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Created January 23, 2023 21:02
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package skolems
import scala.language.implicitConversions
trait Exists[+F[_]] extends Serializable:
type A
val value: F[A]
trait Forall[+F[_]] extends Serializable:
def apply[A]: F[A]
object Exists extends IdentityPartials:
// A forgetful constructor which packs a concrete value into an existential.
// This is mostly useful for explicitly assisting the compiler in sorting all of this out.
def apply[F[_]]: PartiallyApplied[F] = new PartiallyApplied[F]
final class PartiallyApplied[F[_]]:
def apply[A0](fa: F[A0]): Exists[F] = new Exists[F]:
type A = A0
val value = fa
// Tricksy overload for when you want everything to "just work(tm)".
// The implicit modifiers are to allow the compiler to materialize things through implicit search when relevant;
// don't be afraid to call this function explicitly.
implicit def apply[F[_], A](implicit fa: F[A]): Exists[F] = apply[F](fa)
// non-implicit parameter version designed to provide nicer syntax
implicit def coerce[F[_], A](F: F[A]): Exists[F] = apply(F)
end Exists
abstract class Identities:
def raiseA[F[_], B](f: ∀[[a] =>> F[a] => B]) : ∃[[a] =>> F[a]] => B = ef => f[ef.A](ef.value)
def raiseE[F[_], B](f: ∃[[a] =>> F[a] => B]) : ∀[[a] =>> F[a]] => B = af => f.value(af[f.A])
// ---- raise --->
// ∀a =>> F a => b === (∃a =>> F a) => b
// ∃a =>> F a => b === (∀a =>> F a) => b
// <--- lower ----
def lowerA[F[_], B](f: ∃[[a] =>> F[a]] => B) = ∀[[a] =>> F[a] => B]((ft: F[τ]) => f(∃[[a] =>> F[a]](ft)))
def lowerE[F[_], B](f: ∀[[a] =>> F[a]] => B) = ∃[[a] =>> F[a] => B]((ft: F[τ]) => f(∀[[a] =>> F[a]](ft)))
abstract class IdentityPartials extends Identities:
def lowerAP[F[_], B] = new LowerAP[F, B]
def lowerEP[F[_], B] = new LowerEP[F, B]
final class LowerAP[F[_], B] { def apply[A](f: ∃[[a] =>> F[a]] => B) : F[A] => B = lowerA[F, B](f)[A] }
final class LowerEP[F[_], B] { def apply (f: ∀[[a] =>> F[a]] => B)/*: F[a] => B*/= lowerE[F, B](f).value }
object Forall extends IdentityPartials:
// This function is intended to be invoked explicitly,
// the implicit modifiers are simply because the compiler can infer this in many cases.
// For example, the below will work:
// implicit def eitherMonad[A]: Monad[Either[A, ?]] = ???
// implicitly[∀[α => Monad[Either[α, ?]]]]
def apply[F[_]](ft: F[τ]): Forall[F] = new Forall[F]:
def apply[A] = ft.asInstanceOf[F[A]]
end Forall
type ∀[+F[_]] = Forall[F]
val ∀ = Forall
type ∃[+F[_]] = Exists[F]
val ∃ = Exists
private[skolems] type τ
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