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Created October 1, 2014 20:44
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Save dy-dx/d0909a17d3be71980d53 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
lodash = _ = require('lodash')
request = require('request')
teamListUrl = () -> ''
# teamKey == 'bills' for example
templateDataUrl = (teamKey) -> "{teamKey}"
gifDataUrl = (templateKey) ->
gifUrl = (gifKey, templateKey) ->
teamList = [ 'cardinals', 'falcons', 'ravens', 'bills', 'panthers', 'bears', 'bengals', 'browns', 'cowboys', 'broncos', 'lions', 'packers', 'texans', 'colts', 'jaguars', 'chiefs', 'dolphins', 'vikings', 'patriots', 'saints', 'jets', 'giants', 'raiders', 'eagles', 'steelers', 'chargers', '49ers', 'seahawks', 'rams', 'buccaneers', 'titans', 'redskins' ]
giferate = (copy, callback) ->
teamKey = _.sample(teamList)
request.get templateDataUrl(teamKey), {json: true}, (err, res, body) ->
if err
return callback('error')
templates = (template for template in
template = _.sample(templates)
templateKey = template.key
backgroundKey = _.sample(template.backgrounds).key # when background.generic only?
# console.log templateKey
# console.log backgroundKey gifDataUrl(templateKey), {json: background_key: backgroundKey, font_size: 1, copy: copy, size: 'desktop'}, (err, res, body) ->
if err
gifKey = body?.data?.key
# console.log(
return callback('error') unless gifKey
callback(null, gifUrl(gifKey, templateKey))
module.exports = giferate
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