);
// -(BOOL)shouldFire;
[Export ("shouldFire")]
[Verify (MethodToProperty)]
bool ShouldFire { get; }
// -(void)fire;
[Export ("fire")]
void Fire ();
// -(void)cancelFiring;
[Export ("cancelFiring")]
void CancelFiring ();
// @interface TriceBeacon : MTLModel <MTLJSONSerializing>
[BaseType (typeof(MTLModel))]
interface TriceBeacon : MTLJSONSerializing
// @property (readonly, nonatomic, strong) NSUUID * proximityUUID;
[Export ("proximityUUID", ArgumentSemantic.Strong)]
NSUUID ProximityUUID { get; }
// @property (readonly, nonatomic, strong) NSNumber * major;
[Export ("major", ArgumentSemantic.Strong)]
NSNumber Major { get; }
// @property (readonly, nonatomic, strong) NSNumber * minor;
[Export ("minor", ArgumentSemantic.Strong)]
NSNumber Minor { get; }
// @property (readonly, assign, nonatomic) CLProximity proximity;
[Export ("proximity", ArgumentSemantic.Assign)]
CLProximity Proximity { get; }
// @property (readonly, assign, nonatomic) CLProximity rssiProximity;
[Export ("rssiProximity", ArgumentSemantic.Assign)]
CLProximity RssiProximity { get; }
// @property (readonly, assign, nonatomic) CLProximity distanceProximity;
[Export ("distanceProximity", ArgumentSemantic.Assign)]
CLProximity DistanceProximity { get; }
// @property (readonly, assign, nonatomic) CLLocationAccuracy accuracy;
[Export ("accuracy")]
double Accuracy { get; }
// @property (readonly, assign, nonatomic) NSInteger rssi;
[Export ("rssi", ArgumentSemantic.Assign)]
nint Rssi { get; }
// @property (readonly, copy, nonatomic) NSString * identifier;
[Export ("identifier")]
string Identifier { get; }
// @property (readonly, copy, nonatomic) NSString * serverId;
[Export ("serverId")]
string ServerId { get; }
// @property (readonly, copy, nonatomic) NSString * macAddress;
[Export ("macAddress")]
string MacAddress { get; }
// @property (readonly, assign, nonatomic) NSInteger power;
[Export ("power", ArgumentSemantic.Assign)]
nint Power { get; }
// @property (readonly, assign, nonatomic) TriceBeaconManufacturer manufacturer;
[Export ("manufacturer", ArgumentSemantic.Assign)]
TriceBeaconManufacturer Manufacturer { get; }
// @property (readonly, getter = isPendingUpdate, assign, nonatomic) BOOL pendingUpdate;
[Export ("pendingUpdate")]
bool PendingUpdate { [Bind ("isPendingUpdate")] get; }
// @property (readonly, assign, nonatomic) BOOL shouldConnectOnPing;
[Export ("shouldConnectOnPing")]
bool ShouldConnectOnPing { get; }
// @property (assign, nonatomic) CBPeripheralState connectionState;
[Export ("connectionState", ArgumentSemantic.Assign)]
CBPeripheralState ConnectionState { get; set; }
// @property (getter = isMoving, assign, nonatomic) BOOL moving;
[Export ("moving")]
bool Moving { [Bind ("isMoving")] get; set; }
// @property (readonly, assign, nonatomic) NSInteger batteryPercentage;
[Export ("batteryPercentage", ArgumentSemantic.Assign)]
nint BatteryPercentage { get; }
// @property (readonly, assign, nonatomic) NSInteger interval;
[Export ("interval", ArgumentSemantic.Assign)]
nint Interval { get; }
// @property (readonly, copy, nonatomic) NSString * hardwareVersion;
[Export ("hardwareVersion")]
string HardwareVersion { get; }
// @property (readonly, copy, nonatomic) NSString * firmwareVersion;
[Export ("firmwareVersion")]
string FirmwareVersion { get; }
// +(instancetype)beaconWithMajor:(CLBeaconMajorValue)major minor:(CLBeaconMinorValue)minor proximityUuid:(NSUUID *)proximityUuid;
[Export ("beaconWithMajor:minor:proximityUuid:")]
TriceBeacon BeaconWithMajor (ushort major, ushort minor, NSUuid proximityUuid);
// +(instancetype)beaconWithBeacon:(CLBeacon *)beacon;
[Export ("beaconWithBeacon:")]
TriceBeacon BeaconWithBeacon (CLBeacon beacon);
// -(void)updateBeacon:(CLBeacon *)beacon;
[Export ("updateBeacon:")]
void UpdateBeacon (CLBeacon beacon);
// -(BOOL)isEqualToBeacon:(CLBeacon *)beacon;
[Export ("isEqualToBeacon:")]
bool IsEqualToBeacon (CLBeacon beacon);
// -(BOOL)isEqualToPeripheral:(CBPeripheral *)peripheral;
[Export ("isEqualToPeripheral:")]
bool IsEqualToPeripheral (CBPeripheral peripheral);
// @interface TriceIdentifier (CLBeacon)
[BaseType (typeof(CLBeacon))]
interface CLBeacon_TriceIdentifier
// -(NSString *)identifier;
[Export ("identifier")]
[Verify (MethodToProperty)]
string Identifier { get; }
[Verify (ConstantsInterfaceAssociation)]
partial interface Constants
// extern NSString *const TriceZoneStateDidChangeNotification;
[Field ("TriceZoneStateDidChangeNotification")]
NSString TriceZoneStateDidChangeNotification { get; }
// @interface TriceZone : MTLModel <MTLJSONSerializing>
[BaseType (typeof(MTLModel))]
interface TriceZone : MTLJSONSerializing
// @property (readonly, copy, nonatomic) NSString * uid;
[Export ("uid")]
string Uid { get; }
// @property (copy, nonatomic) NSString * name;
[Export ("name")]
string Name { get; set; }
// @property (readonly, assign, nonatomic) TriceZoneType type;
[Export ("type", ArgumentSemantic.Assign)]
TriceZoneType Type { get; }
// @property (readonly, copy, nonatomic) NSSet * triggers;
[Export ("triggers", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSSet Triggers { get; }
// @property (readonly, assign, nonatomic) TriceZoneState state;
[Export ("state", ArgumentSemantic.Assign)]
TriceZoneState State { get; }
// @property (readonly, assign, nonatomic) NSTimeInterval currentDwellTime;
[Export ("currentDwellTime")]
double CurrentDwellTime { get; }
// @property (readonly, assign, nonatomic) CLLocationDistance currentDistanceAway;
[Export ("currentDistanceAway")]
double CurrentDistanceAway { get; }
// -(void)addTrigger:(TriceTrigger *)trigger;
[Export ("addTrigger:")]
void AddTrigger (TriceTrigger trigger);
// -(NSSet *)triggersMatchingDescriptor:(TriceObjectDescriptor *)descriptor;
[Export ("triggersMatchingDescriptor:")]
NSSet TriggersMatchingDescriptor (TriceObjectDescriptor descriptor);
// -(void)setInternalStateSameAs:(TriceZone *)zone;
[Export ("setInternalStateSameAs:")]
void SetInternalStateSameAs (TriceZone zone);
// -(void)update;
[Export ("update")]
void Update ();
// @interface TriceGeoZone : TriceZone
[BaseType (typeof(TriceZone))]
interface TriceGeoZone
// @property (nonatomic, strong) CLLocation * userLocation;
[Export ("userLocation", ArgumentSemantic.Strong)]
CLLocation UserLocation { get; set; }
// @interface TriceGeoRadiusZone : TriceGeoZone
[BaseType (typeof(TriceGeoZone))]
interface TriceGeoRadiusZone
// @property (readonly, assign, nonatomic) CLLocationCoordinate2D coordinate;
[Export ("coordinate", ArgumentSemantic.Assign)]
CLLocationCoordinate2D Coordinate { get; }
// @property (readonly, assign, nonatomic) CLLocationDistance radius;
[Export ("radius")]
double Radius { get; }
// +(instancetype)geoRadiusZoneWithCoordinate:(CLLocationCoordinate2D)coordinate radius:(CLLocationDistance)radius;
[Export ("geoRadiusZoneWithCoordinate:radius:")]
TriceGeoRadiusZone GeoRadiusZoneWithCoordinate (CLLocationCoordinate2D coordinate, double radius);
// @interface TriceGeoPolygonZone : TriceGeoZone
[BaseType (typeof(TriceGeoZone))]
interface TriceGeoPolygonZone
// @property (readonly, copy, nonatomic) NSArray * polygonCoordinates;
[Export ("polygonCoordinates", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
[Verify (StronglyTypedNSArray)]
NSObject[] PolygonCoordinates { get; }
// +(instancetype)geoPolygonZoneWithCoordinates:(NSArray *)coordinates;
[Export ("geoPolygonZoneWithCoordinates:")]
[Verify (StronglyTypedNSArray)]
TriceGeoPolygonZone GeoPolygonZoneWithCoordinates (NSObject[] coordinates);
// @interface TriceBeaconZone : TriceZone
[BaseType (typeof(TriceZone))]
interface TriceBeaconZone
// @property (readonly, assign, nonatomic) CLProximity proximity;
[Export ("proximity", ArgumentSemantic.Assign)]
CLProximity Proximity { get; }
// @property (readonly, nonatomic, strong) TriceBeacon * beacon;
[Export ("beacon", ArgumentSemantic.Strong)]
TriceBeacon Beacon { get; }
// @property (readonly, assign, nonatomic) BOOL backgroundPing;
[Export ("backgroundPing")]
bool BackgroundPing { get; }
// +(instancetype)beaconZoneWithBeacon:(TriceBeacon *)beacon proximity:(CLProximity)proximity;
[Export ("beaconZoneWithBeacon:proximity:")]
TriceBeaconZone BeaconZoneWithBeacon (TriceBeacon beacon, CLProximity proximity);
// @interface TriceIndoorZone : TriceZone
[BaseType (typeof(TriceZone))]
interface TriceIndoorZone
// @interface TriceTriggerManager : NSObject
[BaseType (typeof(NSObject))]
interface TriceTriggerManager
// @property (readonly, copy, nonatomic) NSSet * zones;
[Export ("zones", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSSet Zones { get; }
// @property (readonly, copy, nonatomic) NSSet * zonesInside;
[Export ("zonesInside", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
NSSet ZonesInside { get; }
// @property (copy, nonatomic) void (^handleErrorBlock)(NSError *);
[Export ("handleErrorBlock", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
Action<NSError> HandleErrorBlock { get; set; }
// @property (assign, nonatomic) BOOL allowEncodingZonesToDisk;
[Export ("allowEncodingZonesToDisk")]
bool AllowEncodingZonesToDisk { get; set; }
// -(void)startMonitoringZones;
[Export ("startMonitoringZones")]
void StartMonitoringZones ();
// -(void)startMonitoringBeaconZones;
[Export ("startMonitoringBeaconZones")]
void StartMonitoringBeaconZones ();
// -(void)startMonitoringGPSZones;
[Export ("startMonitoringGPSZones")]
void StartMonitoringGPSZones ();
// -(void)stopMonitoringZones;
[Export ("stopMonitoringZones")]
void StopMonitoringZones ();
// -(void)addZone:(TriceZone *)zone;
[Export ("addZone:")]
void AddZone (TriceZone zone);
// -(void)addAction:(TriceAction *)action toTrigger:(TriceObjectDescriptor *)triggerDescriptor zone:(TriceObjectDescriptor *)zoneDescriptor;
[Export ("addAction:toTrigger:zone:")]
void AddAction (TriceAction action, TriceObjectDescriptor triggerDescriptor, TriceObjectDescriptor zoneDescriptor);
// -(NSSet *)zonesMatchingDescriptor:(TriceObjectDescriptor *)descriptor;
[Export ("zonesMatchingDescriptor:")]
NSSet ZonesMatchingDescriptor (TriceObjectDescriptor descriptor);
// @interface TriceAppDelegateProxy : NSProxy <UIApplicationDelegate>
[BaseType (typeof(NSProxy))]
interface TriceAppDelegateProxy : IUIApplicationDelegate
// +(void)handleTriceKitLocalNotifications;
[Export ("handleTriceKitLocalNotifications")]
void HandleTriceKitLocalNotifications ();
// @interface TriceBuilding : MTLModel <MTLJSONSerializing>
[BaseType (typeof(MTLModel))]
interface TriceBuilding : MTLJSONSerializing
// @property (readonly, copy, nonatomic) NSString * uid;
[Export ("uid")]
string Uid { get; }
// @property (readonly, copy, nonatomic) NSString * name;
[Export ("name")]
string Name { get; }
// @property (readonly, copy, nonatomic) NSString * buildingDescription;
[Export ("buildingDescription")]
string BuildingDescription { get; }
// @property (readonly, copy, nonatomic) NSString * imageUrl;
[Export ("imageUrl")]
string ImageUrl { get; }
// @property (readonly, nonatomic, strong) TriceAddress * address;
[Export ("address", ArgumentSemantic.Strong)]
TriceAddress Address { get; }
// @property (readonly, assign, nonatomic) CLLocationCoordinate2D coordinate;
[Export ("coordinate", ArgumentSemantic.Assign)]
CLLocationCoordinate2D Coordinate { get; }
// @property (copy, nonatomic) NSArray * floors;
[Export ("floors", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
[Verify (StronglyTypedNSArray)]
NSObject[] Floors { get; set; }
// -(NSArray *)allMarkers;
[Export ("allMarkers")]
[Verify (MethodToProperty), Verify (StronglyTypedNSArray)]
NSObject[] AllMarkers { get; }
// @interface TriceAddress : MTLModel <MTLJSONSerializing>
[BaseType (typeof(MTLModel))]
interface TriceAddress : MTLJSONSerializing
// @property (readonly, copy, nonatomic) NSString * street;
[Export ("street")]
string Street { get; }
// @property (readonly, copy, nonatomic) NSString * city;
[Export ("city")]
string City { get; }
// @property (readonly, copy, nonatomic) NSString * state;
[Export ("state")]
string State { get; }
// @property (readonly, copy, nonatomic) NSString * country;
[Export ("country")]
string Country { get; }
// @property (readonly, copy, nonatomic) NSString * postalCode;
[Export ("postalCode")]
string PostalCode { get; }
// @interface TriceFloor : MTLModel <MTLJSONSerializing>
[BaseType (typeof(MTLModel))]
interface TriceFloor : MTLJSONSerializing
// @property (readonly, copy, nonatomic) NSString * uid;
[Export ("uid")]
string Uid { get; }
// @property (readonly, copy, nonatomic) NSString * name;
[Export ("name")]
string Name { get; }
// @property (readonly, assign, nonatomic) NSInteger level;
[Export ("level", ArgumentSemantic.Assign)]
nint Level { get; }
// @property (readonly, copy, nonatomic) NSString * imageUrl;
[Export ("imageUrl")]
string ImageUrl { get; }
// @property (readonly, assign, nonatomic) CLLocationDegrees offset;
[Export ("offset")]
double Offset { get; }
// @property (readonly, assign, nonatomic) CGSize imageSize;
[Export ("imageSize", ArgumentSemantic.Assign)]
CGSize ImageSize { get; }
// @property (readonly, copy, nonatomic) NSArray * rooms;
[Export ("rooms", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
[Verify (StronglyTypedNSArray)]
NSObject[] Rooms { get; }
// @property (copy, nonatomic) NSArray * markers;
[Export ("markers", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
[Verify (StronglyTypedNSArray)]
NSObject[] Markers { get; set; }
// @property (copy, nonatomic) NSArray * beacons;
[Export ("beacons", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
[Verify (StronglyTypedNSArray)]
NSObject[] Beacons { get; set; }
// @property (copy, nonatomic) NSArray * trainingPoints;
[Export ("trainingPoints", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
[Verify (StronglyTypedNSArray)]
NSObject[] TrainingPoints { get; set; }
// @property (nonatomic, weak) TriceBuilding * building;
[Export ("building", ArgumentSemantic.Weak)]
TriceBuilding Building { get; set; }
// @interface TriceRoom : MTLModel <MTLJSONSerializing>
[BaseType (typeof(MTLModel))]
interface TriceRoom : MTLJSONSerializing
// @property (readonly, copy, nonatomic) NSString * uid;
[Export ("uid")]
string Uid { get; }
// @property (readonly, copy, nonatomic) NSString * name;
[Export ("name")]
string Name { get; }
// @property (nonatomic, weak) TriceFloor * floor;
[Export ("floor", ArgumentSemantic.Weak)]
TriceFloor Floor { get; set; }
// @interface TriceMarker : MTLModel <MTLJSONSerializing>
[BaseType (typeof(MTLModel))]
interface TriceMarker : MTLJSONSerializing
// @property (readonly, copy, nonatomic) NSString * uid;
[Export ("uid")]
string Uid { get; }
// @property (readonly, copy, nonatomic) NSString * roomUid;
[Export ("roomUid")]
string RoomUid { get; }
// @property (readonly, assign, nonatomic) TriceMarkerType type;
[Export ("type", ArgumentSemantic.Assign)]
TriceMarkerType Type { get; }
// @property (readonly, copy, nonatomic) NSString * subtype;
[Export ("subtype")]
string Subtype { get; }
// @property (readonly, copy, nonatomic) NSString * name;
[Export ("name")]
string Name { get; }
// @property (readonly, assign, nonatomic) CGPoint coordinate;
[Export ("coordinate", ArgumentSemantic.Assign)]
CGPoint Coordinate { get; }
// @property (readonly, copy, nonatomic) NSString * iconUrl;
[Export ("iconUrl")]
string IconUrl { get; }
// @property (readonly, copy, nonatomic) NSString * storyImageUrl;
[Export ("storyImageUrl")]
string StoryImageUrl { get; }
// @property (readonly, copy, nonatomic) NSString * storyUid;
[Export ("storyUid")]
string StoryUid { get; }
// @property (nonatomic, weak) TriceFloor * floor;
[Export ("floor", ArgumentSemantic.Weak)]
TriceFloor Floor { get; set; }
// @interface TriceDirections : MTLModel <MTLJSONSerializing>
[BaseType (typeof(MTLModel))]
interface TriceDirections : MTLJSONSerializing
// @property (readonly, assign, nonatomic) CGFloat distance;
[Export ("distance", ArgumentSemantic.Assign)]
nfloat Distance { get; }
// @property (readonly, assign, nonatomic) CLLocationDistance distanceMetres;
[Export ("distanceMetres")]
double DistanceMetres { get; }
// @property (readonly, assign, nonatomic) NSInteger durationSeconds;
[Export ("durationSeconds", ArgumentSemantic.Assign)]
nint DurationSeconds { get; }
// @property (readonly, copy, nonatomic) NSString * duration;
[Export ("duration")]
string Duration { get; }
// @property (readonly, copy, nonatomic) NSArray * steps;
[Export ("steps", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
[Verify (StronglyTypedNSArray)]
NSObject[] Steps { get; }
// @property (nonatomic, strong) TriceMarker * fromLocation;
[Export ("fromLocation", ArgumentSemantic.Strong)]
TriceMarker FromLocation { get; set; }
// @property (nonatomic, strong) TriceMarker * toLocation;
[Export ("toLocation", ArgumentSemantic.Strong)]
TriceMarker ToLocation { get; set; }
// @property (getter = isAccessibleRoute, assign, nonatomic) BOOL accessibleRoute;
[Export ("accessibleRoute")]
bool AccessibleRoute { [Bind ("isAccessibleRoute")] get; set; }
// @property (assign, nonatomic) NSInteger currentStepIndex;
[Export ("currentStepIndex", ArgumentSemantic.Assign)]
nint CurrentStepIndex { get; set; }
// @interface TriceDirectionStep : MTLModel <MTLJSONSerializing>
[BaseType (typeof(MTLModel))]
interface TriceDirectionStep : MTLJSONSerializing
// @property (readonly, copy, nonatomic) NSString * uid;
[Export ("uid")]
string Uid { get; }
// @property (readonly, assign, nonatomic) CGPoint location;
[Export ("location", ArgumentSemantic.Assign)]
CGPoint Location { get; }
// @property (readonly, assign, nonatomic) CGFloat distanceToNextPoint;
[Export ("distanceToNextPoint", ArgumentSemantic.Assign)]
nfloat DistanceToNextPoint { get; }
// @property (readonly, assign, nonatomic) CLLocationDistance distanceToNextPointMetres;
[Export ("distanceToNextPointMetres")]
double DistanceToNextPointMetres { get; }
// @property (readonly, assign, nonatomic) CGFloat headingToNextPoint;
[Export ("headingToNextPoint", ArgumentSemantic.Assign)]
nfloat HeadingToNextPoint { get; }
// @property (readonly, assign, nonatomic) NSInteger durationToNextPointSeconds;
[Export ("durationToNextPointSeconds", ArgumentSemantic.Assign)]
nint DurationToNextPointSeconds { get; }
// @property (readonly, copy, nonatomic) NSString * directionsToNextPoint;
[Export ("directionsToNextPoint")]
string DirectionsToNextPoint { get; }
// @property (readonly, copy, nonatomic) NSString * durationToNextPoint;
[Export ("durationToNextPoint")]
string DurationToNextPoint { get; }
// @property (readonly, copy, nonatomic) NSString * iconUrl;
[Export ("iconUrl")]
string IconUrl { get; }
[Verify (ConstantsInterfaceAssociation)]
partial interface Constants
// extern NSString *const TriceMapViewFloorplanImageDidLoadNotification;
[Field ("TriceMapViewFloorplanImageDidLoadNotification")]
NSString TriceMapViewFloorplanImageDidLoadNotification { get; }
// @interface TriceMapView : GLKView
[BaseType (typeof(GLKView))]
interface TriceMapView
// @property (nonatomic, strong) TriceDirections * routeDirections;
[Export ("routeDirections", ArgumentSemantic.Strong)]
TriceDirections RouteDirections { get; set; }
// @property (nonatomic, strong) TriceBuilding * building;
[Export ("building", ArgumentSemantic.Strong)]
TriceBuilding Building { get; set; }
// @property (nonatomic, strong) TriceFloor * currentFloor;
[Export ("currentFloor", ArgumentSemantic.Strong)]
TriceFloor CurrentFloor { get; set; }
// @property (assign, nonatomic) NSInteger currentFloorIndex;
[Export ("currentFloorIndex", ArgumentSemantic.Assign)]
nint CurrentFloorIndex { get; set; }
[Wrap ("WeakMapDelegate")]
TriceMapViewDelegate MapDelegate { get; set; }
// @property (nonatomic, weak) id<TriceMapViewDelegate> mapDelegate;
[NullAllowed, Export ("mapDelegate", ArgumentSemantic.Weak)]
NSObject WeakMapDelegate { get; set; }
// @property (assign, nonatomic) CGRect cameraFrame;
[Export ("cameraFrame", ArgumentSemantic.Assign)]
CGRect CameraFrame { get; set; }
// @property (getter = isLockedOnUserLocation, assign, nonatomic) BOOL lockedOnUserLocation;
[Export ("lockedOnUserLocation")]
bool LockedOnUserLocation { [Bind ("isLockedOnUserLocation")] get; set; }
// -(void)setCameraFrameToRouteOverview;
[Export ("setCameraFrameToRouteOverview")]
void SetCameraFrameToRouteOverview ();
// -(void)setCameraFrameToRouteStepIndex:(NSInteger)index;
[Export ("setCameraFrameToRouteStepIndex:")]
void SetCameraFrameToRouteStepIndex (nint index);
// -(void)cancelAllMapRequests;
[Export ("cancelAllMapRequests")]
void CancelAllMapRequests ();
// @protocol TriceMapViewDelegate <NSObject>
[Protocol, Model]
[BaseType (typeof(NSObject))]
interface TriceMapViewDelegate
// @optional -(void)triceMapViewDidStartUpdatingUserLocation:(TriceMapView *)mapView;
[Export ("triceMapViewDidStartUpdatingUserLocation:")]
void TriceMapViewDidStartUpdatingUserLocation (TriceMapView mapView);
// @optional -(void)triceMapViewWasTapped:(TriceMapView *)mapView;
[Export ("triceMapViewWasTapped:")]
void TriceMapViewWasTapped (TriceMapView mapView);
// @optional -(void)triceMapView:(TriceMapView *)mapView didSelectMarker:(TriceMarker *)marker;
[Export ("triceMapView:didSelectMarker:")]
void DidSelectMarker (TriceMapView mapView, TriceMarker marker);
// @optional -(void)triceMapView:(TriceMapView *)mapView regionWillChangeAnimated:(BOOL)animated;
[Export ("triceMapView:regionWillChangeAnimated:")]
void WillChangeAnimated (TriceMapView mapView, bool animated);
// @optional -(void)triceMapView:(TriceMapView *)mapView regionDidChangeAnimated:(BOOL)animated;
[Export ("triceMapView:regionDidChangeAnimated:")]
void DidChangeAnimated (TriceMapView mapView, bool animated);
// @protocol TriceLoadingViewDelegate <NSObject>
[Protocol, Model]
[BaseType (typeof(NSObject))]
interface TriceLoadingViewDelegate
// @required @property (nonatomic, strong) UIView * targetView;
[Export ("targetView", ArgumentSemantic.Strong)]
UIView TargetView { get; set; }
// @required -(void)startLoadingAnimated:(BOOL)animated;
[Export ("startLoadingAnimated:")]
void StartLoadingAnimated (bool animated);
// @required -(void)stopLoadingAnimated:(BOOL)animated;
[Export ("stopLoadingAnimated:")]
void StopLoadingAnimated (bool animated);
// @interface TriceMapViewController : GLKViewController <TriceMapViewDelegate>
[BaseType (typeof(GLKViewController))]
interface TriceMapViewController : TriceMapViewDelegate
// @property (nonatomic, strong) UIView<TriceLoadingViewDelegate> * loadingView;
[Export ("loadingView", ArgumentSemantic.Strong)]
TriceLoadingViewDelegate LoadingView { get; set; }
// @property (readonly, nonatomic, strong) TriceMapView * mapView;
[Export ("mapView", ArgumentSemantic.Strong)]
TriceMapView MapView { get; }
// @property (copy, nonatomic) void (^markerSelectedAction)(TriceMarker *);
[Export ("markerSelectedAction", ArgumentSemantic.Copy)]
Action<TriceMarker> MarkerSelectedAction { get; set; }
// +(instancetype)mapViewControllerForBuilding:(BOOL (^)(TriceBuilding *))buildingSelectionBlock;
[Export ("mapViewControllerForBuilding:")]
TriceMapViewController MapViewControllerForBuilding (Func<TriceBuilding, bool> buildingSelectionBlock);
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