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Last active September 8, 2022 11:35
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.one_chrom_outline <- function(chrom_name, len, offset, width, centro_s, centro_e, notch_prop=0.6){
one_side <- c(0, centro_s-offset, (centro_s + centro_e)/2, centro_e+offset, len)
wd = width/2
chrom = chrom_name,
x = c(one_side, rev(one_side), 0),
y = c(wd, wd, notch_prop * wd, wd, wd, -wd, -wd, -notch_prop * wd, -wd, -wd, wd)
## Take data.frames from bed files (i.e. Chrom, Start, End) with sizes of
## chromosomes an locations of centromeres and produce a data.frame to used as
## input to geom_path() to draw an ideogram.
# sizes = genome 'sizes' data.frame with two columns:
# chrom = chromosome name
# len = length of chromosome
# centromeres = location of centromeres in BED format, first three columns:
# chrom = chromosome name
# start = start of interval including centro
# end = end of interval including centro
# offset = When should the notch begin before/after the start/end of the centro
# width = total width of the chromosome (will be centred on zero in the plot)
# notch prop = notch width as proportion of total width
chrom_outline_df <- function(sizes, centromeres, offset, width, notch_prop=0.6){
if(nrow(centro) != nrow(sizes)){
stop("number of centromeres and number of chroms is different?")
if( any(centro$chrom != sizes$chrom)){
stop("centros and choms in difference order?")
n = nrow(centro)
res <- data.frame()
#accumulating in a for loop! Can't see a prettier way...
for( chrom_i in 1:n ){
df <- .one_chrom_outline( sizes$chrom[chrom_i],
res <- rbind(res, df)
upper_triangles <- function(chrom_df){
per_chrom <- split(chrom_df, chrom_df$chrom), lapply(per_chrom, function(x) x[c(2:4,2),]))
lower_triangles <- function(chrom_df){
per_chrom <- split(chrom_df, chrom_df$chrom), lapply(per_chrom, function(x) x[c(7:9,7),]))
geom_bed <- function(data, bottom, top, ...){
data$interval <- 1:nrow(data)
data$top <- top
data$bottom <- bottom
geom_rect(data=data, aes(xmin=start, xmax=end, ymin=bottom, ymax=top, group=interval), ...)
geom_locus <- function(data, y, ...){
data$y <- y
geom_point(data=data, aes(x=(start+end)/2, y=y), ...)
# Make one
nice_blue <- "#0051d4"
ssp <- read_bed("ssp_data.tsv")
AT <- read_bed("AT_rich.bed")
sizes <- read.table("EfFl1_v0_1.sizes", comment = "m", col.names=c("chrom", "len"))
centro <- read_bed("centro.bed")
chrom_df <- chrom_outline_df(sizes, centro, 1e5, 0.4)
ggplot() + geom_bed(AT, -.2,.2, fill=nice_blue) +
geom_locus(ssp, y=0.3, alpha=0.8) +
scale_y_continuous(limits=c(-1,1)) +
scale_x_continuous("Positon (Mb)", labels = function(x) x/1e6) +
geom_label_repel(data=ssp, aes((start + end)/2,0.3, label=V6), nudge_y=0.5) +
geom_polygon(data=upper_triangles(chrom_df), aes(x,y), fill="white", colour=NA) +
geom_polygon(data=lower_triangles(chrom_df), aes(x,y), fill="white", colour=NA) +
geom_path(data=chrom_df, aes(x,y)) + facet_wrap(chrom ~ ., ncol=2) + theme_bw() +
theme(legend.position = "none",
panel.grid = element_blank(),
axis.title.y = element_blank(),
axis.text.y = element_blank(),
axis.ticks.y = element_blank()
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nice !!! where can I get the example data? Thanks.

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