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Last active August 29, 2015 14:07
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Tinyproxy: Formula to install from HEAD
require 'formula'
class Tinyproxy < Formula
homepage ""
url ""
sha1 "2538fbd190d3dc357a2e7c2a07ea0fbefb768a13"
head do
url "", :branch => "1.8"
depends_on "autoconf" => :build
depends_on "automake" => :build
bottle do
sha1 "edf8eed5ce1ae02bdd09cefba5d3700b6d34c9c9" => :mavericks
sha1 "17996d138ad31ef834ad23e556afba83ed45c3ef" => :mountain_lion
sha1 "566f27174a811803b447822407dc33f26d306219" => :lion
option "reverse", "Enable reverse proxying"
option "with-debug", "If you would like to turn on full debugging support"
option "with-xtinyproxy", "Compile in support for the XTinyproxy header, which is sent to any web server in your domain"
option "with-filter", "Allows Tinyproxy to filter out certain domains and URLs"
option "with-upstream", "Enable support for proxying connections through another proxy server"
option "with-transparent", "Enable transparent proxying"
option "with-static", "Compile a static version of Tinyproxy"
depends_on "asciidoc" => :build
# Fix linking error, via MacPorts:
patch :p0 do
url ""
sha1 "e946269b681f3ffaa1acd120c93050cb63bfe743"
end unless build.head?
def install
if build.head?
system "aclocal"
system "autoconf"
system "autoheader"
system "automake --add-missing"
args = %W[
args << "--enable-reverse" if build.include? "reverse"
args << "--enable-debug" if build.with? "debug"
args << "--enable-xtinyproxy" if build.with? "xtinyproxy"
args << "--enable-filter" if build.with? "filter"
args << "--enable-upstream" if build.with? "upstream"
args << "--enable-transparent" if build.with? "transparent"
args << "--enable-static" if build.with? "static"
system "./configure", *args
# Fix broken XML lint
# See:
inreplace ["docs/man5/Makefile", "docs/man8/Makefile"] do |s|
s.gsub! "-f manpage", "-f manpage \\\n -L"
system "make install"
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