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Created January 7, 2018 04:57
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spork app
import Prelude hiding (div)
import Control.Monad.Eff (Eff)
import DOM (DOM)
import DOM.HTML (window) as DOM
import DOM.HTML.Window (localStorage) as DOM
import DOM.WebStorage.Storage (getItem, setItem) as DOM
import Data.Const (Const)
import Data.Either (hush)
import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..))
import Data.Monoid (mempty)
import Simple.JSON (readJSON, writeJSON)
import Spork.App (BasicApp)
import Spork.App as App
import Spork.Html (Html, button, div, onClick, text)
import Spork.Interpreter (liftNat, merge, never)
type Model = { count :: Int }
data Action = None | Increment | Decrement
data Effect a
= WriteStorage Model a
render :: Model -> Html Action
render mod =
div []
button [ onClick (const $ Just Decrement)] [ text "-"]
, div [] [text (show mod.count) ]
, button [onClick (const $ Just Increment)] [text "+" ]
toStorage ∷ Model → App.Transition Effect Model Action
toStorage model =
{ model
, effects: App.lift (WriteStorage model None)
update :: Model -> Action -> App.Transition Effect Model Action
update model msg =
case msg of
None -> App.purely model
Increment -> toStorage {count : (model.count + 1) }
Decrement -> toStorage {count : (model.count - 1) }
--app :: Maybe Model -> App.App Effect (Const Void) Model Action
app :: Maybe Model -> BasicApp Effect Model Action
app storedModel =
, update
, subs : const mempty
, init : App.purely model
model = case storedModel of
Nothing -> { count : 0 }
Just m -> m
runEffect :: ∀ eff. Effect ~> Eff(dom :: DOM | eff)
runEffect = case _ of
WriteStorage model next -> do
let storedModel = { count : model.count }
>>= DOM.localStorage
>>= DOM.setItem "storage-key" (writeJSON storedModel)
pure next
main :: Eff (App.AppEffects ()) Unit
main = do
storedModel <-
>>= DOM.localStorage
>>= DOM.getItem "buttons"
>>> map (_ >>= readJSON >>> hush)
inst <-
(liftNat runEffect `merge` never)
(app $ storedModel)
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