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Contact Maps (unmaintained: use
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Contact map analysis.
# Maintainer: David W.H. Swenson (
# Licensed under LGPL, version 2.1 or greater
import collections
import itertools
import scipy
import pandas as pd
import mdtraj as md
import pickle
# * switch to something where you can define the haystack -- the trick is to
# replace the current mdtraj._compute_neighbors with something that
# build a voxel list for the haystack, and then checks the voxel for each
# query atom. Doesn't look like anything is doing that now: neighbors
# doesn't use voxels, neighborlist doesn't limit the haystack
# * (dream) parallelization: map-reduce like himach should work great for
# this
def residue_neighborhood(residue, n=1):
"""Find n nearest neighbor residues
residue : mdtraj.Residue
this residue
n : positive int
number of neighbors to find
list of int
neighbor residue numbers
neighborhood = set([residue.index+i for i in range(-n, n+1)])
chain = set([res.index for res in residue.chain.residues])
# we could probably choose an faster approach here, but this is pretty
# good, and it only gets run once per residue
return [idx for idx in neighborhood if idx in chain]
class ContactCount(object):
def __init__(self, counter, object_f, n_x, n_y):
self._counter = counter
self._object_f = object_f
self.n_x = n_x
self.n_y = n_y
def counter(self):
return self._counter
def sparse_matrix(self):
mtx = scipy.sparse.dok_matrix((self.n_x, self.n_y))
for (k, v) in self._counter.items():
key = list(k)
mtx[key[0], key[1]] = v
mtx[key[1], key[0]] = v
return mtx
def df(self):
return pd.SparseDataFrame(self.sparse_matrix.todense())
def most_common(self, obj=None):
if obj is None:
result = [
([self._object_f(idx) for idx in common[0]], common[1])
for common in self.most_common_idx()
obj_idx = obj.index
result = [
([self._object_f(idx) for idx in common[0]], common[1])
for common in self.most_common_idx()
if obj_idx in common[0]
return result
def most_common_idx(self):
return self._counter.most_common()
class ContactObject(object):
Generic object for contact map related analysis. Effectively abstract.
Much of what we need to do the contact map analysis is the same for all
analyses. It's in here.
def __init__(self, topology, query, haystack, cutoff, n_neighbors_ignored):
# all inits required: no defaults for abstract class!
self._topology = topology
if query is None:
query ="not water and not symbol == 'H'")
if haystack is None:
haystack ="not water and not symbol == 'H'")
# make things private and accessible through read-only properties so
# they don't get accidentally changed after analysis
self._cutoff = cutoff
self._query = set(query)
self._haystack = set(haystack)
self._n_neighbors_ignored = n_neighbors_ignored
self._atom_idx_to_residue_idx = {atom.index: atom.residue.index
for atom in self.topology.atoms}
def save_to_file(self, filename, mode="w"):
"""Save this object to the given file.
filename : string
the file to write to
mode : 'w' or 'a'
file writing mode. Use 'w' to overwrite, 'a' to append.
f = open(filename, mode)
pickle.dump(self, f)
def from_file(cls, filename):
f = open(filename, "r")
return pickle.load(f)
def __sub__(self, other):
return ContactDifference(positive=self, negative=other)
def cutoff(self):
return self._cutoff
def n_neighbors_ignored(self):
return self._n_neighbors_ignored
def query(self):
return list(self._query)
def haystack(self):
return list(self._haystack)
def topology(self):
return self._topology
def residue_query_atom_idxs(self):
result = {}
for atom_idx in self._query:
residue_idx = self.topology.atom(atom_idx).residue.index
result[residue_idx] += [atom_idx]
except KeyError:
result[residue_idx] = [atom_idx]
return result
def residue_ignore_atom_idxs(self):
result = {}
for residue_idx in self.residue_query_atom_idxs.keys():
residue = self.topology.residue(residue_idx)
# Several steps to go residue indices -> atom indices
ignore_residue_idxs = residue_neighborhood(residue,
ignore_residues = [self.topology.residue(idx)
for idx in ignore_residue_idxs]
ignore_atoms = sum([list(res.atoms)
for res in ignore_residues], [])
ignore_atom_idxs = set([atom.index for atom in ignore_atoms])
result[residue_idx] = ignore_atom_idxs
return result
def most_common_atoms_for_residue(self, residue):
residue_idx = residue.index
except AttributeError:
residue_idx = residue
residue = self.topology.residue(residue_idx)
residue_atoms = set(atom.index for atom in residue.atoms)
results = []
for contact in self.atom_contacts.most_common_idx():
atoms = contact[0]
number = contact[1]
for atom in atoms:
if atom in residue_atoms:
results.append(([self.topology.atom(a) for a in atoms],
return results
def most_common_atoms_for_contact(self, contact_pair):
contact_pair = frozenset(contact_pair)
res_A = list(contact_pair)[0]
res_B = list(contact_pair)[1]
res_A_idx = res_A.index
except AttributeError:
res_A_idx = res_A
res_A = self.topology.residue(res_A_idx)
res_B_idx = res_B.index
except AttributeError:
resB_idx = res_B
res_B = self.topology.residue(res_B_idx)
atom_idxs_A = set(atom.index for atom in res_A.atoms)
atom_idxs_B = set(atom.index for atom in res_B.atoms)
all_atom_pairs = [
for pair in itertools.product(atom_idxs_A, atom_idxs_B)
result = [([self.topology.atom(idx) for idx in contact[0]], contact[1])
for contact in self.atom_contacts.most_common_idx()
if frozenset(contact[0]) in all_atom_pairs]
return result
def contact_map(self, trajectory, frame_number, residue_query_atom_idxs,
Returns atom and residue contact maps for the given frame.
frame : mdtraj.Trajectory
the desired frame (uses the first frame in this trajectory)
residue_query_atom_idxs : dict
residue_ignore_atom_idxs : dict
atom_contacts : collections.Counter
residue_contact : collections.Counter
neighborlist = md.compute_neighborlist(trajectory, self.cutoff,
contact_pairs = set([])
residue_pairs = set([])
for residue_idx in residue_query_atom_idxs:
ignore_atom_idxs = set(residue_ignore_atom_idxs[residue_idx])
query_idxs = residue_query_atom_idxs[residue_idx]
for atom_idx in query_idxs:
# sets should make this fast, esp since neighbor_idxs
# should be small and s-t is avg cost len(s)
neighbor_idxs = set(neighborlist[atom_idx])
contact_neighbors = neighbor_idxs - ignore_atom_idxs
contact_neighbors = contact_neighbors & self._haystack
# frozenset is unique key independent of order
# local_pairs = set(frozenset((atom_idx, neighb))
# for neighb in contact_neighbors)
local_pairs = set(map(
itertools.product([atom_idx], contact_neighbors)
contact_pairs |= local_pairs
# contact_pairs |= set(frozenset((atom_idx, neighb))
# for neighb in contact_neighbors)
local_residue_partners = set(self._atom_idx_to_residue_idx[a]
for a in contact_neighbors)
local_res_pairs = set(map(
itertools.product([residue_idx], local_residue_partners)
residue_pairs |= local_res_pairs
atom_contacts = collections.Counter(contact_pairs)
# residue_pairs = set(
# frozenset(self._atom_idx_to_residue_idx[aa] for aa in pair)
# for pair in contact_pairs
# )
residue_contacts = collections.Counter(residue_pairs)
return (atom_contacts, residue_contacts)
def atom_contacts(self):
n_atoms = self.topology.n_atoms
return ContactCount(self._atom_contacts, self.topology.atom,
n_atoms, n_atoms)
def residue_contacts(self):
n_res = self.topology.n_residues
return ContactCount(self._residue_contacts, self.topology.residue,
n_res, n_res)
class ContactMap(ContactObject):
Contact map (atomic and residue) for a single frame.
def __init__(self, frame, query=None, haystack=None, cutoff=0.45,
self._frame = frame
super(ContactMap, self).__init__(frame.topology, query, haystack,
cutoff, n_neighbors_ignored)
contact_maps = self.contact_map(frame, 0,
(self._atom_contacts, self._residue_contacts) = contact_maps
class ContactTrajectory(ContactObject):
Contact map (atomic and residue) for each individual trajectory frame.
NOT YET IMPLEMENTED. I'm not sure whether this gives appreciable speed
improvements over running contact map over and over.
class ContactFrequency(ContactObject):
Contact frequency (atomic and residue) for a trajectory.
The contact frequency is defined as fraction of the trajectory that a
certain contact is made. This object calculates this quantity for all
contacts with atoms in the `query` residue, with "contact" defined as
being within a certain cutoff distance.
trajectory : mdtraj.Trajectory
Trajectory (segment) to analyze
query_residues : list of int
Indices of the residues to be included as query. Default `None`
means all atoms.
cutoff : float
Cutoff distance for contacts, in nanometers. Default 0.45.
n_neighbors_ignored : int
Number of neighboring residues (in the same chain) to ignore.
Default 2.
def __init__(self, trajectory, query=None, haystack=None, cutoff=0.45,
self._trajectory = trajectory
self._n_frames = len(trajectory)
super(ContactFrequency, self).__init__(trajectory.topology,
query, haystack, cutoff,
def _build_contact_map(self):
# We actually build the contact map on a per-residue basis, although
# we save it on a per-atom basis. This allows us ignore
# n_nearest_neighbor residues.
# TODO: this whole thing should be cleaned up and should replace
# MDTraj's really slow old computer_contacts by using MDTraj's new
# neighborlists (unless the MDTraj people do that first).
topology = self.topology
trajectory = self.trajectory
cutoff = self.cutoff
self._atom_contacts_count = collections.Counter([])
self._residue_contacts_count = collections.Counter([])
# cache things that can be calculated once based on the topology
# (namely, which atom indices matter for each residue)
residue_ignore_atom_idxs = self.residue_ignore_atom_idxs
residue_query_atom_idxs = self.residue_query_atom_idxs
for frame_num in range(len(trajectory)):
frame_contacts = self.contact_map(trajectory, frame_num,
frame_atom_contacts = frame_contacts[0]
frame_residue_contacts = frame_contacts[1]
# self._atom_contacts_count += frame_atom_contacts
self._residue_contacts_count += frame_residue_contacts
def trajectory(self):
return self._trajectory
def n_frames(self):
return self._n_frames
def atom_contacts(self):
"""Atoms pairs mapped to fraction of trajectory with that contact"""
n_x = len(self.haystack)
n_y = len(self.query)
return ContactCount(collections.Counter({
item[0]: float(item[1])/self.n_frames
for item in self._atom_contacts_count.items()
}), self.topology.atom, n_x, n_y)
def residue_contacts(self):
"""Residue pairs mapped to fraction of trajectory with that contact"""
n_x = self.topology.n_residues
n_y = self.topology.n_residues
return ContactCount(collections.Counter({
item[0]: float(item[1])/self.n_frames
for item in self._residue_contacts_count.items()
}), self.topology.residue, n_x, n_y)
class ContactDifference(ContactObject):
Contact map comparison (atomic and residue).
This can compare single frames or entire trajectories (or even mix the
def __init__(self, positive, negative):
self.positive = positive
self.negative = negative
# TODO: verify that the combination is compatible: same topol, etc
super(ContactDifference, self).__init__(positive.topology,
def __sub__(self, other):
raise NotImplementedError
def contact_map(self, *args, **kwargs):
raise NotImplementedError
def atom_contacts(self):
n_x = self.topology.n_atoms
n_y = self.topology.n_atoms
diff = collections.Counter(self.positive.atom_contacts.counter)
return ContactCount(diff, self.topology.atom, n_x, n_y)
def residue_contacts(self):
n_x = self.topology.n_residues
n_y = self.topology.n_residues
diff = collections.Counter(self.positive.residue_contacts.counter)
return ContactCount(diff, self.topology.residue, n_x, n_y)
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