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Created October 19, 2017 09:55
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pragma solidity ^0.4.13;
library SafeMath {
function mul(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal constant returns (uint256) {
uint256 c = a * b;
assert(a == 0 || c / a == b);
return c;
function div(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal constant returns (uint256) {
// assert(b > 0); // Solidity automatically throws when dividing by 0
uint256 c = a / b;
// assert(a == b * c + a % b); // There is no case in which this doesn't hold
return c;
function sub(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal constant returns (uint256) {
assert(b <= a);
return a - b;
function add(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal constant returns (uint256) {
uint256 c = a + b;
assert(c >= a);
return c;
contract Ownable {
address public owner;
event OwnershipTransferred(address indexed previousOwner, address indexed newOwner);
* @dev The Ownable constructor sets the original `owner` of the contract to the sender
* account.
function Ownable() {
owner = msg.sender;
* @dev Throws if called by any account other than the owner.
modifier onlyOwner() {
require(msg.sender == owner);
* @dev Allows the current owner to transfer control of the contract to a newOwner.
* @param newOwner The address to transfer ownership to.
function transferOwnership(address newOwner) onlyOwner public {
require(newOwner != address(0));
OwnershipTransferred(owner, newOwner);
owner = newOwner;
contract TokenDestructible is Ownable {
function TokenDestructible() payable { }
* @notice Terminate contract and refund to owner
* @param tokens List of addresses of ERC20 or ERC20Basic token contracts to
* @notice The called token contracts could try to re-enter this contract. Only
supply token contracts you trust.
function destroy(address[] tokens) onlyOwner public {
// Transfer tokens to owner
for(uint256 i = 0; i < tokens.length; i++) {
ERC20Basic token = ERC20Basic(tokens[i]);
uint256 balance = token.balanceOf(this);
token.transfer(owner, balance);
// Transfer Eth to owner and terminate contract
contract ERC20Basic {
uint256 public totalSupply;
function balanceOf(address who) public constant returns (uint256);
function transfer(address to, uint256 value) public returns (bool);
event Transfer(address indexed from, address indexed to, uint256 value);
contract VeExposure is TokenDestructible {
//--- Definitions
using SafeMath for uint256;
enum State { None, Open, Collected, Closing, Closed }
struct Exposure {
address account;
uint256 veriAmount;
uint256 initialValue;
uint256 finalValue;
uint64 creationTime;
uint64 closingTime;
State state;
//--- Storage
VeritaseumToken public veToken;
address public portfolio;
uint256 public ratio;
uint32 public minDuration;
uint32 public maxDuration;
uint256 public minVeriAmount;
uint256 public maxVeriAmount;
mapping (bytes32 => Exposure) exposures;
//--- Constructor
function VeExposure(
VeritaseumToken _veToken,
uint256 _ratio,
uint32 _minDuration,
uint32 _maxDuration,
uint256 _minVeriAmount,
uint256 _maxVeriAmount
) {
require(_veToken != address(0));
require(_minDuration > 0 && _minDuration <= _maxDuration);
require(_minVeriAmount > 0 && _minVeriAmount <= _maxVeriAmount);
veToken = _veToken;
ratio = _ratio;
minDuration = _minDuration;
maxDuration = _maxDuration;
minVeriAmount = _minVeriAmount;
maxVeriAmount = _maxVeriAmount;
//--- Modifiers
modifier onlyPortfolio {
require(msg.sender == portfolio);
//--- Accessors
function setPortfolio(address _portfolio) public onlyOwner {
require(_portfolio != address(0));
portfolio = _portfolio;
function setMinDuration(uint32 _minDuration) public onlyOwner {
require(_minDuration > 0 && _minDuration <= maxDuration);
minDuration = _minDuration;
function setMaxDuration(uint32 _maxDuration) public onlyOwner {
require(_maxDuration >= minDuration);
maxDuration = _maxDuration;
function setMinVeriAmount(uint32 _minVeriAmount) public onlyOwner {
require(_minVeriAmount > 0 && _minVeriAmount <= maxVeriAmount);
minVeriAmount = _minVeriAmount;
function setMaxVeriAmount(uint32 _maxVeriAmount) public onlyOwner {
require(_maxVeriAmount >= minVeriAmount);
maxVeriAmount = _maxVeriAmount;
//--- Events
event ExposureOpened(
bytes32 indexed id,
address indexed account,
uint256 veriAmount,
uint256 value,
uint64 creationTime,
uint64 closingTime
event ExposureCollected(
bytes32 indexed id,
address indexed account,
uint256 value
event ExposureClosed(
bytes32 indexed id,
address indexed account,
uint256 initialValue,
uint256 finalValue
event ExposureSettled(
bytes32 indexed id,
address indexed account,
uint256 value
//--- Public functions
function open(uint256 veriAmount, uint32 duration, uint256 nonce) public payable {
require(veriAmount >= minVeriAmount && veriAmount <= maxVeriAmount);
require(duration >= minDuration && duration <= maxDuration);
require(checkRatio(veriAmount, msg.value));
bytes32 id = calculateId({
veriAmount: veriAmount,
value: msg.value,
duration: duration,
nonce: nonce
openExposure(id, veriAmount, duration);
function collect(bytes32 id) public onlyPortfolio returns (uint256 value) {
Exposure storage exposure = exposures[id];
require(exposure.state == State.Open);
value = exposure.initialValue;
exposure.state = State.Collected;
id: id,
account: exposure.account,
value: value
function close(bytes32 id) public payable onlyPortfolio {
Exposure storage exposure = exposures[id];
require(exposure.state == State.Collected);
exposure.state = State.Closed;
exposure.finalValue = msg.value;
id: id,
account: exposure.account,
initialValue: exposure.initialValue,
finalValue: exposure.finalValue
function settle(bytes32 id) public returns (uint256 finalValue) {
Exposure storage exposure = exposures[id];
require(msg.sender == exposure.account);
require(exposure.state == State.Closed);
finalValue = exposure.finalValue;
delete exposures[id];
id: id,
account: msg.sender,
value: finalValue
//--- Public constant functions
function status(bytes32 id)
returns (uint8 state)
Exposure storage exposure = exposures[id];
state = uint8(exposure.state);
if (exposure.state == State.Collected && hasPassed(exposure.closingTime)) {
state = uint8(State.Closing);
function exists(bytes32 id) public constant returns (bool) {
return exposures[id].creationTime > 0;
function checkRatio(uint256 veriAmount, uint256 value)
returns (bool)
uint256 expectedValue = ratio.mul(veriAmount).div(1 ether);
return value == expectedValue;
function calculateId(
uint256 veriAmount,
uint256 value,
uint32 duration,
uint256 nonce
returns (bytes32)
return sha256(
//--- Fallback function
function() public payable {
// accept Ether deposits
//--- Private functions
function forwardTokens(uint256 veriAmount) private {
require(veToken.transferFrom(msg.sender, this, veriAmount));
require(veToken.approve(portfolio, veriAmount));
function openExposure(bytes32 id, uint256 veriAmount, uint32 duration) private constant {
uint64 creationTime = uint64(block.timestamp);
uint64 closingTime = uint64(block.timestamp.add(duration));
exposures[id] = Exposure({
account: msg.sender,
veriAmount: veriAmount,
initialValue: msg.value,
finalValue: 0,
creationTime: creationTime,
closingTime: closingTime,
state: State.Open
id: id,
account: msg.sender,
creationTime: creationTime,
closingTime: closingTime,
veriAmount: veriAmount,
value: msg.value
//--- Private constant functions
function hasPassed(uint64 time)
returns (bool)
return block.timestamp >= time;
contract VeRent is TokenDestructible {
//--- Definitions
using SafeMath for uint256;
struct VeriOffer {
address account;
uint256 veriAmount;
uint256 price;
uint32 duration;
uint64 expiration;
struct EtherOffer {
address account;
uint256 veriAmount;
uint256 value;
uint256 price;
uint32 duration;
uint64 expiration;
struct VeriIndex {
mapping (bytes32 => VeriBucket) buckets;
struct EtherIndex {
mapping (bytes32 => EtherBucket) buckets;
struct VeriBucket {
bytes32[] ids;
struct EtherBucket {
bytes32[] ids;
//--- Storage
VeritaseumToken public veToken;
VeRentExposure public veRentExposure;
mapping (bytes32 => VeriOffer) public veriOffers;
mapping (bytes32 => EtherOffer) public etherOffers;
EtherIndex private etherIndex;
VeriIndex private veriIndex;
//--- Constructor
function VeRent(VeritaseumToken _veToken, VeRentExposure _veRentExposure) {
require(_veToken != address(0));
require(_veRentExposure != address(0));
veToken = _veToken;
veRentExposure = _veRentExposure;
//--- Accessors
function ratio() public constant returns (uint256) {
return veRentExposure.ratio();
function minVeriAmount() public constant returns (uint256) {
return veRentExposure.minVeriAmount();
function maxVeriAmount() public constant returns (uint256) {
return veRentExposure.maxVeriAmount();
function minDuration() public constant returns (uint32) {
return veRentExposure.minDuration();
function maxDuration() public constant returns (uint32) {
return veRentExposure.maxDuration();
function minPrice() public constant returns (uint256) {
return veRentExposure.minPrice();
function maxPrice() public constant returns (uint256) {
return veRentExposure.maxPrice();
//--- Events
event VeriOfferAdded(
bytes32 indexed id,
address indexed account,
uint256 veriAmount,
uint256 price,
uint32 duration,
uint64 expiration
event EtherOfferAdded(
bytes32 indexed id,
address indexed account,
uint256 veriAmount,
uint256 value,
uint256 price,
uint32 duration,
uint64 expiration
event DealMade(
bytes32 id,
bytes32 veriId,
bytes32 etherId,
address indexed veriAccount,
address indexed etherAccount,
uint256 veriAmount,
uint256 value,
uint256 price,
uint32 duration
event VeriOfferCancelled(bytes32 indexed id);
event EtherOfferCancelled(bytes32 indexed id);
//--- Public functions
function addVeriOffer(
uint256 veriAmount,
uint256 price,
uint32 duration,
uint64 expiration,
uint256 nonce
require(veriAmount >= minVeriAmount() && veriAmount <= maxVeriAmount());
require(price >= minPrice() && price <= maxPrice());
require(duration >= minDuration() && duration <= maxDuration());
// remember to call approve(...) on Veritaseum Token before calling this function
require(veToken.transferFrom(msg.sender, this, veriAmount));
bytes32 veriId = calculateOfferId({
veriAmount: veriAmount,
value: 0,
price: price,
duration: duration,
expiration: expiration,
nonce: nonce
id: veriId,
account: msg.sender,
veriAmount: veriAmount,
price: price,
duration: duration,
expiration: expiration
bytes32 bucketKey = calculateBucketKey({
veriAmount: veriAmount,
price: price,
duration: duration
if (!matchEtherOffer(bucketKey, veriId, nonce)) {
bucketKey: bucketKey,
veriId: veriId,
veriAmount: veriAmount,
price: price,
duration: duration,
expiration: expiration
function addEtherOffer(
uint256 veriAmount,
uint256 price,
uint32 duration,
uint64 expiration,
uint256 nonce
require(price >= minPrice() && price <= maxPrice());
require(duration >= minDuration() && duration <= maxDuration());
require(checkRatio(veriAmount, msg.value));
bytes32 etherId = calculateOfferId({
veriAmount: veriAmount,
value: msg.value,
price: price,
duration: duration,
expiration: expiration,
nonce: nonce
id: etherId,
account: msg.sender,
veriAmount: veriAmount,
value: msg.value,
price: price,
duration: duration,
expiration: expiration
bytes32 bucketKey = calculateBucketKey({
veriAmount: veriAmount,
price: price,
duration: duration
if (!matchVeriOffer(bucketKey, etherId, nonce)) {
bucketKey: bucketKey,
etherId: etherId,
veriAmount: veriAmount,
price: price,
duration: duration,
expiration: expiration
function cancelVeriOffer(bytes32 veriId) public {
VeriOffer storage offer = veriOffers[veriId];
require(msg.sender == offer.account || msg.sender == owner);
bytes32 bucketKey = calculateBucketKey({
veriAmount: offer.veriAmount,
price: offer.price,
duration: offer.duration
VeriBucket storage veriBucket = veriIndex.buckets[bucketKey];
// copy before deletion
uint256 veriAmount = offer.veriAmount;
address veriAccount = offer.account;
removeVeriOffer(veriBucket, veriId);
paybackTokens(veriAccount, veriAmount);
function cancelEtherOffer(bytes32 etherId) public {
EtherOffer storage offer = etherOffers[etherId];
require(msg.sender == offer.account || msg.sender == owner);
bytes32 bucketKey = calculateBucketKey({
veriAmount: offer.veriAmount,
price: offer.price,
duration: offer.duration
EtherBucket storage etherBucket = etherIndex.buckets[bucketKey];
// copy before deletion
uint256 value = offer.value;
address etherAccount = offer.account;
removeEtherOffer(etherBucket, etherId);
paybackEther(etherAccount, value);
//--- Public constant functions
function checkRatio(uint256 veriAmount, uint256 value)
returns (bool)
return veRentExposure.checkRatio(veriAmount, value);
function veriOfferExists(bytes32 veriId)
returns (bool)
return veriOffers[veriId].account != address(0);
function etherOfferExists(bytes32 etherId)
returns (bool)
return etherOffers[etherId].account != address(0);
//--- Fallback function
function() {
// prevent accidental sending Ether
//--- Private functions
function matchVeriOffer(bytes32 bucketKey, bytes32 etherId, uint256 nonce)
returns (bool)
VeriBucket storage veriBucket = veriIndex.buckets[bucketKey];
for (uint256 i = 0; i < veriBucket.ids.length; i++) {
bytes32 matchingVeriId = veriBucket.ids[i];
VeriOffer storage matchingOffer = veriOffers[matchingVeriId];
if (isDefaultOrFuture(matchingOffer.expiration)) {
veriId: matchingVeriId,
etherId: etherId,
veriAccount: matchingOffer.account,
etherAccount: msg.sender,
veriAmount: matchingOffer.veriAmount,
value: msg.value,
price: matchingOffer.price,
duration: matchingOffer.duration,
nonce: nonce
removeVeriOffer(veriBucket, matchingVeriId);
return true;
return false;
function matchEtherOffer(bytes32 bucketKey, bytes32 veriId, uint256 nonce)
returns (bool)
EtherBucket storage etherBucket = etherIndex.buckets[bucketKey];
for (uint256 i = 0; i < etherBucket.ids.length; i++) {
bytes32 matchingEtherId = etherBucket.ids[i];
EtherOffer storage matchingOffer = etherOffers[matchingEtherId];
if (isDefaultOrFuture(matchingOffer.expiration)) {
veriId: veriId,
etherId: matchingEtherId,
veriAccount: msg.sender,
etherAccount: matchingOffer.account,
veriAmount: matchingOffer.veriAmount,
value: matchingOffer.value,
price: matchingOffer.price,
duration: matchingOffer.duration,
nonce: nonce
removeEtherOffer(etherBucket, matchingEtherId);
return true;
return false;
function saveVeriOffer(
bytes32 bucketKey,
bytes32 veriId,
uint256 veriAmount,
uint256 price,
uint32 duration,
uint64 expiration
VeriBucket storage veriBucket = veriIndex.buckets[bucketKey];
veriOffers[veriId] = VeriOffer({
account: msg.sender,
veriAmount: veriAmount,
price: price,
duration: duration,
expiration: expiration
function saveEtherOffer(
bytes32 bucketKey,
bytes32 etherId,
uint256 veriAmount,
uint256 price,
uint32 duration,
uint64 expiration
EtherBucket storage etherBucket = etherIndex.buckets[bucketKey];
etherOffers[etherId] = EtherOffer({
account: msg.sender,
veriAmount: veriAmount,
value: msg.value,
price: price,
duration: duration,
expiration: expiration
function openRentExposure(
bytes32 veriId,
bytes32 etherId,
address veriAccount,
address etherAccount,
uint256 veriAmount,
uint256 value,
uint256 price,
uint32 duration,
uint256 nonce
require(veToken.approve(veRentExposure, veriAmount));
bytes32 id = veRentExposure.calculateId({
veriAmount: veriAmount,
value: value,
duration: duration,
nonce: nonce
id: id,
veriId: veriId,
etherId: etherId,
veriAccount: veriAccount,
etherAccount: etherAccount,
veriAmount: veriAmount,
value: value,
price: price,
duration: duration
veriAccount: veriAccount,
etherAccount: etherAccount,
veriAmount: veriAmount,
price: price,
duration: duration,
nonce: nonce
function removeVeriOffer(VeriBucket storage veriBucket, bytes32 veriId) private {
uint256 index = getIndex(veriBucket.ids, veriId);
removeByIndex(veriBucket.ids, index);
delete veriOffers[veriId];
function removeEtherOffer(EtherBucket storage etherBucket, bytes32 etherId) private {
uint256 index = getIndex(etherBucket.ids, etherId);
removeByIndex(etherBucket.ids, index);
delete etherOffers[etherId];
function paybackTokens(address account, uint256 veriAmount) private {
require(veToken.transfer(account, veriAmount));
function paybackEther(address account, uint256 value) private {
function removeByIndex(bytes32[] storage array, uint256 i) private {
array[i] = array[array.length - 1];
//--- Private constant functions
function calculateOfferId(
uint256 veriAmount,
uint256 value,
uint256 price,
uint32 duration,
uint64 expiration,
uint256 nonce
returns (bytes32)
return sha256(
function calculateBucketKey(
uint256 veriAmount,
uint256 price,
uint32 duration
returns (bytes32)
return sha256(veriAmount, price, duration);
function getIndex(bytes32[] storage ids, bytes32 id)
returns (uint256)
for (uint256 i = 0; i < ids.length; i++) {
if (ids[i] == id) {
return i;
function isDefaultOrFuture(uint64 time) private constant returns (bool) {
return time == 0 || time > block.timestamp;
contract VeRentExposure is TokenDestructible {
//--- Definitions
using SafeMath for uint;
struct RentExposure {
bytes32 id;
address veriAccount;
address etherAccount;
uint256 veriAmount;
uint256 price;
uint256 initialValue;
uint256 finalValue;
bool veriSettled;
bool etherSettled;
uint256 constant public PRICE_100_PERCENT = 1 ether;
//--- Storage
VeritaseumToken public veToken;
VeExposure public veExposure;
uint256 public minPrice;
uint256 public maxPrice;
mapping (bytes32 => RentExposure) exposures;
//--- Constructor
function VeRentExposure(
VeritaseumToken _veToken,
VeExposure _veExposure,
uint256 _minPrice,
uint256 _maxPrice
) {
require(_veToken != address(0));
require(_veExposure != address(0));
require(_minPrice <= _maxPrice && _maxPrice <= PRICE_100_PERCENT);
veToken = _veToken;
veExposure = _veExposure;
minPrice = _minPrice;
maxPrice = _maxPrice;
//--- Accessors
function ratio() public constant returns (uint256) {
return veExposure.ratio();
function minVeriAmount() public constant returns (uint256) {
return veExposure.minVeriAmount();
function maxVeriAmount() public constant returns (uint256) {
return veExposure.maxVeriAmount();
function minDuration() constant public returns (uint32) {
return veExposure.minDuration();
function maxDuration() constant public returns (uint32) {
return veExposure.maxDuration();
function setMinPrice(uint256 _minPrice) public onlyOwner {
require(_minPrice <= maxPrice);
minPrice = _minPrice;
function setMaxPrice(uint256 _maxPrice) public onlyOwner {
require(_maxPrice >= minPrice && _maxPrice <= PRICE_100_PERCENT);
maxPrice = _maxPrice;
//--- Events
event RentExposureOpened(
bytes32 indexed id,
address indexed veriAccount,
address indexed etherAccount,
uint256 veriAmount,
uint256 value,
uint256 price,
uint32 duration
event VeriExposureSettled(
bytes32 indexed id,
address indexed account,
uint256 value
event EtherExposureSettled(
bytes32 indexed id,
address indexed account,
uint256 value
//--- Public functions
function open(
address veriAccount,
address etherAccount,
uint256 veriAmount,
uint256 price,
uint32 duration,
uint256 nonce
returns (bytes32)
require(veriAccount != address(0));
require(etherAccount != address(0));
require(price >= minPrice && minPrice <= maxPrice);
bytes32 id = calculateId({
veriAmount: veriAmount,
value: msg.value,
duration: duration,
nonce: nonce
exposures[id] = RentExposure({
id: id,
veriAccount: veriAccount,
etherAccount: etherAccount,
veriAmount: veriAmount,
initialValue: msg.value,
finalValue: 0,
price: price,
veriSettled: false,
etherSettled: false
id: id,
veriAccount: veriAccount,
etherAccount: etherAccount,
veriAmount: veriAmount,
value: msg.value,
price: price,
duration: duration
veriAmount: veriAmount,
duration: duration,
nonce: nonce
function settle(bytes32 id) public {
RentExposure storage exposure = exposures[id];
bool shouldSettleVeri = (msg.sender == exposure.veriAccount && !exposure.veriSettled);
bool shouldSettleEther = (msg.sender == exposure.etherAccount && !exposure.etherSettled);
require(shouldSettleVeri || shouldSettleEther);
if (!exposure.veriSettled && !exposure.etherSettled) {
exposure.finalValue = veExposure.settle(id);
if (shouldSettleVeri) {
if (shouldSettleEther) {
if (exposure.veriSettled && exposure.etherSettled) {
delete exposures[id];
//--- Public constant functions
function exists(bytes32 id) public constant returns (bool) {
return exposures[id].veriAccount != address(0);
function calculateId(
uint256 veriAmount,
uint256 value,
uint32 duration,
uint256 nonce
returns (bytes32)
return veExposure.calculateId({
veriAmount: veriAmount,
value: value,
duration: duration,
nonce: nonce
function checkRatio(uint256 veriAmount, uint256 value)
returns (bool)
return veExposure.checkRatio(veriAmount, value);
//--- Fallback function
function() public payable {
// accept Ether deposits
//--- Private functions
function settleVeri(RentExposure storage exposure) private {
assert(msg.sender == exposure.veriAccount && !exposure.veriSettled);
uint256 transferValue = 0;
if (exposure.finalValue > exposure.initialValue) {
// transfer part of profits (price)
uint256 totalProfit = exposure.finalValue - exposure.initialValue;
uint256 veriPrice = exposure.price;
uint256 veriProfit = totalProfit.mul(veriPrice).div(1 ether);
transferValue = veriProfit;
exposure.veriSettled = true;
if (transferValue > 0) {
account: msg.sender,
value: transferValue
function settleEther(RentExposure storage exposure) private {
assert(msg.sender == exposure.etherAccount && !exposure.etherSettled);
uint256 transferValue = 0;
if (exposure.finalValue > exposure.initialValue) {
// transfer part of profits (100% - price)
uint256 totalProfit = exposure.finalValue - exposure.initialValue;
uint256 etherPrice = PRICE_100_PERCENT.sub(exposure.price);
uint256 etherProfit = totalProfit.mul(etherPrice).div(1 ether);
transferValue = exposure.initialValue.add(etherProfit);
} else {
// transfer remains
transferValue = exposure.finalValue;
exposure.etherSettled = true;
if (transferValue > 0) {
account: msg.sender,
value: transferValue
function forwardTokens(uint256 veriAmount) private {
require(veToken.transferFrom(msg.sender, this, veriAmount));
require(veToken.approve(veExposure, veriAmount));
contract ERC20 {
uint public totalSupply;
function balanceOf(address who) constant returns (uint);
function allowance(address owner, address spender) constant returns (uint);
function transfer(address to, uint value) returns (bool ok);
function transferFrom(address from, address to, uint value) returns (bool ok);
function approve(address spender, uint value) returns (bool ok);
event Transfer(address indexed from, address indexed to, uint value);
event Approval(address indexed owner, address indexed spender, uint value);
contract StandardToken is ERC20, SafeMath {
mapping(address => uint) balances;
mapping (address => mapping (address => uint)) allowed;
function transfer(address _to, uint _value) returns (bool success) {
balances[msg.sender] = safeSub(balances[msg.sender], _value);
balances[_to] = safeAdd(balances[_to], _value);
Transfer(msg.sender, _to, _value);
return true;
function transferFrom(address _from, address _to, uint _value) returns (bool success) {
var _allowance = allowed[_from][msg.sender];
// Check is not needed because safeSub(_allowance, _value) will already throw if this condition is not met
// if (_value > _allowance) throw;
balances[_to] = safeAdd(balances[_to], _value);
balances[_from] = safeSub(balances[_from], _value);
allowed[_from][msg.sender] = safeSub(_allowance, _value);
Transfer(_from, _to, _value);
return true;
function balanceOf(address _owner) constant returns (uint balance) {
return balances[_owner];
function approve(address _spender, uint _value) returns (bool success) {
allowed[msg.sender][_spender] = _value;
Approval(msg.sender, _spender, _value);
return true;
function allowance(address _owner, address _spender) constant returns (uint remaining) {
return allowed[_owner][_spender];
contract VeritaseumToken is Ownable, StandardToken {
string public name = "Veritaseum"; // name of the token
string public symbol = "VERI"; // ERC20 compliant 4 digit token code
uint public decimals = 18; // token has 18 digit precision
uint public totalSupply = 100000000 ether; // total supply of 100 Million Tokens
/// @notice Initializes the contract and allocates all initial tokens to the owner
function VeritaseumToken() {
balances[msg.sender] = totalSupply;
//////////////// owner only functions below
/// @notice To transfer token contract ownership
/// @param _newOwner The address of the new owner of this contract
function transferOwnership(address _newOwner) onlyOwner {
balances[_newOwner] = balances[owner];
balances[owner] = 0;
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