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Last active June 1, 2018 14:57
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Save dxlbnl/11663fa1c827f67341f6e6e03fb531d2 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Svelte clock
/* App.html generated by Svelte v2.7.0 */
function hours({ time }) {
return time.getHours();
function minutes({ time }) {
return time.getMinutes();
function seconds({ time }) {
return time.getSeconds();
function data() {
return {
time: new Date()
function oncreate() {
this.interval = setInterval(() => {
this.set({ time: new Date() });
}, 1000);
function ondestroy() {
const file = "App.html";
function add_css() {
var style = createElement("style"); = 'svelte-tbg81i-style';
style.textContent = "svg.svelte-tbg81i{width:100%;height:100%}.clock-face.svelte-tbg81i{stroke:#333;fill:white}.minor.svelte-tbg81i{stroke:#999;stroke-width:0.5}.major.svelte-tbg81i{stroke:#333;stroke-width:1}.hour.svelte-tbg81i{stroke:#333}.minute.svelte-tbg81i{stroke:#666}.second.svelte-tbg81i,.second-counterweight.svelte-tbg81i{stroke:rgb(180,0,0)}.second-counterweight.svelte-tbg81i{stroke-width:3}\n/*# sourceMappingURL=data:application/json;charset=utf-8;base64,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 */";
appendNode(style, document.head);
function create_main_fragment(component, ctx) {
var svg, circle, line, line_transform_value, line_1, line_1_transform_value, g, line_2, line_3, g_transform_value;
var each_value = [ 0, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 55 ];
var each_blocks = [];
for (var i = 0; i < each_value.length; i += 1) {
each_blocks[i] = create_each_block(component, get_each_context(ctx, each_value, i));
return {
c: function create() {
svg = createSvgElement("svg");
circle = createSvgElement("circle");
for (var i = 0; i < each_blocks.length; i += 1) {
line = createSvgElement("line");
line_1 = createSvgElement("line");
g = createSvgElement("g");
line_2 = createSvgElement("line");
line_3 = createSvgElement("line");
setAttribute(circle, "class", "clock-face svelte-tbg81i");
setAttribute(circle, "r", "48");
addLoc(circle, file, 1, 1, 33);
setAttribute(line, "class", "hour svelte-tbg81i");
setAttribute(line, "y1", "2");
setAttribute(line, "y2", "-20");
setAttribute(line, "transform", line_transform_value = "rotate( " + (30 * ctx.hours + ctx.minutes / 2) + " )");
addLoc(line, file, 13, 1, 402);
setAttribute(line_1, "class", "minute svelte-tbg81i");
setAttribute(line_1, "y1", "4");
setAttribute(line_1, "y2", "-30");
setAttribute(line_1, "transform", line_1_transform_value = "rotate( " + (6 * ctx.minutes + ctx.seconds / 10) + " )");
addLoc(line_1, file, 16, 1, 514);
setAttribute(line_2, "class", "second svelte-tbg81i");
setAttribute(line_2, "y1", "10");
setAttribute(line_2, "y2", "-38");
addLoc(line_2, file, 20, 2, 674);
setAttribute(line_3, "class", "second-counterweight svelte-tbg81i");
setAttribute(line_3, "y1", "10");
setAttribute(line_3, "y2", "2");
addLoc(line_3, file, 21, 2, 716);
setAttribute(g, "transform", g_transform_value = "rotate( " + 6 * ctx.seconds + " )");
addLoc(g, file, 19, 1, 630);
setAttribute(svg, "viewBox", "-50 -50 100 100");
setAttribute(svg, "class", "svelte-tbg81i");
addLoc(svg, file, 0, 0, 0);
m: function mount(target, anchor) {
insertNode(svg, target, anchor);
appendNode(circle, svg);
for (var i = 0; i < each_blocks.length; i += 1) {
each_blocks[i].m(svg, null);
appendNode(line, svg);
appendNode(line_1, svg);
appendNode(g, svg);
appendNode(line_2, g);
appendNode(line_3, g);
p: function update(changed, ctx) {
if ((changed.hours || changed.minutes) && line_transform_value !== (line_transform_value = "rotate( " + (30 * ctx.hours + ctx.minutes / 2) + " )")) {
setAttribute(line, "transform", line_transform_value);
if ((changed.minutes || changed.seconds) && line_1_transform_value !== (line_1_transform_value = "rotate( " + (6 * ctx.minutes + ctx.seconds / 10) + " )")) {
setAttribute(line_1, "transform", line_1_transform_value);
if ((changed.seconds) && g_transform_value !== (g_transform_value = "rotate( " + 6 * ctx.seconds + " )")) {
setAttribute(g, "transform", g_transform_value);
d: function destroy(detach) {
if (detach) {
destroyEach(each_blocks, detach);
// (5:1) {#each [ 0, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 55 ] as minute}
function create_each_block(component, ctx) {
var line, each_anchor;
var each_value_1 = [ 1, 2, 3, 4 ];
var each_blocks = [];
for (var i = 0; i < each_value_1.length; i += 1) {
each_blocks[i] = create_each_block_1(component, get_each_context_1(ctx, each_value_1, i));
return {
c: function create() {
line = createSvgElement("line");
for (var i = 0; i < each_blocks.length; i += 1) {
each_anchor = createComment();
setAttribute(line, "class", "major svelte-tbg81i");
setAttribute(line, "y1", "35");
setAttribute(line, "y2", "45");
setAttribute(line, "transform", "rotate( " + 30 * ctx.minute + " )");
addLoc(line, file, 5, 2, 158);
m: function mount(target, anchor) {
insertNode(line, target, anchor);
for (var i = 0; i < each_blocks.length; i += 1) {
each_blocks[i].m(target, anchor);
insertNode(each_anchor, target, anchor);
d: function destroy(detach) {
if (detach) {
destroyEach(each_blocks, detach);
if (detach) {
// (8:2) {#each [ 1, 2, 3, 4 ] as offset}
function create_each_block_1(component, ctx) {
var line;
return {
c: function create() {
line = createSvgElement("line");
setAttribute(line, "class", "minor svelte-tbg81i");
setAttribute(line, "y1", "42");
setAttribute(line, "y2", "45");
setAttribute(line, "transform", "rotate( " + 6 * ( ctx.minute + ctx.offset ) + " )");
addLoc(line, file, 8, 3, 273);
m: function mount(target, anchor) {
insertNode(line, target, anchor);
d: function destroy(detach) {
if (detach) {
function get_each_context(ctx, list, i) {
const child_ctx = Object.create(ctx);
child_ctx.minute = list[i];
child_ctx.each_value = list;
child_ctx.minute_index = i;
return child_ctx;
function get_each_context_1(ctx, list, i) {
const child_ctx = Object.create(ctx);
child_ctx.offset = list[i];
child_ctx.each_value_1 = list;
child_ctx.offset_index = i;
return child_ctx;
function App(options) {
this._debugName = '<App>';
if (!options || (! && !options.root)) throw new Error("'target' is a required option");
init(this, options);
this._state = assign(data(),;
this._recompute({ time: 1 }, this._state);
if (!('time' in this._state)) console.warn("<App> was created without expected data property 'time'");
this._intro = true;
this._handlers.destroy = [ondestroy];
if (!document.getElementById("svelte-tbg81i-style")) add_css();
if (!options.root) {
this._oncreate = [];
this._fragment = create_main_fragment(this, this._state);
this.root._oncreate.push(() => {;"update", { changed: assignTrue({}, this._state), current: this._state });
if ( {
if (options.hydrate) throw new Error("options.hydrate only works if the component was compiled with the `hydratable: true` option");
this._mount(, options.anchor);
assign(App.prototype, {
destroy: destroyDev,
get: get,
fire: fire,
on: on,
set: setDev,
_set: _set,
_mount: _mount,
_differs: _differs
App.prototype._checkReadOnly = function _checkReadOnly(newState) {
if ('hours' in newState && !this._updatingReadonlyProperty) throw new Error("<App>: Cannot set read-only property 'hours'");
if ('minutes' in newState && !this._updatingReadonlyProperty) throw new Error("<App>: Cannot set read-only property 'minutes'");
if ('seconds' in newState && !this._updatingReadonlyProperty) throw new Error("<App>: Cannot set read-only property 'seconds'");
App.prototype._recompute = function _recompute(changed, state) {
if (changed.time) {
if (this._differs(state.hours, (state.hours = hours(state)))) changed.hours = true;
if (this._differs(state.minutes, (state.minutes = minutes(state)))) changed.minutes = true;
if (this._differs(state.seconds, (state.seconds = seconds(state)))) changed.seconds = true;
function createElement(name) {
return document.createElement(name);
function appendNode(node, target) {
function createSvgElement(name) {
return document.createElementNS('', name);
function setAttribute(node, attribute, value) {
node.setAttribute(attribute, value);
function addLoc(element, file, line, column, char) {
element.__svelte_meta = {
loc: { file, line, column, char }
function insertNode(node, target, anchor) {
target.insertBefore(node, anchor);
function detachNode(node) {
function destroyEach(iterations, detach) {
for (var i = 0; i < iterations.length; i += 1) {
if (iterations[i]) iterations[i].d(detach);
function createComment() {
return document.createComment('');
function init(component, options) {
component._handlers = blankObject();
component._bind = options._bind;
component.options = options;
component.root = options.root || component; = ||;
function assign(tar, src) {
for (var k in src) tar[k] = src[k];
return tar;
function assignTrue(tar, src) {
for (var k in src) tar[k] = 1;
return tar;
function callAll(fns) {
while (fns && fns.length) fns.shift()();
function destroyDev(detach) {, detach);
this.destroy = function() {
console.warn('Component was already destroyed');
function get() {
return this._state;
function fire(eventName, data) {
var handlers =
eventName in this._handlers && this._handlers[eventName].slice();
if (!handlers) return;
for (var i = 0; i < handlers.length; i += 1) {
var handler = handlers[i];
if (!handler.__calling) {
handler.__calling = true;, data);
handler.__calling = false;
function on(eventName, handler) {
var handlers = this._handlers[eventName] || (this._handlers[eventName] = []);
return {
cancel: function() {
var index = handlers.indexOf(handler);
if (~index) handlers.splice(index, 1);
function setDev(newState) {
if (typeof newState !== 'object') {
throw new Error(
this._debugName + '.set was called without an object of data key-values to update.'
this._checkReadOnly(newState);, newState);
function _set(newState) {
var oldState = this._state,
changed = {},
dirty = false;
for (var key in newState) {
if (this._differs(newState[key], oldState[key])) changed[key] = dirty = true;
if (!dirty) return;
this._state = assign(assign({}, oldState), newState);
this._recompute(changed, this._state);
if (this._bind) this._bind(changed, this._state);
if (this._fragment) {"state", { changed: changed, current: this._state, previous: oldState });
this._fragment.p(changed, this._state);"update", { changed: changed, current: this._state, previous: oldState });
function _mount(target, anchor) {
this._fragment[this._fragment.i ? 'i' : 'm'](target, anchor || null);
function _differs(a, b) {
return a != a ? b == b : a !== b || ((a && typeof a === 'object') || typeof a === 'function');
function blankObject() {
return Object.create(null);
function destroy(detach) {
this.destroy = noop;'destroy');
this.set = noop;
this._fragment.d(detach !== false);
this._fragment = null;
this._state = {};
function set(newState) {
this._set(assign({}, newState));
if (this.root._lock) return;
this.root._lock = true;
this.root._lock = false;
function noop() {}
console.log("Fetched js")
window.onload = function () {
console.log("Creating app")
const app = new App({
target: document.querySelector('main')
console.log("Created app:", app)
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