Documenting a tiny fraction of the Character Physics/Locomotion/Animation of Advent Shadow for PSP (2004).
The first thing I will say before I start this is; if you can get hold of a guy that can both code and animate stick them in the guts of the implementation and you'll get something that surpasses anything a paired programmer/animator can achieve. Have them responsible for implementing rough first-pass animations and writing the code that drives the animation engine. They might be responsible for final animations here and there, it really depends on your setup. However as far as the code goes, keep them purely on the gameplay side and away from the core technology - you don't want to over-burden them. If you have to use a separate programmer/animator, these guys have to be good. This is not easy stuff and both guys need to be artistic - if you have a programmer who looks at a bunch of moves to implement as a tasklist to be ticked off whenever something is in the game, that's not good enough. The sam